Jam, you are soooo correct!!!
JoinedPosts by cultBgone
JW's just called at my door, simply handed me the JW.ORG tract and left! JW's now mere leaflet distributors.
by yadda yadda 2 ini'm off work today and its a monday morning.
a male and female jw just knocked on my door, i opened it, the guy just handed me their latest website promoting tract saying "hi, were just leaving these with people today", and then he made to leave.
i looked at the tract and then looked at him as he was turning to walk away and said to him "ok, thanks, but ummm you could've just left it in my letterbox.".
Wife and Kids at Meeting
by lambsbottom inso wife and kids went to meeting while i stayed home because i am on a religious cleanse.
i feel really sad and lonely but i know that it is for the best.. on a side note, doe anyone here still agree with jw doctrines?
trinity being false?
Lambsbottom -- Just because the wt prints something and calls it doctrine doesn't mean they invented it!
I have never, in my entire life, ever believed in hellfire. I still believe there is no physical "hell" with satan and demons and all that, but then I never did! So believing something that is a wt doctrine is surely no reason to stick close to the cult. I never understood the trinity concept either, so ditto on that.
And "jehovah" truly was never used in the NT, so the wt is falsifying the bible by claiming that it was.
Hang in there! You are indeed on the right path and IT WILL GET EASIER!! The longer you are away from mind control, the more readily you will see the real truth about "The Truth".
Not on JW.org: Jehovah's Witness Elder arrested for raping FOUR children. Local Elders and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society under investigation for cover-up.
by Balaamsass2 injehovah's witness church elder ronald lawrence arrested over sex abuse claims dating back to 1980styler dunn 5:43 pm, nov 26, 2013 4:19 pm, nov 27, 2013 previous next .
10pm church arrest.
kjrh autoplay:.
Every single member of that congregation should be horrified, as once it was broadcast locally, they all know this took place.
Are the rank and file jws just pretending everything is okay and this was an "isolated" incident by a random "bad" person?
Those elders who never reported these events to the police should be horse-whipped and tossed out in the street. Where is cowboy justice these days?
World Events bring about A Renewed Zeal!!!
by jk-ton inhi guys!
is anyone sensing an increasingly sanctimonious arrogance in j-dubs recently?
im asking this as i am finding that with the two major news stories in the last few weeks (ie.
Dear jk-ton, theirs is a false confidence and is not one iota different than the many other times they have cried "armageddon....sooooon". Every time their has been conflict their confidence has risen, only to vanish once nothing changes. The twin towers was HUGE until it wasn't. And the jws were SURE that was the beginning of the end...at the time. As other posters have said, the world wars, more recently the Six Day War, the Gulf War, the turmoil in Egypt and Syria and everywhere in the middle east...name a time when you couldn't point to the middle east conflicts and say "oh, armageddon is coming!".
Remember the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf? The jw leaders are that boy. They repeatedly trick people into believing the same story over and over and over...the only difference being that in the story there eventually was a real wolf. But there will be no armageddon as the jws preach it.
Please don't let their hand-clapping/jw.org/somethingbigiscoming craziness overreach your solid logic. Remember that the gb and their hired consultants are masters of manipulation and have to keep things stirred up or else everyone would eventually leave. The excitement (oh, 100 years of failed prophecies, yay!!!) is manufactured to keep the worker ants busy.
You have done well to get on the road to Freedom...please stay on it!
by Jeannette insince i left the watchtower a couple of years ago, i started volunteering 3 hours a week at a wecare center.
it's like goodwill.
well, i've been there approximately 9 months, and yesterday i received a lovely thank you card from them.
Jeannette, that was lovely! I hate how the gb paints all non-jws as terrible people. They are nothing but liars!
Just curious...how did you find Jehovah's Witness Net?
by cultBgone inthe influx of new posters made me wonder if the push to view jw.org is helping curious ones find this support site?.
please post whether you found jwn during an internet search or if someone told you about it.. i myself was directed here by a df'd family member once i shared my doubts with that person..
The influx of new posters made me wonder if the push to view JW.ORG is helping curious ones find this support site?
Please post whether you found JWN during an internet search or if someone told you about it.
I myself was directed here by a df'd family member once I shared my doubts with that person.
hello everyone
by purrpurr ini've been browsing the site for some time as things that the society teach just are not adding up much these days.
by exploring some of the threads on here i'm starting to see why.
a brief bio.
Welcome, Purr! So happy to have your company here and you know from lurking that you'll find lots of fellow-feeling and support.
Been gone a while, but feel the need for support again
by megsmomma inmy jw daughter is getting close to being 18, and she was baptized at the ripe old age of 11.... so i feel like the shunning is coming.
my sister is also on the verge of getting baptized, even though i have been able to show her many things about the watchtower proving it is full of lies, she is still falling for it.
she spoke to an elder about the shunning policy, saying she wouldn't join if she would have to stop speaking to me....and they said they couldn't make her do anything...so she took it as them not caring if she speaks to me.
They are baptized in the Kool Aid. What do you think your sister will do once they pull her in the back room and "suggest" that she no longer associate with you?
"You are good people"
by ateograciasadios inthis story goes back 2 years, when my girlfriend and i traveled to my homecountry in south america to spend the summer visiting my family and friends.
although i was still attending the meetings back then, i had already been inactive for a while.
the developments since that visit have been slow but dramatic, and my perception of the people inside the organization has changed greatly.
Your post surely reinforces the saying Actions Speak Louder Than Words. The jws preach/show kindness and love only share directions to a website.
How happy that your girlfriend's family is so kind and loving and obviously raised a wonderful daughter. The poor jws are stuck on auto-pilot and don't even know how to respond in a Human and Loving manner to people, unless perhaps it's someone in their own "service" group. Glad you woke up to TTATT and thank you for sharing your well-written post, I look forward to seeing many more! Be sure to relate your visit to the elderly hispanic couple (who's own fellow believers couldn't be bothered to help them out).
Perfect Relationship, He Still Broke Up With Me
by tiff21390 inlast month, my best friend of four years and boyfriend of six months came home from a jehovah's witness convention.
he'd been acting strangely the entire weekend and i knew something was wrong.
i initiated a discussion and he said, "essentially our relationship is wrong and i'm not supposed to be with you.
Dear Tiff --
Truly sorry you have experienced such heart- and gut-wrenching emotional issues with this person. This may sound cruel, but be thankful you did NOT marry and have children in this environment. I made the mistake of marrying a jw who didn't allow all the rules control him until something didn't go the way he wanted, and BAM he turned full-cult-personality on me. I was stuck. My kids were stuck. We were all emotionally traumatized by having him control our world. It was awful and we are scarred, but better, and have moved on. But that pain will never be forgotten and my kids were changed forever.
I've read many posts here about men who have been inactive jws for years, even decades, who come to some crisis point in their lives and decide, Hey I'm Going To The Convention! And the cult persona comes back 110% and their families are fractured. All the promises and plans made with their spouses turn to dust and seem to mean nothing to them. That's the danger of ever, ever dating or marrying even an ex-cult member...if they have not 100% embraced TTATT, they are in danger of returning at any time in the future and the relationship is always at risk.
You sound like a thoughtful, kind and generous spirit. You deserve the same and sorry to say, it won't be with him unless he walks away from his family and religion. It doesn't sound like that's in the cards, though, and I wouldn't wait for it to happen. At this point, if he left them, it would always be YOUR fault and your marriage would always be under a dark grey cloud.
Please take time to heal your wounds and move on to the future you deserve. Please continue to visit us here as you will get nothing but honest support and friendship and love.