I always wondered about this even when I was "in". Not only do they (obviously) not verify the numbers submitted each month, but they can publish whatever numbers they feel will do them the most good. Because even when numbers go down in a certain area, that was used as a call to go "serve" in that area.
Remember when they used to claim that they only counted "active" dubs in their reports? When you think of the THOUSANDS of faders and inactive ones who never report time, yet are still counted as "members", you must wonder if they jack up the literature placement and bibble study numbers in an attempt to make themselves look good. And when is the last time they reported how many were disfellowshipped last year? They've tossed around the *40,000* figure for decades but I'm not sure they even allude to it anymore.
Not much different from the worldwide media today. They can "report" anything they want and sheeple will believe every single detail, because they have given them authority over their thinking ability.