Three cheers!!!!
Take a deep breath, and know that the pain and hurt that you are going through is helping your sister in the long run!!!!
well, get ready to be shocked at the audacity!.
we have family who came in from costa rica today.
a cousin and his girlfriend.
Three cheers!!!!
Take a deep breath, and know that the pain and hurt that you are going through is helping your sister in the long run!!!!
a jw couple stopped by my house today.
i was typing away on my computer when there was a knock at my door.
i turned around and could see a guy in a suit and knew who it was!
How can the "truth seekers' be afraid of a few words :-)
The next time shout out at them as they are running away, Hey, what's the problem.. You have the truth.. What are you afraid of?
If you are an apostate, you should have told them that you were gonna send a letter to the elders saying they greeted you :-)
hi all,.
i don't know about the rest of you, but there's something that grates on me like new chalk on a blackboard.. i refer to that expression jws use to describe that threadbare tapestry of conjecture, fill-in-the-blanks theological approach to doctrines the bible leaves hazy and judgmental moralism that comprises the wt belief system-- you know, ``the truth," as in ``he/she left the truth,'' or ``how long have you been in the truth?''.
may i suggest that it be amended to ``the opinion?
How about
The collective or the borg?
I think it fits better!!!!!
a reply i made on another thread prompted me to post this.
i was going to do so on the other thread but that was really not the topic and i didn't want to corrupt it by flying off on another tangent.. i have no problems with disfellowshipping from an organization such as jehovah's witnesses.
i don't think a person should be allowed to remain within an organization while practicing things that are condemned by that org., things which they, themselves profess not to believe in.. my objection is to the shunning.
Hi Frenchy,
You said:
"My objection is to the shunning. If a person wants to live an immoral life, let them"
Why do you think that a person not being a part of the organization equates to leading an immoral life?
Many Many people that I know lead very moral lives, and are not, nor ever were part of that organization..
And, as we know from this board itself, there are MANY MANY people here that were at one time part of that organization and for one reason or another left, and are leading moral lives...
The organization does NOT equate to morality..
The only think the organization has going for it is making up the minds of about 6 million people, so they don't have to think for themselves!!!
Oh, and I strongly disagree with shunning.. I don't believe it is either moral or scriptural...
i dont hate the governing body, nor the president.. not even rutherford.. after reading all that old dub material i came to believe all those old croakers running the org are just pathetic, brainwashed old men, trapped in their 60 years of organizational experience.. i feel sorry for the old fossils.. imagine all the life experience theyve missed out on.. imagine the disaapointment when they finally go up the tunnel of light into death and find out theyve been slaves to an entity that eats souls.. they just dont know any better.. i pity them.
not hate them.. compassionate and forgiving aint i?.
I just feel pity for ALL JW's, no matter what their "position"..
Ooops, I forgot, there are no titles, everyone is equal to everyone else in the JW organization...
So, I have pity for the GB just like I do for any R&F JW... (They are equal, right?)
It is very sad and it truly breaks my heart to think my friend, his fiancee, etc.. believe that they are serving God 100% correctly, and don't even see the judgements they pass out on a daily basis.. (Just 1 example of the hypocrisy they practice without even being aware of it, let alone the unscriptural and unchristian behaviour they display)..
I don't believe God will truly punish the people that are just being led, because they really have no idea they are being led.. They will feel bad enough when their Judgement comes, and they realize what they believed was a lie... I think that will be their punishment for not truly 'looking' as I'm sure every JW at some point or another hears something that doesn't quite sit well with them (a bit of the truth must peek through once in a while)
However, if there are any JW's (and we know there are) that realize that this is not the truth, but are staying in it anyway, then they will IMHO be judged harshly!!! And if there are any GB members that don't believe in their hearts that this is the 'true' religion, I really pity them, for these people truly have no conscience, and will be judged very harshly!!!!!!!!!!!
No matter how you cut it, the JW religion is a mess, and it not only ruins the lives of it's followers, but effects all their loved ones as well..
under the heading "babylonia".
at first nabuchodonosor ii began a small guerilla warfare against jerusalem; then, in 607 b.c., he dispatched a considerable army, and after a while began the siege in person.. can any apostate tell me what's wrong with this quote?
Here is what the Catholic Encyclopedia says about babylon..
would any former elders like to share their experiences serving on judicial committees?
were your decisions subjective?
do you feel that the "system" works?
Hi Pureheart,
You said:
"Hey yall,
*** w81 9/15 31 If a Relative Is Disfellowshiped . . . ***
Should he die while disfellowshiped, arrangements for his funeral may be a problem. His Christian relatives may like to have had a talk at the Kingdom Hall, if that is the local custom. But that would not be fitting for a person expelled from the congregation. If he had been giving evidence of repentance and wanting God’s forgiveness, such as by ceasing to practice sin and by attending Christian meetings, some brother’s conscience might allow him to give a Bible talk at the funeral home or grave site. Such Biblical comments about the condition of the dead provide a witness to unbelievers or comfort to the relatives. However, if the disfellowshiped person had still been advocating false teachings or ungodly conduct, even such a talk would not be appropriate.—2 John 9-11."
Maybe Fred or NYtelecom can comment, but I was under the impression that if one dies while being DF'd they have no hope what-so-ever of being ressurected..
Oh, and BTW pure.. I agree that the above statements do not contrast well with "(Romans 6:7) For he who has died has been acquitted from [his] sin." But, then again, when has scripture ever stopped the WT from doing what they want? <sigh>
it occured to me that the wt are always saying the importance of telling the truth in all matters, yet their un membership of the dpi constituted a blatant lie to the same body as well as to their members.. for an organisation that prides itself on telling the truth, and how it really is, recently, that is, one could say that they have not exactly a very clean, perfect slate.
how are they / can they live with this, as this action on their behalf violates their very own pillars of structure?
remember samson?.
Can you say Hypocrite?
That about sums up the WT...
BTW: They aren't actually lying, they are using "Theocratic Warfare".. The only caviat is that they are using it on their own "flock"..
Either that, or the F&DS decided to 'play' with the scarlet beast, but they haven't yet determined that this information is "food at the proper time" for the R&F
No matter how you cut it, it is 100% revolting that an organization that basically runs the lives of it's members can be so deceptive..
a response to an inquiry about gaining access to u.n. libraries:.
dear mr. brewer,.
in answer to your questions:.
"So the WT did not need to sign on as an NGO to gain access? They could have simply requested a pass? So they are either really dumb or lying? Astonishing!"
I'll give you just one guess as to which, Lie or Dumb..
One Clue: They claim in their "official branch letter" that they had access to the library even before 1991 when they "applied".. So, they obviously had to go through the "procedure" to get access to the library WITHOUT being an NGO!!! THey knew what it was, and they obviously met the requirements, or else they wouldn't have had access to the library.. !!!!
They LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ohhh, it's soooo shocking <NOT>)
how about we get together and play some on-line games?.
yahoo has great card games.. or how about some chess.. .
Hey ISP,
I played Mech Warrior on Line too (all the mechs actually)..
Anyone here play Combat Flight Simulator or Nascar 4?