JoinedTopics Started by Warren
Pedophilia Summary
by LennyinBluemont inive read barbaras intro to the pedophile records and thought it might be useful to have a record here on the forum of the most damning and verifiable facts regarding the pedophilia situation.
sort of a summary.
that way we can all have a source to go to and be able to quickly summarize whats criminal about the way the society has used its authority in this matter.
GB vote on the blood ban.....when? Where was it reported?
by Gill incould someone please help me with a little information please.. who was it who revealled that the governing body had voted on removing the blood transfusion ban but had not received a two thirds majority?.
i know franz talks about them needing the two thirds maj. to make doctrine but when did they vote on blood ban?.
ADVANCE MEDICAL DIRECTIVE sheet on Blood----Check it Out
by Mary ini'm not sure if this has been posted before, but i acquired this 'points to consider' about what a dub is willing to accept or not accept when it comes to blood.
as per usual, it appears that they've purposely made this very confusing and they're speaking out both sides of their mouth.
on page 1, it seems one of the options is using your own blood: "...during the course of a surgical operation, i accept all medical procedures involving the use of my own blood except...".
Got my copies of August and September Awakes today! Funny and sad story.
by hubert ini was in my truck in town and talking with my sis-in-law whom i met on a side street, and while we were discussing something, she noticed a group of 4 people, 2 women, and two girls, walking up and down the other side of the street, then they got in their car, and stayed there.
so, when she left, i pulled right up next to them, and asked them if they happened to be j.w.'s?
the driver gave me a huge smile, and said, "yes, we are!
BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS Twisting a life-affirming law into death
by Terry inturning a life affirming rule into a death-dealing policy is an amazing accomplishment.
we can thank the watchtower society for a mindset which makes this possible.. i've gone into great detail before about the watchtower blood policy itself.
it is a blatant and deliberate publicity stunt which takes the rather simple prohibitions of the laws of noah for gentiles on murder .
My (censured) open letter to the Governing Body
by Khufu inhi everyone, below is a copy of my letter to the governing body that i had published on the internet in october 2004. i was threatened with disfellowshipping for that publication.
you may read the full story on my previous thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/115231/1.ashx
philip (khufu)
Evolution on PBS
by patio34 inthere is a great series airing on pbs re: evolution.
it's informative, up-to-date, and entertaining.
it's on in my area all sunday afternoon (it's 8 hours altogether).
Peace and Security
by Warren inhow do we know that the proclamation of peace and security comes before the destruction of false religion and not after?
Is evolution a fact or theory?
by sleepy inis evolution a fact or a theory?.
i suppose it depends on what you mean.. evolution in the sense of change from one generation to the next seams to be fact.. is well observed that offspring from a given creature will differ from the parent in different ways and thus after many generation can come to be quite different.. also that the genes of a creature can be affected by radiation from the sun and be alter in a novel way producing new and unique features in its offspring ( as long as the mutation is in the sperm or the egg).. that we came about via changes in the genes that eventually created a very different creature than that existed many generations ago , is that a fact?.
this requires that not only that there are changes between generation but also that these changes could be directed by different environments to such a degree that only certain specialised features could survive and reproduce offspring whilst other creatures have died out and only remain in fossilised form.. what evidence is there that such environments can and have existed?