I'm sorry for your loss Farkel. thank you for leting us know your dad, even this little bit.
JoinedPosts by willy_think
Eulogy for My Father
by Farkel inon tuesday, august 4, 2001 at 3:42.a.m.
mst, duane floyd checketts, 77 died in his sleep due to complications from pneumonia.
he is survived by his wife bette and two children, douglas checketts, patty smith, and 8 grandchildren.. duane, who was fondly called duke by everyone who knew him was born in farmington, utah on march 8, 1924. his father floyd, was one of 10 children raised in a tiny house built by his own mormon father who immigrated in the early 1860's from birmingham, england.
by exodus ina side of relief for me but angry for what happened after the announcement of my disfellowship from the wts.
i urged my mother not to attend because of the emotional trauma and agony you experience.
she's diabetics and any emotional let down can cause her serious problems.
i'm sorry for the pain the WT is inflicting on your family. it is not something i would wish on anyone but like others have said when thay have done there worse. what more can thay do to you? nothing you are your own man now, free of WT oppresion. good luck with your new found freedom.nytelecom1
the WT lacks love because thay feel controlling there membership is more important then "charity" (the love of giving). the WT, being unable to support there policies or there theology, is neccessarily forced to advoid the questions that will expose them buy shunning the people who question. the reason the WT lack the love of the christ is because thay are not of, by or for the christ. the R&F are living under the god of the oldtestament were the covenant is in written stone and not written on the heart of the christ. the hart of the ghrist is charity. may the christ hold you in love and judge us all with the charity and forgivness of the new covenant. john 15.12 john 7.26the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
Did They Go Too Far?
by DCs Ghost inread the following when you get a chance .
i am curious to your reaction.
.. http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0135/koerner.php.
i'm happy you got to the point at last.
he was prosecuted for possession of child pornography
based on his private personal journal,
yes!!his thoughts were considered to be child pornography,
no!!the moment that he wrote them down he broke the law,
that is why he was prosecuted
yes!!that is what is being said in the article and that is what this debate is about
the issue is not so much the subject but rather,
if l writing down your personal thoughts could convict you of a crime
no writing down your personal thoughts can not convict you of a crime. unless it constitutes a confession.writing or possesing graphic fictional STORYS of child rape IS a crime and has been for a long time.
there is no debate. unless we excuse the crime on the ground of him being the author or that the crimnial possession of child porn was for his sole use.
my point is that "i made it myself" or "i alone am viewing the material" does not excuse the possesion of the porn.
the examples you gave are of people who did not commit a crime but only wrote about a crime.
here is an example of a written crime:
dear Mr. hit man,
could you plese come over my house and kill my wife tonight as i will be playing cards at a neighbors house and will have a good aliby. i will leave 30,000 in cash under my mattress, that is your usual fee i believe. 9 to 10 pm. would be the best time. thanks for all your help.
your's truely
wannabe widowerthis is a crime in it self and can be used to get a conviction.
my point is the site is intionally obscuring the crime. when the crime like the law is very clear.
the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
Did They Go Too Far?
by DCs Ghost inread the following when you get a chance .
i am curious to your reaction.
.. http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0135/koerner.php.
you stated that it is the story or the pictures themselves that are the crime.
if indeed that is the case, wouldn't the news be breaking the law every night?YES if the news put child porn pics. on the show thay would be breaking the law. or if thay read child porn storys on the show thay would be breaking the law. even if thay didn't put the child porn on the show but keep them in the news room thay would be braking the law.
what i find scary is not so much the fact of what Dalton wrote but more the fact that he was prosecuted for writing it without having acted on it,
he was NOT prosecuted for child rape. the site is not telling you or me what he WAS prosecuted for. what were the charges he was convicted on? why are thay missing from the site?
in hopes that their son would be forced into sex-offender treatment
why if he didn't "offend" would thay hope for "sex-offender treatment"?
if his own people see the storys as a sex-offense in and of themselfs maby thay are.willy, my questions to you. . .
granting you that he created it,
if i write about adultery, does that make me a cheater?
if i write about torture, does it make me a sadist?
if i write about murder, does it make me a killer?
no agan he was not a chiled rapest he is not guilty of inciting chiled rape he was guilty of making and possesing chiled porn.if i write about making chiled porn i am not a pornographer.
if i make chiled porn i am a pornographeri gess i can't make my thoughts understood, i'm sorry for that.
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Catholics, the trinity and JWs
by willy_think inwhile i was looking for info on the catholic trinity i found this .
i thought it might be of intterest because it mentions jws buy name.
CPiolo, hi
that is it for my mom too "an armchair Catholic" i like the way you put it. i think that being an armchair JW is enough to get my dad DF isn't it? maby not but i've never heard of one.hey bluesapphire,
i've never read "A Heavenly Journey" but i did put it on my library list. thanks for the reccomandation.i did read Pope Clement's letters and his Recognitions books on the website, http://www.cpats.org/ and i have a requested his works from the library so i can spend some more time to go over them. i find it funny how we ask the same questions of ourselves to this very day. here is a quote from book one:
"I Clement, who was born in the city of Rome, was from my earliest age a lover of chastity; while the bent of my mind held me bound as with chains of anxiety and sorrow. For a thought that was in me--whence originating, I cannot tell--constantly led me to think of my condition of mortality, and to discuss such questions as these: Whether there be for me any life after death, or whether I am to be wholly annihilated: whether I did not exist before I was born, and whether there shall be no remembrance of this life after death, and so the boundlessness of time shall consign all things to oblivion and silence; so that not only we shall cease to be, but there shall be no remembrance that we have ever been. This also I revolved in my mind: when the world was made, or what was before it was made, or whether it has existed from eternity. For it seemed certain, that if it had been made, it must be doomed to dissolution; and if it be dissolved, what is to be afterwards?--unless, perhaps, all things shall be buried in oblivion and silence, or something shall be, which the mind of man cannot now conceive."
Didache yes yes yes :) i have a translation in print and one is available at the http://www.cpats.org/ site or directly at: gopher: //ccat.sas.upenn.edu:3333/00/Religious/ChurchWriters/ApostolicFathers/Didache
i hope you are happy with your become Catholic again. but as for me it's a long shot. i'll tell you what, if i should ever become Catholic i'll write an essay titled " How the WT comverted me to catholism" lol
my grandfarther reccomanded a book called "Comming home to Rome"
i can't remember the author. have you read it?the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
Did They Go Too Far?
by DCs Ghost inread the following when you get a chance .
i am curious to your reaction.
.. http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0135/koerner.php.
If a man can be sent to prison for writing a pedopheliac story, a man can be sent to prison for writing a story involving ANY other crime as well
if a man can be sent to prison for taking pedopheliac pictures, a man can be sent to prison for taking pictures of any crime?
you see it is the story or the pictures themselves that are the crime.
How many movies or television have you seen where a murder is commited
how many snuff films have you seen. none (maybe) thay are illegal
how many beastality films? none (maybe) thay are illegal
how many chiled porn? none (maybe) thay are illeagal
but some how "murder she wrote" is still on the airHis hit television show 'Dark Angel' portrays the main character causing the death of innocent people, therfore Mr. Cameron is guilty of inciting murder. And according to State vs. Dalton the written word is equal to the crime itself. Cameron will be eligible for parol in 2010.
buy that thinking the WT could call all JWs to kill ex-JWs and be innocent of any crime.
the written word CAN be worse then the crime. if it is found that the writing constites "consperacy"
EX. two boys steal an apple-mismeaner
two boys plan stealing an apple (consperacy to commit a theft)- felony
the thing you are missing is that the crime is NOT "inciting" a crime
the the crime is posssesion of child porn.the law as stated in the site
"any obscene material that has a minor as one of its participants or portrayed observers."
he is a pornographer
Did They Go Too Far?
by DCs Ghost inread the following when you get a chance .
i am curious to your reaction.
.. http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0135/koerner.php.
i gess to me there are 5 questions
pics. of kids being raped. is it chiled porn?
audio of kids being raped. is it chiled porn?
cartoons of kids being raped. is it chiled porn?
written storys of kids being raped. is it chiled porn?
should the photographer, the recorder, the cartoonist, or the writer in possesion of the material be exempted from the possesion laws simply because he/she is the creator of the material?
i gess my perspective is this he didn't think about chiled porn he created it. making and possesing chiled porn is illegal and the law should be enforced.
the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
Catholics, the trinity and JWs
by willy_think inwhile i was looking for info on the catholic trinity i found this .
i thought it might be of intterest because it mentions jws buy name.
hi Amazing,
although my mom is catholic (buy name if not deed) I wasn't raised Roman Catholic that is why i am reading about them.
one thing i found is thay don't view JWs as just another small Protestant fringe group. thay don't view JWs as christians at all. now that blew my mind! i had no idea.i can not believe how much info there is on every question i could think of. i'm going to wear out my library card! lol. thousands of years worth of debates and essays to go through.
my grand farther is happy i am reading the early church fathers and the counsels. i am also reading works buy Martin Luther as well as writings buy non-christian historians like Suetonis, Tacitus and Pliny. he toled me "all the others who call themselves christian clame to be geting back to the early church. but thay never ever read any of the early christian writers. and the ones that do come home." i think that is close to what he said. any way, he was telling me look out you'll be a catholic soon. lol. doubtful, but it makes him happy to think so. i did find the JW arguements weak in comparison. it is like comparing the reasoning of a child to that of adult.
well i just thought the sites might be of interest. in the Q/A site i asked a few questions i would call challanging. thay were answered in full with rferences and suggested readings.(which i asked for) i feel like i'm back in school. well it gives me somthing to do while i'm laid off. -
Catholics, the trinity and JWs
by willy_think inwhile i was looking for info on the catholic trinity i found this .
i thought it might be of intterest because it mentions jws buy name.
while i was looking for info on the catholic trinity i found this
site. i thought it might be of intterest because it mentions JWs buy name. there are other references to JWs. what do the catholics say about JWs?
click- answers
on the next page click God
Radio Programs (RealAudio)
One God--Three Divine Persons (guest: Tim Staples)i also found this Q/A site on the catholics. thay talk about the JWs too. i found it interesting.
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how do i shut a j.w up?
by h2o ini know many j.w's and they are allways hassling me with there beliefs and making me feel pretty hacked off at times,is there anything i could say to shut them up or any good questions that they don't like being asked,i assume there are a few ex j.w's on this forum so you must have come across some tricky questions before,hope someone can give some advice?thanks
say "hi nice people i'm DF would you like to come in and see a book caled C.C.?"
the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.