hay Jez,
film makeing
If thay say nothing, they get caught in no lies.
does the governing body have any love for thier followers?
looking at the latest wt study articles the message loud and clear: .
"get to work you good for nothing slaves,, and sell our books".
hay Jez,
film makeing
If thay say nothing, they get caught in no lies.
as a kind of follow up to disciples post.
god cocked up, didn't deal with the sitch at the time.
now we have this mess...so how does he fix it given the current state of things?.
I think it is important to remember that; this system of things, Armageddon, Jesus Christ, the glorious ideal future and heaven... all exist in the imagination. It is critical to be able to differentiate what is real from what is a dream.
i've recently shown my wife this forum (she's a df'd jw who does still hold fast to jw views).
she's been really depressed and feels down on herself constantly because she wasn't a better witness and seems to feel she has no hope of a personal relationship with god now that she's df'd.
i was a little upset a moment ago trying to get her out of her depression by pushing my point of view that the wt is full of $hit regarding a great many number of things, the least of which that only 144,000 people are going to heaven/effectively can be saved.
I did a quick search and found this:
If Revelation 7 is to be taken literally, there would only be 144,000 Jewish male virgins taken from a square shaped earth that are now in heaven worshipping a sheep. This would mean that Peter (not a virgin), the Blessed Mother (not a male), and Charles Taze Russell (not a Jew) could not be in heaven. Reading one number literally while taking the rest of a book symbolically is not sound exegesis. Beyond this, we see in Revelation 14 that the 144,000 stand before the 24 elders from Revelation 4:4. This at least brings the grand total to 144,024 people. But, the Scriptures indicate that there are still more to come. Revelation 7:9 speaks of a countless multitude before the throne, which is in heaven (Rev. 14:2-3). Still in the book of Revelation, we read that all those with their name in the book of life are in heaven (Rev. 21:27), while all whose names are not in the book of life are thrown into the pool of fire (Rev. 20:15). There is no third "earthly" class. Jesus reiterates this, and never speaks of two flocks. He has one bride, whose "reward is great in heaven" (Luke 6:23). Paul even exhorts the Christian community, calling them to remember, "As for us, our citizenship exists in the heavens" (Phil. 3:20).
The JWs attempt to use verses such as Psalms 37:29 as evidence that the just are to inherit the land forever, which is earth. In context, this refers to inheriting the promised land as a sign of God?s blessing in the Old Testament. But, Hebrews 11:8-16 indicates that there is a homeland better than the promised land on earth, and this is the heavenly one for those who die in faith. The Old Testament patriarchs "publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents in the land . . . they are earnestly seeking a place of their own. . . . But now they are reaching out for a better [place], that is, one belonging to heaven. . . . God . . . has made a city ready for them. . . .These [OT men and women] did not get the [fulfillment of the] promise . . . as God foresaw something better for us" (Heb. 11:13-16,39-40). Even the footnote of the NWT makes clear that the "city" spoken of in these verses is the heavenly Jerusalem mentioned in Hebrews 12:22 and Revelation 21:2. But, the Watchtower still maintains that no one that lived before Christ will ever enter heaven. "The apostle Paul in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews names a long list of faithful men who died before the crucifixion of the Lord. . . . These can never be a part of the heavenly class" (Millions Now Living, p. 89). Only the 144,000 elite that all lived after the death of Christ will supposedly go to heaven. Matthew 8:11-12 provides severe difficulties for this idea, since Jesus proclaims, "many from eastern parts and western parts will come and recline at the table with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens; whereas the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into the darkness outside. There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [their] teeth will be." No verse could be clearer in declaring that the patriarchs are in heaven. The following verses all demonstrate that Christians go to heaven, and do not remain on earth: 2 Corinthians 5:1; Hebrews 3:1; Ephesians 2:6; Colossians 1:4-5; 1 Peter 1:4.
if you had the power to make one new law up in your community or country, what would it be??
I would make membership in the republican party, the moral majority, the nazi party and all other hate groups illegal.
maybe they had a big boat as well.
The hobbits are very cool. I was just watching a show about them last night.
do you ever have those days, weeks, months, or even years where you just feel like your entire existence is completely pointless, when time has shot by and you feel like you have done none of the things that you set out to do so many years prior.
when you feel like you have been standing still forever.. you work your routine and live your life, maybe have some friends, but when you go to sleep at night you still feel like there is nothing, no point or reason or meaning for any of it, like life is a void, and all your actions, feelings and everything about you is simply designed to distract you from the fact that there is nothing, and if you're lucky you're so distracted that you never notice it at all.
it's like some insane cylce and you can never break it, no matter what you do or how you try.
Life is about the journey as we push our stone up that hill and the pause at the top while the stone roles back down to the bottom, the wind, the sun, the smells of the world, the feel of rain on our faces.
Breath life deeply on the walk back down and in every step. Fuck the gods and fate.
maybe they had a big boat as well.
the flood was only sholder high to a giant silly
i was looking at some pics of khs and i remembered something i'd noticed while dusting my feet off outside a jw hall - very few windows.
is that a policy or was i just at the back of the building...?
I can't say why for sure, but windows do add cost to construction not to mention upkeep and heat loss.
i have done some research on the truth regarding the godhead and who the god of the bible truly is.
i have studied all the denominations of christianity, those who deny the deity of christ, and those who don't, those who believe in a trinity and those who do not.
after years upon years of diligent studies i have concluded:.
Two testomines, Jesus said that the tesimony of 2 persons were True, if Jesus was the Father then His testimony would be false!
All things have been delivered to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and any one to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
no one knows the father but Jesus, yet Jesus gives testmony to the father. Must this testomony then be false in nature?
Is jesus is a good God?
Is it ok if Jesus is my favorite God?
who is your favorite God?
my name is jaron, 19 years old, i'm from the netherlands, and in about a month i am going to start joining the jw's meetings and i'm kind of looking forward to become a jw.
i can of course tell ya'll my entire spiritual story, but that would take an entire bookwork.
in a nuttshell: my father is an ex-jw, my half-sis (from an earlier marriage from my dads) is one of those "special pioneers", and i am jewish (my mom is jewish).
Hi Jaron from the Netherlands,
There are 2 types of religions
One has questions that it can?t answer.
The other has questions you can?t ask.