well done defender,
i think you may have missed one or two things. one External influence, the most driving one is money. thay have gone after it at all costs to the R&F.
it is an influence that comes from above. So far, the Society has not been able to provide any tangible proof for this, a proof that Moses was handily able to provide to the Israelites in Egypt
Moses, the red sea was tangible
Peer or lateral pressure is another type of external pressure. This type of pressure is generated by other religious organizations or ex-members. This influence is the least effective, as the more it is exerted, the more barricaded and entrenched the Society becomes.
the WT does not care how JWs look to the world (Catholcs)?
"ex-members", with there internet, have made it a death sentence for JWs to go on the www!! but you don't see this as influence?
people are waking up to the WTB&TS in vast numbers becuse of the "ex members" but this is "the least effective" influence?
Last type of external influence, and I believe is the most potent, and that is pressure from BELOW. That is influence from the followers and readers themselves.
this is the least potent type. if the WT said it is red is black who would say it is not?
look at this
Certain GB members might even comment privately about some misgivings they may have toward certain policies or doctrine, yet fail to act
, the one that suggests a major change does so at his own peril
what peril would a GB member face that R&F JW's would not?
We have all read, at least some of us have, the letters from readers page at the back of the Awake. These letters alongside the monthly and annual statistics is what drives the GB. They are their reason for being. They are the crux by which the Society plods along. In GB minds, these letters and experiences are tantamount to evidence of divine direction.
do you think that thay are real letters from R&F JW's? well maby some maby
alongside the monthly and annual statistics
here is your other "most potent" influence given one small line but given = value to the "primarily control" of the followers
"the one that suggests a major change does so at his own peril"
what is the peril to the one that makes the money and never said a thing?
this is the controling dynamic, there is no other
the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.