Are you Jesus Christ?
Can a truth be wrong and still be a truth?
with that in mind, then, we can better appreciate what jesus was referring to when he spoke about the temple of his body.
thats because they are persons, whereas the holy spirit is a force that is merely frequently referred to as if it were a person.
5. the wts claims that ezekial's prophecy of the jews returning to their land is fulfilled in their organization.
Are you Jesus Christ?
Can a truth be wrong and still be a truth?
did someone at wts attempt to hack me today?
i don't know, but here is the summary from my event log and domain trace.
this afternoon i received an "alert" on my firewall with an ip address.
In plain English, the WTS monitors this site and is attempting to monitor it's most dangers posters.
Winston 1984:
"I love big brother, I love big brother.........."
i was raised a witness, and i was always told that demons were everywhere.
i was told that if you let your mind open to "wrong" thinking that demons will invade you and take over.
and just about anything could get you demonized.
I guess the fact that, in the bible you will not find one demon ever entered anything but a living animal, would be considered or no importance to the WT.
After all, There not bible based, there periodical based.
a million thanks to all of you good people responding to my post regarding my daughter's surgery - it made me very humble and grateful, and my eyes very "watery" to read all the good thoughts and vibrations.
my daughter woke up last night after a looong surgery, and was very tired and in pain, as they had removed knots and stuff and things, and in order to get more working space, they blew in gas to separate the various inner parts, liver and stomach and uterus etc., to keep them apart when operating (man, are they capable of working miracles these days!
), and so she felt as if her entire inside had been turned upside down and separated and looked into and put back - what was not too far from what had really happened.
Hi Old Hippie,
I couldn't be happier to read your post! I'm so glad it's going well for her.
at festival time the prefect usually brought additional troops to jerusalem to control the crowds.
1. why did the high priest have jesus arrested?
a) the high priest thought jesus was preaching armed revolt against the romans.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say wright/wrong is somehow other then what God wishes/does not wish, to me they are one.
first i should say i don't believe the Adam and eve story is an account of historical events, rather i believe it to be a story teaching us of our first nature and our relationship to heaven and earth. in genesis we see Adam a man cloth in the holy spirit charged with keeping what the lord gave him, his temptation, his failure and consequences of his failure loss of the holy spirit, death the cursed earth, etc.,
I believe we are meant to contrast that aspect of the story to the life of Jesus clothed in the holy spirit, he didn't lose one he was given to keep, he was tempted, he success, and the consequences of his victory, the return of the holy spirit, eternal life, the promise of a "new earth" (whatever that is).
From a technical standpoint (cause - effect) I am simply saying that had Adam not sinned, then the Sacrifice would not have been needed. Unless you are saying that sin was inherent in all of us (from the very beginning) regardless of Adam's act. (that would be the "bug" in the code). (This could be my old JW "training" still incised in my brain, hard to say... )
I think this might be were we differ, to my understanding, if Adam/Eve had not sinned then, sin would not have entered into the world at that time. However, I do not believe, that the sons and daughters of Adam would have been born in the substantially different form of people without free will, so I do not feal comfortable saying the sacrifice would not have been needed. I don't believe sin is inherent in any of us, I believe it to be other than and external to the nature of man, somthing that must be chosen and entered into.
As to who killed Jesus, i asked the church lady. she said "could it be Satan!"
i know it's hard to tell but that is my attempt at levity.
Edited by - willy_think on 20 June 2002 13:33:20
at festival time the prefect usually brought additional troops to jerusalem to control the crowds.
1. why did the high priest have jesus arrested?
a) the high priest thought jesus was preaching armed revolt against the romans.
Only one issue, God created us, he should have been able to create within us the ability to properly understand and live within his law. (after all the first law was to avoid a single tree....pretty simple).
He did, Adam know not to eat and he didn't eat until an outside influence acted against him. At which point he said nothing, did nothing, protected nothing, resisted nothing, keeping nothing but willingly and knowingly surrendered his dominion to another. ( something Satan tried very hard to get Jesus to do)
I would counter that it is only man's interpretation of what the Creator intends that causes the need for "salvation." I do not feel responsible for his death, since it was a "bug in the code" that caused his death to be needed. However, I am very grateful for the fact that the Creator has provided a "patch".
You think it's an interpretational problem? So lust, greed, hate, laziness, etc. have nothing to do with it? if that was the case then no Jew was taken to heaven but the bible shows us Jews visiting Jesus from heaven, even in the OT we can read of a high priest who went to heaven bodily.
freewill is something the WT would free us all from but i would hardly call it a "bug in the code"
You think man is incapable of interpreting what the creator intends, but that you can pick out "bugs in the code"? No, you don't think that. Adam too tried to put the responsibility on another, maybe he should have tried "well you made me like this, if I had been the creator, things would have been different."
right now, 4 hours this very minute, removing tumors, still no news - and i am one nervous father ...........
I'll pray all goes well for her, old son. Please let us know how she is doing when you feal up to it, we'll be thinking of her and you.
wish i could claim this but i can't.
credit to des kelly of 'the mirror'
there are times when you just have to switch sides.
In the US Soccer has somehow become the second most popular sport with people under 18, just behind basketball. Don't ask me why I can't figure it out, maybe a major failure of the American school system.
I was watching the riot and a football game broke out.
at festival time the prefect usually brought additional troops to jerusalem to control the crowds.
1. why did the high priest have jesus arrested?
a) the high priest thought jesus was preaching armed revolt against the romans.
nice article
Adam's seed was not cursed, only Satan and the ground were cursed.
despite what the WT might have to say the Jews did believe in a heaven reachable buy following the law. since heaven was open to all who lived the law correctly it can't really be said that it is all Adam's fault, but our inability to properly understand and live the law, that created the need for The Father to send his Son and for Jesus to send the Holy Spirit to the harts of man. looked at this way, it could be said that it was not so much in response to Adam's sin that Jesus died but in response to our need for salvation. I feal responsible for my own failure and I feal responsible for the one who died to save me from that failure.
to all bethel monitors of this site:.
please declare victory on your statistics and move on!.
this year, there will be a huge (2-3%) increase in publishers reported in the.
well Said!
power is a fickle bitch, she will come to anyone willing to call her.