There is only the human race, color of skin, hear, shapes of features are all only family resemblance. We have created arbitrary distinctions based on skin color. Races are only man made classifications that do not exist outside of our need to group “like” things together.
JoinedPosts by willy_think
Races - where do they come from?
by googlemagoogle inthis one goes out to all the evolution maniacs out there, king james bible bumpers are also welcome to present their view.
even when i still believed in the bible as god's word, i never understood how (at least) three races came from 2 persons.
i sometimes thought, maybe adam was black and eve white, but where does the mongol race come from then?
Prove to me that God exists
by CinemaBlend ini need debate practice on the subject for the next time i'm cornered.
seeing is believing
What's Your Opinion of Putting Spy Cameras On City Streets?
by minimus inthe new york post has an article on how the police commissioner plans on having spy cameras put in certain city streets that have high crime activity----not to monitor activity as it's happening but to review footage if a crime did occur in the area---after the fact.________what's your thought on this?
they can point the cameras at any street or window they want. With the new face recognition software I could be tracked from the moment I open my curtains to the minute I get to work. If the government felt if was in "my" best interest I could be tracked 24/7 without the fuss of a warrant. If the police needed me, with two-way microphones and speakers, I could be told to stand were I am at any time on any street. I would imagine it would be the
Yup I sure do love big brother.blackworst neighborhoods first so whatrepublicangood American could object to that. After all if you don't do anything wrong what could be the harm in being under 24 hr. E-eyes? And we would have "proof" of crime everyone knows you can't make fraudulent digital images. hell, with enough computing power we wouldn’t even need to use yellow stares to keep track of the Jews. -
Why didn't jesus write the new testement
by Satanus inquestions, questions, and more questions.. did jesus (if he existed) have in mind starting a world religion such as has been created around him in his name?
if so, why did he not write the foundations for it, laying out it's laws and structure?
why did he only rebel and lead a rebellion against the old testement priesthood?
He didn't make his one purpose for coming here very clear, nor what it meant. It took saul of tarsus to do that. Why was that?
I don't know what you are on about, It is clear. What is confusing you? What do u believe you need to understand for his sacrifice to have an effect?
Why didn't jesus write the new testement
by Satanus inquestions, questions, and more questions.. did jesus (if he existed) have in mind starting a world religion such as has been created around him in his name?
if so, why did he not write the foundations for it, laying out it's laws and structure?
why did he only rebel and lead a rebellion against the old testement priesthood?
Since u ask I'll put my two cents in,
Jesus didn't come here to start a religion or write a book he came to die as the perfect sacrifice of atonement. The Lamb of God only needed to comet the acts he committed. The people who followed him were to teach the word, it is done, and to that end the bible is good and useful for teaching. Jesus was not part of the bullshit that we need to do something, to earn something, or learn something, or be something to receive his grace. It is done. Now all that is left us to do is love each other and be happy. It is done.
How do I tell my Mum something worse than 'I don't believe it's the Truth'?
by nicolaou inhaving the short "it's not the truth" conversation with my mum was painful enough and the after-effects are horrible.
a sort of 'tactful' wall went up between the two of us - i hate it.
i can sense that my mum gently shepherds my kid brother (18) towards his sisters ('elders wives') rather than have him spend time with me.
I agree with love11. I don't think for a moment she is asking you these questions to help you in any way. I believe she is doing it to justify, in here mind, the hurt she is going to cause you.
Pastor Kicks Out 9 Members For Not Supporting President Bush!
by minimus inin north carolina, a pastor told the congregation of about 100 that if they voted for john kerry, they would not be welcomed in his church.
things this week came to a head when he took action to kick out 9 who didn't support the president.
others, in protest for the action also have left the church.
The corporate news here in the U.S. is reporting that the 9 were expelled for voting for Kerry, no mention of Bush at all. seems it's kerry's fault after all. that basterd!
by george (Orwell), didn't he use to be a jew or somthing too.
Pastor Kicks Out 9 Members For Not Supporting President Bush!
by minimus inin north carolina, a pastor told the congregation of about 100 that if they voted for john kerry, they would not be welcomed in his church.
things this week came to a head when he took action to kick out 9 who didn't support the president.
others, in protest for the action also have left the church.
Who said Jesus wasn't for sale. Thank god for the faith based initiatives. Oh the things one can buy with tax money.
Welcome to the third right
Should Intelligent Design be taught in schools?
by AlmostAtheist inkansas is holding a debate to decide.
topeka, kansas (reuters) -- evolution is going on trial in kansas.. eighty years after a famed courtroom battle in tennessee pitted religious beliefs about the origins of life against the theories of british scientist charles darwin, kansas is holding its own hearings on what school children should be taught about how life on earth began.. the kansas board of education has scheduled six days of courtroom-style hearings to begin thursday in topeka.
I'm trying to get my kids school to teach that the world was shit out of the ass of the one and only great frog bobby. I think if I can get 3 or 4 million people to believe me it will work. Wish me luck. And may the infinite love of bobby embrace you all.
Discussion of Mysticism and Interesting thought by Rudolf Stiener
by frankiespeakin ini'm in the process of reading stieners "the philosophy of freedom" written toward the end of the 19th century.
it was written in german and the translation into english makes it a little hard for me to understand, but somethings that i do seem(?
) to grasp to me are interesting.. .
I think he was just trying to work out the nature of "reality" using the wisdom of his time and place.
it's humbug. but like him we to play the game.
everyone knows the world came into being with me and will end with me.