How do you pronouce your handle?
As to the Scripture about resisting evil.
I think it means a purely personal type of revenge.
We can easily get caught up in our own thinking and blow things way out of proportions when we get to selfcentered.
I don't feel that we can take Jesus words and use them to say we shouldn't fight evil in the absolute sense.
Because look at his own life and what he did, he faught evil, so we have to keep that in mind when we read his words and not try to give it an absolute sense meaning.
Just like when people say they have unconditional Love they usually don't mean it in the absolute sense( that would be imposible).
Or when the Bible say abstain from fleshly desires it does mean we should abstain from eating, getting sleep, and having sex with our husband or wife.
I didn't read all the other post but I read all of yours so please forgive me if I duplicated anybody's answer.
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