Thank you for you huggs and support Kelpie and UR:)
My friend that they are trying to corner is going through alot of difficulties in his life right now. I told him now matter what I would be there as friends should be. We actually are like brothers and it was very difficult to hear him on the phone break down and cry. He has alot of issues with the JW's and he can see how there is a lack of love amongst most of the members. I will help him any way I can.
My wife does see that there are problems with the way some things are carried out. She is a 4th gen Wit. and says although there are some problems she has "faith". She believe's in the Elders and feels that they are doing Jehovah's will. I do my best to keep everything calm but it is difficult. She has a very large family of elders,PO's, Pioneers etc.
My parents are very much in but my father has changed a bit and seems kind of sad. He told me not to rock the boat so I won't get into trouble thus causing family problems. He is aware of some of my views and calls them apostate but told me to keep them to myself. He used to be an Elder for a long time and was one of the "nice" Elders in the hall. He was a bit wild when he was younger and understood what it was like. He helped a few of my friends when they got in trouble. My friend's told me he seemed like the only one who really cared.
It seems that there are alot of scarred,frustrated,angry and sad people who are that way because of the JW's. This is a sad reflection on a religion that purports itself to be one of love.
I am sorry for rattling on so much but it help me deal with these issues expressing them like this.