Poor dubs think they're soooo unique. Obviously they're not.
JoinedPosts by OneGenTwoGroups
JW 2013 New Bible vs. LDS 2013 New Scriptures
by fredPotato inhello folks!
nice sunday huh?.
got something interesting here, so take your time to read it through .
FS Visit Today
by Joe Grundy injust received a fs visit - first for several months.
an attractive 'yummy mummy' with (what seemed to me) a strained smile and a very young girl (presumably her daughter) about 9 or 10.. the weather was attrocious, i was distracted, and i failed completely to make any comment or to challenge.
looking at the young girl, particularly, i felt nothing but sympathy.. i accepted a leaflet 'can the dead really live again?
Today is the first Saturday of the new campaign for November, WOO HOO!
I always wanted to be a hot chick in field service and watch my placements with dudes go WAY up.
How to prove God does not exist?
by UBM101 inmany times (almost all the time) atheists asking for proof of god's existence from those who believe that god exists.
perhaps at times they should prove he doesn't exist.
any taker?
CS Lewis, let's analyze this quote shall we?
"My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust."
The universe is cruel? What's so cruel about the andromeda galaxy? Sorry CS, I don't see a lack of justice in solar systems, stars and planets.
"But how had I got this idea of just and unjust?"
From understanding the concept of harm, and how humans, being social animals, prefer happiness to harm.
"A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line."
Sorry CS, distinguishing shapes on piece of paper and children dying every day does not correspond.
"What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?"
Good question CS, you can't compare universes, this is the only one you know.
"If the whole show was bad and senseless from A to Z, so to speak, why did I, who was supposed to be part of the show, find myself in such a violent reaction against it?"
The whole show is bad and senseless? No, not really just the bad parts, like religious faith and dogma, or human slavery and genocide. Sorry you had a violet reaction, I can't relate to that, maybe you need pscyhological help.
"Of course I could have given up my idea of justice by saying it was nothing but a private idea of my own. But if i did that, then my argument against God collapsed too--for the argument depended on saying the world was really unjust, not simply that it did not happen to please my fancies."
No, you can't give it up, you are a social animal, sorry. You could say that justice is a private idea of your own, but it's not, never was, never will be. There could be no murder or rape or war for the next 2000 years, we could live in a utopia, and there would still be no evidence for God CS. Besides the existence of evil is just one of the many pieces of EVIDENCE that God doesn't exist, not an argument that he doesn't exist.
"Thus, in the very act of trying to prove that God did not exist - in other words, that the whole of reality was senseless - I found I was forced to assume that one part of reality - namely my idea of justice - was full of sense."
Your point is that if God exists reality makes sense? How so? I don't see the connection here AT ALL. Your idea of justice was full of sense? Well I'm not sure what the hell your idea of justice is. A Bible that sanctions slavery?
"If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never have known it was dark. Dark would be without meaning."
Stars live, stars die, and so do their solar systems, is that a meaningless cycle? Does your diety's existence add meaning to this cycle somehow? When a tree falls in a forest, it still makes a sound, whether someone hears it or not.
How to prove God does not exist?
by UBM101 inmany times (almost all the time) atheists asking for proof of god's existence from those who believe that god exists.
perhaps at times they should prove he doesn't exist.
any taker?
The existence of something like down syndrome is actually proof that the God of the Bible (omniscient, omnibenevolent) doesn't exist. But believers are wonderful excuse makers and spin doctors, so this is not proof for them. But it is one of a thousand, rock solid pieces of evidence for me.
But really, Can you prove that I do not have a 1 inch tall, invisible dragon in my garage?
Sadly, fading is bad for my marriage
by stillin inwhile headship has always been a problem in my marriage, partly because i'm more of a team player and my wife has man issues, now that i'm clearly fading my wife feels that i have nothing of worth to say.. i resist the idea of divorce but this is not much of a marriage.
since she doesn't/ can't hold down a job alimony would be ridiculously expensive.
cheaper to keep her, as they say.. i get zero cooperation or even discussion for any adjustments i feel might be in order for us as we grow older: obabmacare?
I'm about to go to stage 2 of my fade, mid-December. Stage 1 was stopping pioneering and being an elder. I'm still doing sound control, commenting, and about 5 hours a month. This has been going on for 1.5 years, and I've been an atheist for 2 years already. She's still a true believer and very emotional about it.
My sexual desire towards my wife took a beating once I de-converted. We are still sexually active, but it's maybe a twice per month thing now.
The idea of divorce or separation scares the shit out of me, but I'm with you, wtf kind of marriage is this? We have no kids. I like talking about science, politics, social issues and especially how messed up religion is. But my wife likes talking about theocratic things and JWs. I hate socializing with JWs, I have NOTHING in common with these people. So besides complimentary sex organs, I'm not seeing a lot of things in common right now with my wife of 18 years.
Stage 2 of my fade is shutting down ALL theocratic activity and clamming up to any questions or suggestions from JWs. You and I will probably be in similar boats in a few months.
Wouldn't it be nice if there were clear cut paths to take when in our situations?
Today's WT study - WTS playing into Satan's hand?
by leaving_quietly inthe picture on page 26 of the 8/15/13 wt shows three scenarios with the caption "what scriptural principles should come to your mind under these circumstances.
" the scriptures are, of course, what's discussed throughout the article.
"the desire of the flesh", "the desire of the eyes" and "the showy display of one's means of life".
WTFBS, always speaking out of both corners of their mouths.
Do You Think Many Engaged JW Couples Fooled Around B4 Marriage?
by minimus inwhen i was an elder, i had a few couples approach me to confess that they either played around or went all the way.. i suspect there were many more that did not admit to it, though..
Pure as the driven snow.
Did not kiss until our engagement day. Never did anything more than that until we were married. Not even French kissing. I was a pioneer/MS at the time and a really dedicated zealot.
Was a 26 year old virgin. My wife 21.
Did Jehovah's Witnesses Plagiarize HWA's False Prophecy Of 1975?
by Bangalore indid jehovah's witnesses plagiarize hwa's false prophecy of 1975?.
I use to worship Fred Franz as a child, I was always told that he had a photgraphic memory, was fluent in over 10 languages, gave all of his talks without notes, was legally blind, and had the entire Bible memorized from cover to cover.
Now that I've learned TTATT, I consideer him just another celibate by choice religious nut job without a brain in his head. I can remember Witnesses speaking favorably of "The Plain Truth" magazine when I was a boy. His borrowing from other idiots would not be a surprise and probably happened.
Any Special Pioneers, Missionaries, COs, and DOs around?
by ohnightdivine inplease share your experiences and thoughts with us here.
what made you change your heart about serving the org?.
Why are there numbers so few? Almost zero? The level of religiosity and kool-aid drinking it takes to become a CO, especially a DO is so high. It's like living inside a bubble, within a bubble, and the bubble is made of steel.
Any Special Pioneers, Missionaries, COs, and DOs around?
by ohnightdivine inplease share your experiences and thoughts with us here.
what made you change your heart about serving the org?.
I'm a former IV / pioneer / elder of 20 years. Never had the desire to be a CO/DO or SP/Missionary. Oh, and I served at Bethel for 6 years.
My name tells my story.