The irresistible force/immovable object thing is impossible. If a force is irresistible, then the immovable object cannot exist in the same universe, and vice versa. The existence of one precludes the existence of another.
Posts by xyzzy
Any good at math?
by Pubsinger inwhat is infinity doubled?.
what is infinity halved?.
somebody humour me please!
Watchtower Wisdom that Kills...
by cyrano inwe do well to bear in mind that among the drugs, serums, vaccines, surgical operations, etc., of the medical profession, there is nothing of value save an occasional surgical proceedure.
their so-called "science" grew out of egyptian black magic and has not lost its demonological character.... we shall be in a sad plight when we place the welfare of the race in their hands.
the golden age, aug. 5, 1931, p. 727. thinking people would rather have smallpox than vaccination, because the latter sows the seed of syphilis, cancers, escema, erysipelas, scrofula, consumption, even leprosy and many other loathsome affections.
Well, ya gotta hand it to the dubbies.
They really do make the best goth art.
:sets the VACCINATION pic as background wallpaper on the 'puter:
What do you believe in after "The Truth&qu...
by Atreyu inan invitation:.
i would like to see a short description of your personal beliefs or religion today, after you lost faith in "the truth", from anyone here that feels for it.
I am an Objectivist and a Deist.
Want me to believe in something? Prove it's true or don't waste my time. Use facts and logic; no appeals to the unprovable. Fundie nonsense such as "the Bible says it, I believe it" will be mercilessly mocked and scorned. God created the heavens and the earth in accordance with the laws of reason and logic that he created. Therefore it stands to reason that he wouldn't create a religion that goes against his own creation. Oh, and don't EVEN bother telling me that your loving God allows bad things to happen to advance some mysto Big Plan. Stalin had a Big Plan, too - yet that doesn't justify his allowing millions of Soviet citizens to die just so that the USSR could be the world's biggest exporter of wheat.
One last thing for the fundies: Everything in this post is the word of God, and you need to send all your money to His Servant, Reverend Xyzzy. Don't believe that? You have no more reason to believe similar claims in the Bible than you do the claim I made in this post. Both that claim and the Bible's claims are equally fallacious.
Think for yourself.
by jaccilynn inthis is my first post on this site, and i feel very liberated and comfortable, so i have a feeling that this d/b may be a good thing for me.
my story (although to my "worldly" support group it sounds strange) is alot like many of yours.
i was raised a witness, altough my parents have been inactive as long as i can remember.
Sweet! I'm very happy for ya, jaccilynn. Ain't it great to be out?
Jesus- Ignored, Forgotten& Unemployed at WTS
by metatron inwouldn't it be fair to say that early christians were.
obsessed with the name and person of jesus?
wish to deny that?.
If Jehovah is the only true God, and Jesus is a God other than Jehovah, then Jesus must be a false God. QED.
I remember asking that back when I was a dub. They told me that Jehovah is ALmighty whereas Jesus was simply Mighty. Talk about splitting hairs.
Brainwash Your Children From Infancy
by DakotaRed infrom the new theocratic ministry school book, page 16, we read:.
training children to listen.
christian parents can help their children--even infants--to become.
Please believe me when I tell you that I have a LOT of very hurtful memories of those Witnesses and their meetings. I remember not knowing what the meeting was about, but I had to sit still for it anyway. They might as well have spoken a foreign language. I remember those elders pinching and slapping me just for squirming about a bit in my seat.
At least my Mom was good enough to get out of that cult with me, and apologize. Too many kids don't get even that much.
I forgive my mom, as she was suckered into it too. But I will never forgive the WatchTower for as long as I live.
"Comrades! We must abolish the cult of the individual decisively, once and for all!"
~Nikita Khrushchev, premier of the Soviet Union, echoed in the teachings of the WatchTower -
How to reason with a rapist.
by flower in(title modified per request).
and to think, i thought i was valuing my precious gift of life so much that i was willing to sumbit to a violent crime in order stay alive.
how twisted my thinking.
You don't "reason" with rapists. You simply shoot them dead.
"Jehovah's Witness School"
by Jacinta ini posted my experience on this board and took for granted that some may have never heard of the jw school.
i don't know if they exist in every state (apparently not), but the one i went to is named new world education center.
all of the teachers had to be baptized jws and the principal as well.
Huh. I've never heard of such a school when I was a JW. Perhaps it was some sort of local thing?
by TR inif i were benevolent dictator of the u.s., i would:.
give tax incentives to those who want to run their own small business.
make abortion illegal except for rape or incest.
Here's what I'd do.
- Abolish all drug laws. All of them. The only one that would remain is that they could only be sold to those at least 18 years of age. There'd also be laws governing the purity of drugs, to keep some poor schmoe's crystal meth from being laced with strychnine or whatever.
- Come to think of it, all laws based on subjective morality would also be overturned. Gay marriage? Done! Cohabitation? Have fun, you two (or more)! In fact, the only sex laws left would ban sex with minors and rape.
- All houses of worship would be taxed. The First Amendment of the US Constitution should no longer be abused and turned into a loophole. Tax the church just like any other business.
- Any lawmaker who introduces passing/repealing legislation whose motives are based purely on religious principles not supported by reason would be immediately bounced from office and banned from all future political office.
- All citizens over 18 who have not been convicted of crime or judged mentally incompetent shall have the right to own firearms and carry concealed handguns. They shall also have the right to shoot to kill anyone breaking into their homes or attempting to carjack them, as well as firing upon those who attempt to victimise a third party. So you want that sweet little AK47 you saw in Shotgun News? If ya got the funds, go ahead and buy it. Get full auto, get a silencer, it'd all be completely legal. No registration, no license, the only paperwork you'd need for it would be fifteen USD$100 bills.
- Any crime that causes harm to an innocent person would be met by swift and certain punishment. Oh, so the scumbag in the dock was sexually molested as a child? So were lots of other folks, and they don't do crimes.
- The state would have no role in education. Abolish public schools, and turn the care over to the parents, where it belongs! If someone is too poor to afford private schools, many charities would be glad to provide education for free.
- Discrimination based on race/religion/sexual orientation etc would also be banned. That includes "affirmative action" as well as signs reading "Whites Only". Race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and so on wouldn't even be considered when it comes to being eligible for housing, employment, use of public facilities, or whatever.
"Comrades! We must abolish the cult of the individual decisively, once and for all!"
~Nikita Khrushchev, premier of the Soviet Union, echoed in the teachings of the WatchTower -
1914 - on the way out?
by PopeOfEruke inas i haven't read any jw literature some 10 years or more now, can anyone tell me when was the last time that 1914 was seriously mentioned or discussed in a wt or book or whatever?.
and when was the last time the calculation of the "7 times" which leads to 1914 was actually put down in writing in jw lit?
has it been in a wt study article recently?.
That doesn't suprise me, actually. Cults are like that. The whole 1914 episode reminds me of that televangelist who said that if he didn't raise a certain amount of money, the Lord would "call him home". Well, he failed to raise the money and he's still breathing. Strange, hey?
I believe that the WTS will continue onward just the same. We have a saying here in the US that goes "there's a sucker born every minute". Unfortunately, there are many lonely, spiritually broken people out there who need love and fellowship, and look to cults to get it.
Fortunately, there are many out there like me who do get out, and warn others about that cult. Free speech cuts both ways, and it applies every bit as much to me as it does to the cults.
Frankly, I'm suprised that the WTS hasn't pulled a Scientology type move against their "opposers" and sued/slandered/harassed the critics in any major way.
I'm out of the WTS now, and I'll never look back.
As for the 1914 thing (I see I went offtopic there, my bad), I was a Borg back in the 1980s. Yes, 1914 was a big deal then. Just take a look at any WTS literature from that era. It was constantly emphasised over and over again from the pulpit and from the WatchTower and Awake magazines. One need only look for oneself.
The WTS is truly evil. They have broken so many souls and enslaved the minds of so many. Take a look at my .sig file - although that was originally from a Soviet leader, it could very well have come from any Circuit Overseer. The WTS is very much like the old USSR that way (maybe we should call it the WTSSR?) in its control of its followers. The 1914 thing is only one of many abuses.
For those of you in the WTS and loyal - why follow the fallible, pulsing light of the WTS when you can follow Nature and Reason to the pure Light of Truth?
"Comrades! We must abolish the cult of the individual decisively, once and for all!"
~Nikita Khrushchev, premier of the Soviet Union, echoed in the teachings of the WatchTower