More, regarding the illustration you posted and the question you asked:
Your unusual interpretations of the bible aside, how do you account for the observable fact that some snakes have vestigial pelvises and hind limbs?

You ask: How do I account for what can be observed in some snakes, per the drawing above, which some tend to think is sure evidence that these snakes once had external legs.
vestigial 1. Of, relating to, or constituting a vestige. 2. Biology. Occurring or persisting as a rudimentary or degenerate structure.
vestige 1. A visible trace, evidence, or sign of something that once existed but exists or appears no more. See Synonyms at trace 1 . 2. Biology. A rudimentary or degenerate, usually nonfunctioning, structure that is the remnant of an organ or a part that was fully developed or functioning in a preceding generation or an earlier stage of development.
There's obviously nothing to prove that this specific thing, which can be observed in these particular snakes, isn't the very way such snakes were structured when first created by God. In other words, nobody can prove that there has indeed been a change. This being the case, why jump to the conclusion that it is the "remnant of a part that was fully developed at an earlier stage of development"? Isn't that what you've done too, Derek? Why? Simply because you can't explain what you are looking at otherwise?
Edited by - Yadirf on 4 September 2002 0:35:54