I found this part of the poor fella’s writings so bery, bery comical:
The second point is that we are not yet in the 'ten toes' period, which is when in the heavenly symbolism, the 'iron class' (the anointed remnant) and the 'moist clay class' (the Great Crowd) separate. This kingdom is that of the eighth King, which starts in Nisan 1998 CE (Rev 17:12,13, Dan 3:1, section 53). This kingdom lasts for ten years, and this length of time is actually prophesied in Dan 2:42 as being ten years long - 'a toe for a year'.
Goes to show once more that there is somebody out there who can make just about anything out of the Scriptures. (I’m NOT saying that the Scriptures can’t be comprehended, I'm simply sayin' that interpretations can be so, so, SO VERY SPECIAL. hehehehe!)