I've never been baptized into any religion, do I qualify?
JoinedPosts by Wholly
One baptism...
by NeverKnew ini just realized, i have to explain the joke so you guys will get it.
in some churches, communion is open to anyone who has been baptised regardless of denomination or church affiliation at baptism.
so, even though one may be confirmed or baptised at one church, it can be acceptable to go to another church and receive communion.
What do they want from me?
by MrFreeze inokay, so the jws (and my mom) would be so happy if i started going to meetings again.
i've made it clear i don't believe what they say so why would they care if i went to meetings?
do they want me to go meetings and be an open dissenter?
If you go back to meetings you are showing a humble spirit and the Organization will allow Holy Spirit to descend upon you, releasing you from the grip of satanic influence which will cause you to see the error of your ways, cease independent thought, refuse to follow your heart and submit to the authority of the governing body who intervenes between your relationship with you and your savior so that you can live through judgement day and enjoy everlasting life in perfect conditions in paradise with all of god's creations who will sing with praise and joy that you came to the meetings so all of this could happen and it will make your family and friends even stronger in their faith to a man made religion.
I'm new at circular reasoning, there may be some loopholes. Will consult with board of directors and issue further ruling as necessary or if enough murmmering occurs.
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inaguest, jehovah-jirah, lars58, rick fearon, finkle, or another scholars on jwn.
what reason does the governing body have for telling.
seven million jehovah's witnesses, "jesus is not your man dude!
Bookmarked. Thank you again, Bobcat!
I also read somewhere recently about the name "jesus" meaning hail zeus. The messiah's actual name being "Jehoshua" which has been denied to his followers. Is this a deliberate attempt to misdirect his servants originating with the Roman Empire oh so long ago?
What scripture was it that let an average joe know that they were annointed?
by 20yearfader injust curious to know which scripture that let an average person know that they were of the annointed and what did it mean to you?.
How many former Jehovah's Witnesses bury their head in the sand when it comes to reasoning about the NGO "conspiracy"?
by Change Name inhi all - sure sure, you can call me a troll or brainwashed cult member.
i am totally interested in how your answers to these questions.. .
do you find yourself ignoring anything that jehovah's witnesses bring out in regards to their former status as an ngo?.
copy and paste of the website doesn't seem to be working atm so here is the url without hyperlink
Awake! July 22 (2001) pp.3-5.................................................Helping Hands Are Everywhere
Awake! January 8 (2000) pp.20-21........................................"Mothers With AIDS Face A Dilemma"
Awake!: December 8, (2000), pp. 3-9................................... Series of Articles
Awake! May 22 (1999) pp.4-9...............................................By the Sweat of Children
Awake! January 8 (1999) p.13................................................Rights Without Responsibilities?
Awake!: November 22, (1998), pp. 3-11 ............................. Series of Articles
Awake! February 8 (1997) pp.14-17......................................When Land Turns Into Desert
Awake!: April 22, (1996), pp. 4-7 ....................................... “Who Can Bring Lasting Peace?”
The Watchtower: October 1, (1995) pp. 3-5 ...................... “Fifty Years of Frustrated Efforts”
Awake! July 22 (1995) pp.4-8................................................Man's Fight Against Disasters
Awake! May 8 (1994) pp.4-8.................................................Efforts to Save the Children
Awake! February 22 (1993) pp.4-6........................................Children -- Assets or Liabilities?
Awake! December 8 (1992) p.3-7 .........................................Small series of articles
Awake!: September 8, (1991), pp. 3-4, 8-10 ....................... Small series of articles
Edited to add:
link to post
Governing Body Taking It To The Limit With Reguards To Rank And File Gullibility, How Far Will They Go?
by frankiespeakin inwhen you look at the new governing body and what they are dishing out to the rank and file, it shows that they are taking their gullibilty to the limits.. they appeal only to this gullibilty with tremendous leaps in logic they read the mind of god and tell the rank and file, what makes jehovah sad(for 3year old mentality), what all the issues are in heaven that are invisible to human eyes, their take on this "universal soverneingty" completely invisible and unsubstantiated by any degree of logic, composed of wishful thinking thought projections of a fantacy, and this makes up everything in their whole theology on which they proceed as a starting point.. the rank and file for the most part are eating this up, some are awakening because of this babel that is comming from the top ceos of this corporation, will the trickle become a flood as the governing body plays the gullibility card to the max?
time will tell, as time is already telling us they are more and more relying on the gullibility of the rank and file with no limits in sight.. what will they do when their delusional thinking and resulting bullshit found in their communications to the rank and file reach a tipping point and are causing great losses for their corporation?
that ought to be very interesting to watch.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/sheeple.
Negative Watchtower articles
by NeverKnew inbad news all.
i got my head ripped off when i attempted to review the calendar query.
he said he didn't want to talk about it.
Quoted from the October 2012 Watchtower, Corruption-How Widespread Is It?
“Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It hurts everyone whose life, livelihood or happiness depends on the integrity of people in a position of authority.”?—TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL
"Man has dominated man to his injury.”?— ECCLESIASTES 8:9
The Watchtower likes to use the “human imperfections” excuse to try to retain their self-appointed status as being faithful and discreet. But the excuse just proves that they are merely human beings like everyone else: not “God’s spokesmen on Earth”.
Luke 12:35-48; Mark 13:37
Why do they assume they were anointed?
by Sheep2slaughter ini am well aware that this thread could diverge into a discussion of the legitimacy of the watchtowers view of heavenly class and earthly class and what not.
... but that's not the thrust of my question.
i just replied to a thread about going to memorial and started thinking how after jesus started out no one talked about actually doing it after the initial time.
I Didn't See That Coming
by Wholly ini was raised on air force bases in the us and asia until i was 10 or 11. my mother divorced my father while he was on an unaccompanied tour in turkey and hooked up with my uncle.
she married him and his children became our step-brothers and sisters.
i saw my father once when he got back to the states and not again until almost 30 years later.. after two years, my uncle put his children in an orphanage and my mother dispersed her children to the four winds so she could be free to be with my uncle without all the problems eight children who hated each other brought.. my story begins in 1977 in an old farm house in corinth, kentucky, without running water or heat, just electricity for lights and cooking.
Thank you all for your warm words of love and encouragment. I appreciate the heartfelt kindness!
All of my parents died within 3 years of each other starting in 2006. My daughter is addicted to pain medication and is struggling to keep her 2 children with her. We live in different states so building our relationship has been a challenge but we have come to terms with the past. She loves me but still feels guilty for it because somewhere inside her she keeps hearing the things my mother whispered in her ear about me even though she now knows none of it was true.
I still have a sister and nephew who are dedicated baptized witnesses. I spoke to my sister about the issues I learned of and she is begging me to talk to the elders so I can get past this and serve Jehovah with my whole heart before it's too late.
I Didn't See That Coming
by Wholly ini was raised on air force bases in the us and asia until i was 10 or 11. my mother divorced my father while he was on an unaccompanied tour in turkey and hooked up with my uncle.
she married him and his children became our step-brothers and sisters.
i saw my father once when he got back to the states and not again until almost 30 years later.. after two years, my uncle put his children in an orphanage and my mother dispersed her children to the four winds so she could be free to be with my uncle without all the problems eight children who hated each other brought.. my story begins in 1977 in an old farm house in corinth, kentucky, without running water or heat, just electricity for lights and cooking.
I was raised on Air Force bases in the US and Asia until I was 10 or 11. My mother divorced my father while he was on an unaccompanied tour in Turkey and hooked up with my uncle. She married him and his children became our step-brothers and sisters. I saw my father once when he got back to the states and not again until almost 30 years later.
After two years, my uncle put his children in an orphanage and my mother dispersed her children to the four winds so she could be free to be with my uncle without all the problems eight children who hated each other brought.
My story begins in 1977 in an old farm house in Corinth, Kentucky, without running water or heat, just electricity for lights and cooking. I was 16, living with my 22 year old boyfriend who worked for the owner of a dairy farm, milking dairy cows twice a day, 7 days a week for $90 a month plus the house on top of the hill. We had no television, radio or telephone. We did have an old beater car but no money to do anything except buy food once a month. We lived on potatoes and onions and whatever I could make with flour and water and salt.
One day a stranger knocked on the door and offered me The Truth That Leads to Everlasting Life. I took it and read cover to cover in a few hours. I had no Bible to look up scriptures so I took everything written in the book as absolute truth. I had never been to church in my life nor any training with the Bible, nor knowledge of God other than what I felt in my own heart. It shook me up and amazed me.
One day while visiting my mother in another town I mentioned the visit and what I had read in the book. She told me to stay away from those people. When I asked why she said she heard they were crazy people who believed nonsense. So, I took her advice and never went any further with it, even though I was traumatized at what I had learned and started thinking about being killed by God because I was not able to be good enough for him.
I lived in perpetual torment at the hands of my boyfriend who dealt drugs and abused them extensively. His abuse toward me was severe but I had no where else to go so I just decided to make the most of my life and try not to make him angry, which was futile. Finally, I turned 19 and was working as a grill cook so I would have food to eat due to all the money we ever had was wasted on drugs for him. I did not take them because I saw what it was like for everyone else who did.
I endured the last beating I would ever tolerate from him one afternoon when I got home from work and did not bring him something to eat. He threw me down the stairs and I never went back. I left with the clothes on my back and walked 16 miles to my mother and step-uncle-father's house. They would not let me live with them because they had begun studying with JW's a couple of years before and felt that I should "lie in the bed I made for myself." But my step loaned me money to rent a room by the week. I found a job waiting tables and paid him back.
They (the parent figures) wanted me to study the Bible with them to straighten out my life. So, I did. Then they wanted me to date JW's and set me up with some brothers. I was in no condition to date anyone, having been traumatized by my first boyfriend for six years. Nevertheless, they pressured me to accept their advice. In a short amount of time I was indeed married off to a friend of theirs who was also studying but was in an alcohol rehab program. He got a pass to get married but had to be back before 11. We slept together once and I got pregnant.
I realized immediately after finding out I was pregnant that I could not live with this person who I didn't even know and who lived in an alcohol rehab facility. My mother was no help and did not understand why I bolted from that arrangement. I got a divorce after my baby was born.
Since I lived with my mother during the pregnancy and she was the first person to see my daughter when she was born, and since she helped me with my baby from infancy, I think my mother felt more like my daughter's mother than her grandmother. Realizing this, I got on welfare and moved out. Mom got baptized soon after.
From that moment onward, my mother made it her life's mission to save the everlasting life of my daughter, since I was clearly not going to do it.
At some point I will detail the ordeal she put my daughter and I through for thirteen years.
Suffice to say, because of the involvement of the Sun Valley Congregation in Alexandria Kentucky, backing my mother's evil attempts to blackmail me, sue me in court and defame my character to my daughter, she and I were seperated for almost eight years due to no fault of my own. I was falsely accused of many things, taken to court repeatedly (winning every suit brought against me), arrested on false charges so that they could get emergency custody of my child and more.
Finally, in 1996 after legally proving that I am a fit mother and able to raise my children properly, they came up with a new plan. They told my daughter to say her step father molested her. That was the end of the road. My entire life was destroyed. I lost my children, my family, my job, my marriage, my home and all of my possessions. The only thing left was my mind and my integrity. I clawed my way back up from the bottom without help from anyone, suffering yet determined not to break.
I can't express the diabolical evil I and my daughter endured at the hands of the do-gooder JW's and their twisted minds and reasoning. Some day I will write a book and it will shock most people when they learn the full details of this ordeal that has resulted in my child, who is 30 this year, becoming a pile of mental mush.
Nevertheless, I thought I was called back to the JW's by God himself and began to study again seven weeks ago. Yes, I was shocked but ready to let Jehovah help me learn about him and his purpose. I could have been wrong all those years. I didn't know and needed to find out. I had my first study using the Bible Teach book and began attending meetings immediately. Everyone was impressed with my intelligence and abilities and proclaimed that I would be an excellent teacher and could reach people who have been through similar things in their lives.
Then I discovered the UN/DPI/NGO issue, the new "Faithful and Discrete Slave" issue, the absense of admonition to "prove everything to myself" being replaced with "Put Your Trust in the Organization".
So, here I am. Wholly committed to my love of my creator and his son and determined to help others who have experienced traumatic, evil influences from the cult who prey on mentally fragile individuals, including my little sister and her son who are baptized witnesses.