if my memory serves me correctly any idea or thought which is in contradiction to what is currently being spread by the society is a one way ticket out of the society...not that bein ousted is a bad thing tho...(grin)
Posts by zanex
Would you get disfellowshipped for this?
by ballistic ingoing back to 1889 and telling them that the new system will not arrive until at least 2001?.
or even.... going back to 1975 and telling them that the new system will not arrive until at least 2001?.
and will i be asking the same question in 2051 about the situation now?
by Bill Parker inunconditional love really?
some today believe that all anyone has to do is believe on the lord jesus christ.
just believe that this unconditional love is enough for us to gain this free gift.
dont let the door hit ya in the azz on the way out...
first time post
by zanex inwow...i am floored...it has been damn good to read some of the posts..i never thought there were so many people with the same prob's.
been df'd for a few years and still have an elder dad and a very devout mom who constantly make me feel like i am a "stain" if not for my "worldly" wife i dont think i wud be here to make this post...
and for some reason that snowman does something for me..lol
first time post
by zanex inwow...i am floored...it has been damn good to read some of the posts..i never thought there were so many people with the same prob's.
been df'd for a few years and still have an elder dad and a very devout mom who constantly make me feel like i am a "stain" if not for my "worldly" wife i dont think i wud be here to make this post...
wow! Hello to EVERYONE! I feel like I will fit in just right..(grin) after puttin up this post I slept better than I had in years. U all are great. Psychosis never looked so good! I feel better already...
I will definitely be posting more.
(snaps shoulder to get a better fit on straightjacket) lol -
first time post
by zanex inwow...i am floored...it has been damn good to read some of the posts..i never thought there were so many people with the same prob's.
been df'd for a few years and still have an elder dad and a very devout mom who constantly make me feel like i am a "stain" if not for my "worldly" wife i dont think i wud be here to make this post...
hey there naeb! good to "see" ya again! I gotta say this site is better than a 100 dollar an hour shrink...lol u crack me up...big spider isnt it? heh heh heh save me a room next to ya in the nuthouse...I have my own straightjacet even...lol
Shunning of Witnesses
by ItsJustMe ini know that we hear a lot about disfellowshipping - but how many families were shown simliar treatment by their relatives when they became witnesses?.
while we still had contact with my parents' families, there was definetely a line drawn.
i remember one time when i was about eight i called my aunt's house.
your post hit me...been df'd for a few years and the speed with which my jw parents and jw sister "shunned" me spun my head so fast I didnt know which way was up or down...but then the non-jw extended family that i had never known cuz they were worldly accepted me with open arms and no questions asked from the get go...all it took was one phone call...all those years I had wasted thinkin they were "bad" i felt like a nazi...I had rejected them for so many years and with just ONE call they gave me my life back...good post -
first time post
by zanex inwow...i am floored...it has been damn good to read some of the posts..i never thought there were so many people with the same prob's.
been df'd for a few years and still have an elder dad and a very devout mom who constantly make me feel like i am a "stain" if not for my "worldly" wife i dont think i wud be here to make this post...
wow...I am floored...it has been damn good to read some of the posts..I never thought there were so many people with the same prob's. been df'd for a few years and still have an elder dad and a very devout mom who constantly make me feel like I am a "stain" if not for my "worldly" wife I dont think I wud be here to make this post...
first time post
by amazed injust nice to know that i'm not alone.
i'm truly amazed and had no idea unitil yesterday surfing on a whim i decided to confront my past.
it's a blessing for me and i feel another turning point in my life because now i have lots of people to talk to and i know now that i wasn't and i'm not going crazy and that it's not just me.
first timer here too...same idea as amazed, finally decided to dig up some old garbage and try to deal with it...am totally relieved to find others like me...been df'd for a few years and this is the best thing I have ever seen...some of the posts have hit me hard...but glad to have found a place where others understand...
Never, Ever Believe A Thing They Tell You.
by Englishman inmy son and daughter from my previous marriage have just been kicked in the teeth by witness teaching.
they have never ever been jws, which makes it worse imo.. they have just been dumped by their jw grandfather, dumped by their uncle, dumped by their aunt.
when my dfd ex-wife lost her mother a couple of years back, her jw sisters and brother decided to put a stop to my exs alienation.
this one's for you wiz...speaking as a df'd one for almost 5 years. My life has taken a total turn from when I was df'd and I am a good husband, father and a benefit to my commnunity but those jw's who I still have within my family circle, ie elder father, jw mother and jw sister, still treat me as a "stain" eventhough the events that led up to my df'ing are no longer existant. I fail to understand how the "shunning and exile" that those df'd have to go through is anything but humane punishment. That type of punishement is completely and totally uncalled for. I understand though that speaking as one of the borg u have little to no control over the mindless jargon that your kind spews out...I feel sorry for you...your post brought up some very old feelings of angst in me that I have struggled with for a long long time...
They shun you--Do you love them?
by ashitaka infor all who have, are, or will be shunned (which should pretty much be all of us), do you still have a deep love for those who now shun you...now, not familial love, but an active love that yearns for that person's companionship?.
i have several regrets; one of them is the friends that i've lost.
how about you guys?.
im torn...I feel a deep hatred and loathing for those who messed my head up but those jw's who still are close to me include parents and a sister...it is the only thing in my life I feel any angst for...I'm sure one day that anger will subside...dunno when but...bein df'd wuz the hardest thing I have EVER had to go through...but in the end....#*ck em...
"smeone's alwayz tellin me i'm no good well I dont care what you say"
puddle of mud