yah megadude...I have been df'd for almost 8 or so years and I am still havin trouble lettin my parents and sister go...everytime I try to get close they come back with that same ol scriptural crap about bein df'd and blah blah blah...it hurts...how do I let it go? I really do love my parents especially having become a parent myself...I see my daughter and I cant imagine there being ANYTHING that cud make me treat her as my parents treat me...I saw my parents a little while back when my baby girl was born but there was that old wall there...STILL there..I dont even live in the same state as them! fuck that religion...
Posts by zanex
Letting JW relatives go....revisited
by MegaDude insome of you might remember i posted my thoughts on why, after years of shunning, and me continually trying to establish contact with the jw relatives that do this, i finally decided it was healthier for me to let them go and stop doing that.
this was especially true in the case of my younger brother, who was more like a best friend.
we spent a lot of time together before my extricating myself from the watchtower, including vacations and lots of weekends.
Southern Maine/NH ?
by DocBob inlooking for former jws in southern maine and nh.
i was in the kittery maine and portsmouth nh congregations from 1973 - 96. bob
doc bob-those were different days back then...I do remember those conventions tho...that takes me back...
yer post touched a nerve in me...welcome...sniffle...FREEDOM! The dark side is a very nice place to be...it is wild and open and unpredictable and thats what I like about it...
What did/do you most look fwd to?
by SPAZnik inafter 29 years of bondage.... i'm loving living it up.. and wondering.... when you first left,.
what things did you most look forward to doing.
or, for that matter, what things do u still look forward to?.
u'd be amazed at what u can do without the constraints of the "troof" I think I still have a video floatin around somewhere of some exploits..hmmm I wonder if I shud check into that..lol...ahhh yep xander..NiN...something I will always treasure..and the 'myriads' of "parental advisory" cd's I have..heh heh...ahh the nose, lip, tounge, nipple piercings I had when I walked into the kh the night they df'd me...ahhh memories to treasure...
JW Rules That Are Just "Too Much"!
by Ephanyminitas ini'm curious: what rules have you dealt with that were just "too much" -- whether they were "official" (i.e.
in print) or not?.
i think a good, general one is r-rated movies.
quote from seedy3
"The shunning is given to a person at a time when they areoften at their lowest pointin life, I have seen so many people that were depressed at the time of their DF'ing or became depressed due to it. These one often need the support of their friends and family, but are hencforth cut off from among them, it is as stupid a rule and can be."
I think u hit this one on the head...this gets my vote... -
WHAT Kingdom Hall did Ya'll go to?
by thewiz ini was looking at another thread.
and was wondering,if i'm not being too forward, what kh did everyone here go to.. i used to go to the cranston kh in ri, usa .
78'-89 portland me, 90-df'd santa fe south...grrrrr...vengeance will be mine...heh heh
What did/do you most look fwd to?
by SPAZnik inafter 29 years of bondage.... i'm loving living it up.. and wondering.... when you first left,.
what things did you most look forward to doing.
or, for that matter, what things do u still look forward to?.
sex, drugs, r movies, more sex, piercings, tatoos, strip clubs, more sex, FREEDOM! damn I love being me...life isnt like that anyMORE mind u...but it was MY choice to stabilize...not some "body of frelders" (frelders= 'fraudulent elders') quote from the zanex book of borg terminology heh heh...
Hi, I am new to this board
by rebelledat12 inmy name is jessi, i am 24 and new to this site.
i spent the last hour or so reading some of the posts and wow!
i think i am in the right place.. a brief bio, i was raised as a "full" second generation witness (my grandmother converted) but always knew that i didn't want to be a witness.
welcome...to heaven or hell, that is up to you. The point here is that you have a choice here...I MOVED out at 16..my elder dad even held the door open for me...that was 11 years ago..I never looked back...baptized I was...disfellowshippped I have been...shunnin was a whole lot of fun but freedom is not without its cost...I wouldnt change a thing...yer sister is gonna have problems...sorry j...but for what its worth be there for her when she makes that decision...it aint gonna be easy...but freedom is 100% worth it!
Fresno/Clovis CA area?
by lv4fer inanyone from the fresno/clovis california area.
i live in the foothills of clovis.
yah in the fresno area...recently moved here..hot as a mutha...
Southern Maine/NH ?
by DocBob inlooking for former jws in southern maine and nh.
i was in the kittery maine and portsmouth nh congregations from 1973 - 96. bob
collegegirl-yah i do remember that lighthouse and that little shack..I spent most of my time runnin around the beach and hoppin around on the rocks...yah I vividly remember those waves crashing...ahhh the dayz of innocence...
mulan-yah I member both of em..dang that takes me WAY back...I was a kid back then..we were just a bunch of innocent dumbshits who knew nuthin. LOL but we all dreamed of one day being able to be the coveted "microphone attendant" whatever..hahahahaha. I got cynical somewhere along the line hahahaha