Topics Started by zanex
my story...
by zanex inhmmm where do i has been so long since i have thot about it.
i have dropped bits and pieces of my story here and there but i am gonna expand on it i suppose.
my parents became dubs when i was 2 years of age so technically i was not 100 percent born into the "troof" but at 2 who knows any different?
by zanex inwell, it finally and my wife decided to go our separate ways.
i left on sunday.
it just wasnt a healthy relationship.
I'm bbaaacckkk...
by zanex injust got back from an awesome weekend in san diego.
went to a conference work-related and had an fuckin great time..feels good to be back on the board tho..i think that this has been the longest i have gone without checkin or postin on the board.
life is good.... lisa-we gotta hook up sometime soon..have much to talk about.. -z-
anger triggers...
by zanex inthis last week some of my mother's family (my gma, gpa, uncle etc) got in contact with me.
they are all non borg and have been anti borg for as long as i can remember but for years i treated them like shit because i was "trained to" but now when i talk to them and hear that they are just normal people with normal lives and i feel very guilty for the way i once treated them.
they dont hold me responsible for any of those actions and always tell me that i am family no matter what.
lunch with an AWESOME lady
by zanex injust had lunch with lisa and it feels very very good to know that i am not the only one out there...thak you lisa!
yer defintely one people i will value for a long time to come!
will definitely have to do that more often..
by zanex indamn...the birthday events of the last 2 days has left me on sunday with a bad bad headache was all definitely worth it but damn i wish i cud member all of what i did.
hahahaha i'm goin to pop a couple excedrin and kick back and relax tonite...whew..but i made it and am still in one piece...zanex lives to see another birthday!
by zanex inits my birthday friday!
i have a bunch of "worldly" friends that i really care about and they are all planning on taking me out but i hesitate...i just only recently within the last 2 years started taking active interest in my birthday so i only have a minimal idea of what to feel...i know i will go out and get trashed and plastered but i want to know what it feels like...i dont know if this post makes any sense haha i think i'm gonna just drink myself into a nice stupor and pass out somewhere hahaha...any tips or advice from anybody here?
they wont leave me alone!
by zanex ini have a problem..i have been df'd for like 6 or 7 years i lose count but point is my parents are still stuck in the alternate dimension called jw and they seem to think that there is still a "chance" for me.
lol..funny shit i think but anyway, the town i live in just happens to house some of my friggin elder pop's elder i thought when i got df'd that meant they would leave me alone but now that i have a wife and kid that arent jw related at all my parents seem to think that my wife will "convert" i trust my wife better than that and i know that there is no way that she would ever do that..she is as cynical as i prob is that they have infiltrated me at my work and i dont want to have to be an asshole about it but i just need them to leave me be...anybody got any ideas on things i can do shy of buying a fully automatic weapon and perching myself on my front doorstep?
anyway..i can hear the psychiatrist callin my
first time post
by zanex inwow...i am has been damn good to read some of the posts..i never thought there were so many people with the same prob's.
been df'd for a few years and still have an elder dad and a very devout mom who constantly make me feel like i am a "stain" if not for my "worldly" wife i dont think i wud be here to make this post...