Hello Freddi and Agape
Nice to have you join the group.
i am new to this site.
i will take mommy's advice and write a bit about myself before i start posting so that you can have an idea of who i am and what i am about.
i used to attend the kingdom hall about 12 yrs.
Hello Freddi and Agape
Nice to have you join the group.
i've just recently (today) booked my little girls first birthday party at mcdonalds, she went to a pals birthday party a week ago.
well since i was brought without having any, and started bringing my daughter up that way, is it ok to do do them now we have left, i suppose now we have left it doesn't matter what we do now is it,are any other parents doing the same, i wonder?????.
I don't believe I've said "hello" to you yet, Nogs.
So a BIG Hello,
Did your little girl enjoy her friend's party? Bet the answer is 'yes' - Imagine how much more she will like her very own celebration. I think when you see her shining, joyful face, any left-over WT guilt you have will fly out the window....It will be a special day for you too.
this is the letter i received concerning the custody issue.
i have been given permission by the.
writer to post the contents here.
Dear Esmeralda,
You might want to check out Steve Hassan's homepage:
Once, there click discussion groups on left hand side of page, this will take you to YahooGroups, register to join Freedom of Mind group and post the letter and a request for help. I feel confident you will get some worthwhile assistance/advice from some members of this group.
Dear RC,
I've got such a BIG, SILLY, SMILE
on my face - reading all the congratulatory posts of the others and your responses. I'm so, so happy for you.
I posted this thought on another thread but I think it's worth repeating:
I truly feel men/women who marry ex or active JW's are extra special people. Think about it, they would have to be to put up with all the demands the Borg makes on its members...while they sit by loyally because of their love for a person.
So, dear friend, while everything you said above is much appreciated - don't you dare think of us while flying off to Fiji - no, no, instead of being the ever so responsible woman that I know you are - act like a love-struck teenager!:):):):)
Ah, again, I am soooo happy for you.
(And, want the scoop when you get back from your honeymoon! HaHa.)
(((((((Hugs to you and that fine man of yours)))))). Love ya, Zazu
well, i'd just like to say hello to you all and introduce myself.
i've spoken to a few of you on chat and i must say this site is well worth logging on to.
it's nice to be able to speak to people who share a common experience to myself, although at times i've found since i've been here through the last week, it has started me thinking again of my experiences in the truth...is this good or bad?.
Welcome Paul,
Glad you decided to join our 'coffee house.'
Simon, or one of you others Brits' -
May I ask what a 'brummie' is - it's not an entry in my 2080 page dictionary, so I'm clueless. :):)
i'm getting ready for the book study.
the only reason i'm even going is because i've got several friends i don't want to break ties with yet.
they are counting on me to help them stay strong in the "truth".
Dear Doubtingsister,
I can feel your pain, confusion, and dilemma as to what steps to take next.
It's never easy to face the probability that your now 'friends' will be forced to eventually shun you. Sadly enough, in order to be true to yourself, and even to your family, you ultimately will find yourself taking steps to get away from it all. Only you can truly know when the time is right. You might start with just 'missing' one meeting per week...then a day of field service and so on. I think what might happen if you do so, is that when you actually see how you are 'judged and treated' it will firm your resolve that you are, indeed, making the right decision in leaving. At some point you will want, and need, to put your self-integrity and spirituality before that of any man-made orgqanization, and their round about path to a personal relationship with your God.
And, please don't worry about explaining to other people, such as your mom-in-law - when she sees you, your husband and child participating in the 'things' she considers quite normal she will probably be jumping 10 feet in the air and clicking her heels with joy, if she could! She will ask her own questions if she is interested in knowing why you left.
There is so much more I could say to you. Come back here frequently to visit with us...it will help in the transition, as Rollercoaster attested to in her post. Remember, Zev stated the same feelings and felt 'alone.'
So, see, just sharing your story helped poster Zev. Six's advice about taking control for yourself is excellent, and Esmarelda's regarding leaning on your husband is too. It is true, having not been a JW, he can't fully understand how 'ingrained' (good choice of words,
BTW) it all is - but he can support you in your transition into normal activities you haven't been accustomed to - and you'll have the time to enjoy, at last.
One last thought - I have always felt that men who become involved with or marry women who are/were JW's are extra special fellas! Think about it, what they have had to put up with - all the meetings, field service, etc., no celebrations, and on and on. Hmmmm, if you think you have a good marriage now - I bet it just gets better and better.
I'm sure we'll 'speak' again, Anne.
hello, redhorsewoman,.
i was reading the long post of 2nd may 2000, about donations, and i could not .
help myself to send you this information concerning your quote:.
Dear Rollercoaster,
Good for you for 'putting' your money where it would actually help some needy individual(s). This was always a 'sore' point with me - even as a teenager I thought that the neglect of some suffering individual or family wasn't right. And, I remember times when the CO would announce that the congregation was pleased to be able to send 'extra' to Brooklyn. While, at the same time someone in the congregation, pioneering, couldn't even afford to have her car repaired, had to take a bus, and was practically living on tinned pork and beans. And, that's just a minor example...there were so many needly people! One family I knew went to a Catholic-run food kitchen for meals twice a day for over 3 months, when the bread-earning husband was temporarily disabled.
And, yes, you are right, it is only recently that the WTBTS has 'lightened up' somewhat regarding investing. I read the Awake article you mentioned - and, as I can recall, they still 'caution' the rank and file. However, I think that they now can't totally condemn investing because they have been the recipients of big blocks of stocks that deceased JW's have left the society in their wills...Does the WTBTS reject such, of course not! There was some info posted on this forum re their majority ownership in one particular company - I'll try to find it for you.
Lot's of issues, 'big and little' that just don't add up, IMO.
Just another thought, as soon as you get your business back on an even keel, start a retirement program. This is another 'sore' point with me, so many JWs anticipating Armageddon 'just around the corner' - and winding up at retirement age with nothing for their 'golden years.' You have a good head on those shoulders of yours Rollercoaster. Love ya, :):) Zazu
been doing a bit of reading on mithras.. this essay contains some interesting information.
count the parallels between the legends of mithras and that of christ.. one of the "proofs" given to show that the gospels must be divinely inspired is that relatively simple men of the first century could not have fabricated such a powerful mythos.
a simpler explanation is that they merely made use of thousands of years of pre-existing religious ideas, shaping them to fit their own needs, as follows.. expatbrit.
Hi Expatbrit,
Many years ago, after exiting the Borg, I spent copious amounts of time looking into other religions, ancient legends, etc. Some kind of quest...? I remember reading much of what you posted above. Made me wonder then, and your post makes me wonder now. Hmmmmmmmm. Ty:)
thomas jefferson said of jesus's teachings:.
"they have been still more disfigured by the corruptions of schismatizing followers, who have found an interest in sophisticating and perverting the simple doctrines he taught, by engrafting on them the mysticisms of a grecian sophist, frittering them into subtleties, and obscuring them with jargon, until they have caused good men to reject the whole in disgust, and to view jesus himself as an impostor.
" (from jefferson's syllabus of an estimate of the.
Once again, thanks for such a fine post. These words of Christ sum it all up don't they - such a simple but
exquisite message. Surely no support of 'shunning' contained within. Just a pure, basic directive as to how to treat and views others...and how to approach God without any assistance from an organization and their never-
ending rules.
i just finished reading the thread started by seven regarding therapy.
i saw that many of you have gone to counseling as well.
still others are cautious about it.
IMO you have come a long way in the last month and a half! I am so proud of you and will support you in any way that I can...and I know others here will do likewise. Just let those feelings out my friend, many of us surely do understand. The microphone at this place is yours whenever you want or need it...no 'permission' needed by any of the 'elders.' HeHe.
I love your spunk! Zazu