Thought it was corrected 21:14... Try the link.....
click here .
hi everyone .. sorry to scare you lke this.
just thought you'd like to see who it is you been speaking to.. .
Thought it was corrected 21:14... Try the link.....
click here .
hi everyone .. sorry to scare you lke this.
just thought you'd like to see who it is you been speaking to.. .
Hi everyone .. Sorry to scare you lke this. Just thought you'd like to see who it is you been speaking to.
Dr.Phil Is My Witness
I love Dr. Phil. He is a man after my own heart.
He gives support to much of what I have been saying here on the board.
The subject of his program today was combating phobias. Some of you will recall my saying that by controlling what we believe we can overcome phobias almost instantly. Dr. Phil agrees.
He said There is no reality only perception.
He also said "Its not what happens to you that is important but how you percieive whats happening.
He had several people on with various phobias. One was afraid of driving. Another was afraid of flying. But the one that was most educational was the one with a general fear of death.
About this Dr. Phil told the sufferer that no can control how it is they die. The only thing we can control is how we live.
The only way we can avoid being afraid of death is facing the fact when we die is totally out of our control. We in order to live a focused secure life have to learn to trust in a higher power. This higher power he readily admits he calls God. You have to look death right in the eye and call his bluff.
Without trust in God we can easily like the woman on the show become immobilized with the very idea of dying.
Dr. Phil explained that what people are really afraid of is not the thing that triggers their fear but in reality their fear is of being out of control.
Dr. Phil says fear serves a useful purpose when it is balanced with the risks. Irrational fear despite the slim chances of harm serves no one well.
I have concluded the supernatural power of faith and trust in God should not be underestimated. It is the one thing that seperates us from the animals. Animals are the direct product of their environment. Humans despite their environment can make their lives what they want it to be by their choices of what they believe.
Edited by - zechariah on 14 October 2002 0:8:44
had someone well-respected like:the mutual friend whom everyone loves... orthe teacher whom everyone loves... orthe boss/co-workers whom everyone loves... orthe elder/po/elder's wife/po's wife whom everyone loves... orthe pioneer sister whom everyone loves... orthe young handsome ms whom everyone loves.... say something to you... that they wouldn't in a million years say to anyone else... or cop to when the matter is presented to them because they could not bear to have folks know they really think that way?
so that when it all is brought forth, you are made to look like the trouble-maker because you said that such one said something they indeed did say... and yet, in the face of those who "love and respect" them, vehemently deny it?
or have you had others, including perhaps one of those above, say you said something you didn't say, not necessarily because they misunderstood you, but more truthfully because they heard what they wanted to hear... rather than what you were saying... because their minds... and hearts... were in a whole different place... a place where they were trying to find something "against" you so that they could say, "aha!
That my girl Aguest,
When you speak n your own name what you say carries must greater weight. I believe wholeheartedly in what you said.
How can someone hear unless the take their hands from their ears. There is none so blind as he that WILL NOT see. There is willingness required. They cant blame God because than can't see or hear him. It is all within their power
and not God responsibility to force himself on them.
Thanks again for being personal.
- my years of deep meditations on life and its many mysteries have revealed to me that the strangest concepts about life are the truest.. - nothing in life is totally coincidental.
- history repeats itself.
- all things physical are the hardware.
Ah Shucks.....
this evening i had a nice conversation with ray and we discussed our previous conversation.
while our previous conversation was remembered differently in certain areas we agreed that we should be peaceful with one another, i apologized for any misunderstanding and decided as a result to remove any negative comments made about him.
i do believe our discussion was productive and will help us both to be more supportive of one another in the future.
I am so relieved. Things seemed to be going downhill. Now I feel better.
- my years of deep meditations on life and its many mysteries have revealed to me that the strangest concepts about life are the truest.. - nothing in life is totally coincidental.
- history repeats itself.
- all things physical are the hardware.
You certainly are a empathetic guy. Even though you can't really appreciate how it is to be me. You're description is accurate. I dont know about the cow dung thing. Lets see.
You don't know how good I feel you and Funkyderek are giving me this break.
Just to show my appreciation I am dedicating to you both the following song.
- my years of deep meditations on life and its many mysteries have revealed to me that the strangest concepts about life are the truest.. - nothing in life is totally coincidental.
- history repeats itself.
- all things physical are the hardware.
Your reasoning is backwards. You think that choosing to not be afraid by believing is being afraid. What sense does that make. Its being wise to believe things that benefit you. With God on my side I have nothing to fear. If you want to say I'm afraid not to believe I won't argue with you. It is only a wise choice on my part.
If it were not for God holding back Satans hand and limiting the damage he does no man would live. This is what he had to do involving Job. God let Satan know he had limits in what he would allow Satan to do to Job. God was giving Job the opportunity to prove himself in a way that would benefit him everlastingly.
if we do not accept the book of mormon
anybody ever scan all the other sites to see how they compare?
below is a sample letter to a ex=mormon site
I have a recent thread on the Catholic Church and JWs sharing the same spirit. I must now add to that list the Mormons. The idea hit me as soon as I saw your post. I searched and quickly found jst the support I needed. Check out this link.
The Mormons and JW are the same Organizations
Edited by - zechariah on 9 October 2002 8:35:40
- my years of deep meditations on life and its many mysteries have revealed to me that the strangest concepts about life are the truest.. - nothing in life is totally coincidental.
- history repeats itself.
- all things physical are the hardware.
A cute riddle I heard many times before. :)
A bad man has bad eyes, bad hair, bad teeth, etc. Cute. But not literally true.
I'll stick to what I said without further clarification.
- my years of deep meditations on life and its many mysteries have revealed to me that the strangest concepts about life are the truest.. - nothing in life is totally coincidental.
- history repeats itself.
- all things physical are the hardware.
You are distorting what I said. Never did I say I believe it was Gods intent or responsibilty to prevent the destruction at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That is obvous as he allowed it to happen. I said God did then as he most always does limits the scope of disasters. This is never an obligation but is always a act of love.
Judging God for the things he allows us to suffer is the exact folly that prolonged Jobs suffering and got him severely chastized. Our perspective of earthly life prevents us from seeing the bigger picture.
It makes us super sensitive about physial death. This life is not all there is. It is but a University (school of hard knocks) where we receive valuable training for our everlasting existence as spirit creatures.
Our earthly lives are individual roles for our spirit selves (souls) to play to build a career accomplishment for ourselves for the time all the souls will be judged.
When we create a computer game like PACman (Planned and Created) we incorporate the potential for good and bad things to happen.
How well PACman interactively scores in te game depends how well he conforms to the laws of God all which are invisible, spirit things. Just as in a PACman game I already explained but you choose to ignore physical death is not what it is to God as it is to man himself. God is all powerful.
He has the power of life and death. It is not the individual plays (lives) of the soul that does not die with the physical body that counts. It is the final score he will be judged by at judgement day and whether he will ever incur the death of the soul (the 2nd death). The death of something that is inherently immortal is like an oxymoron in that you cant destroy something that cannot die.
This is precisely why those said to be imposed spiritual death are said to be cast into the lake of fire and evelastingly tormented there. Spiritual death is not destruction but symbolic of seperation from the love of God.
How do I know all this. Something from God told me so.