JoinedPosts by zenpunk
I have nothing to lose, bisexual ex-JW
by Salsita ini have been an observer for a while here.
i would like to meet a former female jw late 20's early 30's and get to now her for a close relationship.
i have always known i was bisexual.
I am bisexual and married now as well and, though, I am monogomous, I can give you some advice. Your husband may be alright with it but you must be careful, as if it becomes more than a fling he may get quite jealous. Plus he may be interested in the whole "threesome" thing which is something I have never endorsed. Fortunately, I'm married to a very unique and cool guy. You can email me if you want any further advice.
5 Year Old Cousin Says Who Will Live & Die
by Scarlet inmy husband and i took my 5 year old cousin to see lilo and stitch the other day.
(her mother has been a regular pioneer for 18 years) mind you this child cannot read or even count to 100. she out of the blue says to me "do you know if you do not go to meetings you will die at armagedon?
" she goes on to say that if she salutes the flag or eats birtday cake she will die and she knows her friend at school will die because she slautes the flag.
It's disgusting how children are manipulated that way. It's pure bigotry.
Most Dubs Know Its Garbage.........
by ISP ini have contacts with quite a few dubs....still and can talk freely to a small number.
thats the conclusion that i've come to.
at least ones that have been in it some time.
I've had some admit to me that they stay for the "good moral guidance". (I guess child abuse is ok) However, if you need to be in a cult in order to keep yourself from sleeping around, etc., then you have a seriously weak mind.
by minimus inone thing over the years that i have noticed about jehovah's witnesses is that they love to drink, especially bethelites....have you too noticed this?
and why do you think this might be the case?
I drank a lot more when I was a JW. I used to have a shots in my room sometimes just so I could go to sleep. In my old congregation there were extremes, those who would be upset if you even had booze on the table, and those who would drink up your liquor cabinet if you didn't stop them.
Once, when my parents were out of town I invited the "farm boys" over for a fine christian gathering, er, I mean party. My parents were pretty pissed when they got back, not because I had people over, but because they drank every drop of alcohol in the house.
by minimus inone of the most interesting things that i have noticed about being a witness is the awe that is given to bethelites.
it seems that if you are a bethelite, you are accorded special privleges in congregations.
you are honored when you visit a hall.
I attended a congregation close to the Farm in Wallkill. There was a huge mix of hypocracy going on when it came to Bethel. The rich who had their benefactors / the desparately poor who could never even afford a car. The geeks who would never get laid / those who were getting their own action with no one the wiser because they bore the title "bethelite". Whenever a new brother showed up, the sisters (sans me and my rebellious attitude) would line up and see who would be snagging themselves a hubby. Mostly the new ones were pricks until they were beaten into submission or wised up and left (or were kicked out).
Femininity, God, Satan & a Truck
by SixofNine inthere have been alot of post about feminity.
i am sharing a bit of writing done by my daughter.
my 10 year old daughter.
I think someone has a brilliant child at home. These are the writings of a genius. That could be published you know, and scholars would spend decades interpreting it.
Short doctrine
by Bang incan you briefly sum up the teachings of the wtbts?.
eg "boo" or "god is actually an asshole, this way out" .
God loves a miserable and brainwashed people.
what did god do before he did anything?
by sleepy ini remmember the idea that god has been around forever, to be a bit confusing as a witness.. does this really make sense?.
heres two reason why it doesn't.. 1.what was the first thing god did?.
so either it wasn't the first thing , if there is not a first thing god did see point 2,or god had a begining.
13th Apostate - "Let us make man in our image". Well I'm glad just2laws answered for me. I agree. And I take the Bible with a grain of salt.
Ever lie on your service reports?
by The_Bad_Seed in*laughing just thinking about it*.
did anybody out there lie on their service reports that they maintained the 'national average' when in reality you got .005 hours of service in any given month?
i magically always used to always get "10" hours out in service, while nobody ever saw me at the groups, no one ever caught on, or seemed not to -- maybe they just didn't give a shit.. i always lied so i could keep my microphone 'privelidges' -- that being, the privelidge to walk around at the back of the hall giving my deflated ass a break from those awful chairs they had.
I never did (I thought it was a mortal sin). Though when my husband was a regular pioneer he got 90 hours the last two months sitting on the couch watching TV. Then he made his grand, highly visible exit as soon as he returned from Pioneer School, exclaiming, "It's all a pile of crap!"
What bravery - too bad I was still a dub at the time and completely freaked out.