G'day Trevor,
Nice to meet you. Yes, sad isn't it. The Americans led the way in killing thier own God when they removed the mystic in thier religions by trying to rationalize the incomprehensible nature of God who is supposed to exist beyond our space and time.
I don't believe in a biblical God but shared a coffee last week with a christian posting here called ozziepost. He made the point about God being beyond our space and time and it really makes for refreshing thought.
cheers, unclebruce.
WIZ: ==="AAAAAAAAnnnnnnnDDDDDDd whyyyyyYYYYYYYyyyyyyy did God choose the faithful and discrete slaAAAAAAAAaaaavvvvvvvVVVVVVVve?" -more like the discredited slave. He probably tried taking over heaven when he got there. The guy had all the advice on sex, but never even used his penis, well 'cept to piss with. -on our heads!===
Hillarious! and ooooooOOOOOOO sooooooo true.
You do great post.
regards, unclebruce