Hi all.
I kinda chuckle at the increasingly popular use of "climate change". So now it's climate change eh? What happened to just Global Warming? The term implies that climate stasis is the norm. Now that's funny.
i hope this link works but there has been virtually no sunspot activity since the beginning of this year and the suns magnetic field is down 60%.. if this link does not work, you might like to try googling: sunspot activity 2008 iceage.. the last time this happened we moved into a little ice age which lasted from 1100 to 1800.. global warming lies may well have met their match with reality.. so how will they tax us for the 'ice age?
do we get our tax back that we paid because of 'global warming'.. is this why they have made fuel so expensive....because they know what is coming and they want to make a killing?.
Hi all.
I kinda chuckle at the increasingly popular use of "climate change". So now it's climate change eh? What happened to just Global Warming? The term implies that climate stasis is the norm. Now that's funny.
$750 billion.
thats about $2,000 for every us citizen.. what i don't understand is how come it is viewed as communism and interventionism to interfere with the market when the times are good, but as soon as it all goes sour, the us government immediately intervenes to bail the market out and mortgage future generations of hardworking us taxpayers?
it's almost surreal.
Without the bailout debt will be able to be purged from the system. This will come a great cost to Investors, Financial companies, banks and people, but will enable a faster recovery.
With the bailout you are increasing US debt tremendously. Before the Great Depression the aggregate of Government, personal and corporate debt peaked at 270% of GDP. The GD was a massive unwinding of this debt. Today, before this bailout Government/Personal/Corporate debt stands at 370%. Increasing it worsens the problem and prolongs the recovery. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY increasing US debt to these levels call could lead to an abandonment of the US dollar. A plunge in the dollar could easily add a "0" (or two) to everything it used to buy. It's happened many times before to countries less vulnerable than we are now.
it was the same weekend that my mom and dad, to my surprise, agreed to meet with me.
i was in midland, michigan, about a month ago, only an hour or so from where they live.
in the airport on monday morning, in walked john, someone i remembered well from the jw congregation of my youth.
Very interesting exchange. His first letter was very well thought out and actually made some sense. Your reply to this letter was one of the best I've read here on JWD so far.
Excellent treatment of WT "negativity" faultfinding and the pervasive destruction of family ties.
His latest letter was rather lame in comparison with no real direction or substance. That speaks for itself. If it were me I would probably let things rest or only respond with kind wishes. You made great unassailable points for him to contemplate.
Great job
michelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
Hey Chelle,
Looks like the JW drama circus just came to your town!
She obviously expects you to assume your position as a pitiful, wayward fool (in her eyes). Gawd I have no tolerance for that. In similar conversations I have gained enourmous satisfaction by taking a tone that essentially conveys:
"How stupid do you have to be to believe....
The list goes on, but you get the idea. She's a moron stuck in a cult that ruin families over loony beliefs like this. I've only managed to see one person exit the silly religion. I'm not sure if I had anything to do with it, but I do recall my healthy doses of ridicule on sheer stupidity of their logic had some effect when we talked. He initially assumed a similar condescending pitiful tone when we talked. It took a couple of whacks with the "ridiculous club" and I sensed he realized just how dumb his position was.
the world's oldest recorded tree is a 9,550 year old spruce in the dalarna province of sweden.
the spruce tree has shown to be a tenacious survivor that has endured by growing between erect trees and smaller bushes in pace with the dramatic climate changes over time.
So, the University of Georgia is technically wrong and "other" sources are right. Thanks for clearing that up. I will fire off an email to the University of Georgia and ask for a clarification.
Bravo! Would you mind posting what you intend to ask as well as the reply?
the world's oldest recorded tree is a 9,550 year old spruce in the dalarna province of sweden.
the spruce tree has shown to be a tenacious survivor that has endured by growing between erect trees and smaller bushes in pace with the dramatic climate changes over time.
I'm noticing a pattern Perry. Throw any criticism or doubts that threaten my cherished belief then obfuscate, obfuscate, obfuscate. It has all the hallmarks of a weak arguement.
Since you're so familiar with the University you lifted your desperate quote from..... Why don't you merely write any one of the physics professors there and ask them if your understanding of that quote - namely that modern radiocarbon dating methods' "basic assumption is that the earth today is the same as it has always been" - is correct?
What do you think they will say if you were to ask that question Perry?
Let's try this again.... Perry, are you claiming that modern Radiocarbon dating methods assume a constant rate of CO2 in Earths historic atmosphere? Yes, No and Why?
the world's oldest recorded tree is a 9,550 year old spruce in the dalarna province of sweden.
the spruce tree has shown to be a tenacious survivor that has endured by growing between erect trees and smaller bushes in pace with the dramatic climate changes over time.
I'm confused, this university says that carbon 14 forms at a rate that appears to be constant. Yet Freewilly says that past rates of formation must be "calibrated".
Are you really confused? I don't think you are. Your original contention was that historic levels fluctuated and that these fluctuations have not been considered. Now you object to the fact that dating methods accomodate and quantify fluctuation to produce a more accurate measure. The concept is rather simple yet you claim you are confused.
I see you didn't answer the question. Are you claiming that modern Carbon Dating methodology assumes a constant CO2 concentration? Yes or No, and why?
Who does the calibration? On what science is that based. Does the calibrators pre-conceived notions affect what samples get calibrated and which ones don't. Are there any blind tests that show the calibrators are sometimes wildly off?
These are great questions. Maybe you should resolve these before you draw conclusions? I would have assumed you researched this already, as well as you claim regarding concentration before making a judgement. The fact that you have not looked into these issues before casting judgement implies that there's more at stake for you than simply an objective quest for understanding.
the world's oldest recorded tree is a 9,550 year old spruce in the dalarna province of sweden.
the spruce tree has shown to be a tenacious survivor that has endured by growing between erect trees and smaller bushes in pace with the dramatic climate changes over time.
It seems your tactic is to simply present any evidence, regardless of credibility, that will discredit carbon dating's implied threat to Biblical timelines. It's as if you're just looking to cast doubt using any contrary evidence rather than present a real concern for accuracy. Thus my assertion that some Bible believers often are just looking for a crutch - no matter how reliable - to support their beliefs.
For example: In your first post you claimed:
"The carbon 14 dating basic assumption is that the earth today is the same as it has always been."
Yet, information was subsequently presented that clearly shows carbon fluctuations are considered, quantified using multiple unrelated measures, and now results in methodology that yields an ever increasing degree of accuracy out to ~45000 years. So do you cling to your original idea that Carbon Dating methods assume a constant CO2 concentration? Or do you simply move on to a different way to discredit the implied threat?
If a person only accepts information complimentary to their beliefs and rejects contrary evidence, do you see how that person would be vulnerable to persisting in a belief based on false premises?
since it seems the cats out of the bag on the book study being eliminated from small groups at homes, i feel it ok to discuss the "why" of the society's actions on this manner.
many seem to be confused as to why the wt would eliminate another evening of busywork.
some see it as a loosening of the riens on the wt's part to let the congregation breathe.....i see it as the complete opposite....i see it as another control tactic, one that has been in the works for a while.
My guess is they're probably trying to do better at retention. It's easier to fade, leave or slack off than try to keep up the hamster routine. The more they water down and go mainstream the better chances they have at keeping members and preserving the money stream. The "just around the corner' bit is losing credibility.
the world's oldest recorded tree is a 9,550 year old spruce in the dalarna province of sweden.
the spruce tree has shown to be a tenacious survivor that has endured by growing between erect trees and smaller bushes in pace with the dramatic climate changes over time.
Perry: "The carbon 14 dating basic assumption is that the earth today is the same as it has always been."
Where did you get that idea? Source? It seems by the material you cited that you believe that somehow scientists have overlooked CO2 fluctuations in Earth's historical climate? Your material refers to Dr Libby - the one who discovered Carbon Dating shortly after WW2. You do realize that methods of dating, including carbon dating, have dramatically improved - right?
A quick search of Wikipedia shows no assumption of constant CO2 in Earths historic climate. In fact it's quite the opposite (and rather obvious).
Wikipedia: Radiocarbon dating
A raw BP date cannot be used directly as a calendar date, because the level of atmospheric 14 C has not been strictly constant during the span of time that can be radiocarbon dated. The level is affected by variations in the cosmic ray intensity which is affected by variations in the earth's magnetosphere caused by solar storms. In addition there are substantial reservoirs of carbon in organic matter, the ocean, ocean sediments (see methane hydrate), and sedimentary rocks. Changing climate can sometimes disrupt the carbon flow between these reservoirs and the atmosphere...
Standard calibration curves are available, based on comparison of radiocarbon dates of samples that can be independently dated by other methods such as examination of tree growth rings (dendrochronology), ice cores, deep ocean sediment cores, lake sediment varves, coral samples, and speleothems (cave deposits)...
Relatively recent (2001) evidence has allowed scientists to refine the knowledge of one of the underlying assumptions. A peak in the amount of carbon-14 was discovered by scientists studying speleothems in caves in the Bahamas. Stalagmites are calcium carbonate deposits left behind when seepage water, containing dissolved carbon dioxide, evaporates. Carbon-14 levels were found to be twice as high as modern levels [15] . These discoveries improved the calibration for the radiocarbon technique and extended its usefulness to 45,000 years into the past [16] .
The myth that Carbon Dating is inaccurate due to atmospheric fluctuations of CO2 persists amoung Bible believers despite readily available evidence to the contrary. It appears to be more of a "crutch" helping them cling to belief in the Bible than a real concern for accuracy.