Steve....your question is pretty much the same one I was posing in my "Seeking Jesus" thread. And in the same post you quote, I also state what Jesus means to me:
for me, the real Jesus is the message of humility, love, and justice that he taught and he embodied this message with the very way he lived his life. Jesus' revolutionary message is that God is not isolated, distant from humanity, living in "third heaven" or the "Pleiades" or whatever, but that he can be in you and rule your heart by the way you live your life. That's what Jesus means to me, and that is the kind of kingdom I want to seek in my quest to be a better person and live a better, more charitable life.
It is this message, this really revolutionary message, that is lost completely by the WTS. I disagree with those who believe no such person as Jesus existed and that he was invented purely as a mystical religious concept. My exploration of the evidence convinces me that there really was this man who had a very real, powerful, and tangible message -- namely, about the Kingdom of God. And I do believe in God, and I am quite persuaded by Jesus' philosophy of having God dwell in our hearts. The problem with his message is that it is filtered through the traditions and writings of his followers who developed very different ideas of who Jesus was. So, I am still seeking, not sure if I know Jesus yet, but I like very much what I am finding.
And at the same time I do not reject entirely the more mystical, theological conceptions of Jesus in the different streams of Christianity. He may have been God as some Christians believed. Or he may have had a gnostic message, as others believed. I myself am more persuaded by the Jewish-Christian (i.e. Nazorean) conception of Jesus since that seems to be closest of the view of his original disciples. But I would rather embrace different contradictory conceptions of Jesus than reject possible truth. Maybe that's not faith, I am quite agnostic in many matters, as I freely admit, and I do well to study and discover how perhaps some traditions of Jesus are based on misunderstandings of things he said, but I do cherish and truly enjoy the wide spectrum of opinion.