Yo, Brandy...
What's your story?
Also note that there are forum topics revolving around SEX... heh heh heh...
(cackles self to sleep in rocking chair)
i spent an hour looking at this site and decided to join.
i was a jw from 1973 to 1986. yikes!
not a smart thing to do.
Yo, Brandy...
What's your story?
Also note that there are forum topics revolving around SEX... heh heh heh...
(cackles self to sleep in rocking chair)
i know of a congregation on the east coast that is having all bookstudies meet at the kingdom hall!
that's right--no bookstudies in private homes, at least for now.... has anyone else heard of this?
and what could be the reason?
I liked the bookstudy the best - it was at our house, so my whole family wore slippers. And we always had goodies afterwards - EVERY WEEK! And I had a lot of good friends. Like I always say, my main problem with the JW's is the Watchtower, not the people themselves.
I remember commenting a lot, but I didn't mind. We did the Greatest Man book, that was the best. It was during that book that I got reproved for the second time and they said I wasn't allowed to comment anymore at any of the meetings. (has that ever happened to anybody else?) My attendance dropped sharply, and I was out within two months.
The kingdom hall is depressing anyway. But at my house I could nap until 7, get to the meeting, stay home utnil 9:30, then head out to the pub for beers and late night sports television with my buddies.
Ahh, great days, great days... (mumbles self to sleep in rocking chair).
i was very sure that i was, for several years (in the 80's).
never ate/drank the emblems.
don't feel that way now at all.. i knew a few others my age that had a similar experience.. fantasy?.
YES! That's it! Everyone attend and partake! I love it!
i have read this site many times, and i have even mentioned a few times before under the name dissedsis that i am from the panhandle area of texas.....ie amarillo area, and it seems that i can not find anyone else around this area that were witnesses in this area.
Yo, I used to live in Woodward, OK. Not that far from the panhandle. Now I live in Pittsburgh. Which is my hometown. Go Stillers!
joe alward.
about a year ago i raised this issue of the bible-writers' apparent belief that the color of one's offspring is determined in part by what you're looking at while you're mating.
we didn't obtain then what i considered a satisfactory resolution of this problem, so i'm presenting it once again for the forum's consideration:.
Hey Alward, I don't like you.
Later on in the Bible, Jacob has a dream where he sees the sheep mating, and the basic principle of genetics is shown to him.
Give me your postal address so I can send some JW's to bug you about it. Hahahaha!
i just thought i would post a thread and let everyone know what my own personal beliefs are.. you can post any comments you want to.. also, you can post your own personal beliefs if you would like to.. here are my beliefs (based on what i have read in the bible):.
i believe in god almighty, my creator (the father, jesus christ, and the holy spirit -- all 3 are separate persons in unity as one god -- all 3 are co-equal, co-eternal, co-omnipotent, co-omniscient).. i believe that jesus christ, the eternal son of god, came to earth and was born as a human (while keeping his full deity), gave christians 3 laws to follow (love god, love your neighbor, and treat others how you want to be treated), died for the world's sins, in order that everyone who believes in jesus christ may be saved and receive eternal life with the jesus, and jesus was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven to be with the father.. all of this is by the grace, love, mercy, and justice of god.. that is the gospel of salvation.. i believe that everyone who truly believes in the true jesus christ of the bible, will be saved, and will be taken to heaven when they die to be with the lord jesus christ for eternity.. i believe that when they die, everyone who rejects jesus christ will end up spending eternity separated from jesus christ in hell (whether hell is a fiery place of torment or not, i'm not sure, but i know i don't want to be there no matter what it is).. i believe that jesus christ is the only judge of a person's heart and mind.
humans should not condemn one another, in regards to where they are going to go (heaven or hell).. jesus christ will judge everyone who never got to hear the gospel.. i believe that all children who died before they were old enough to know what is right or wrong, will be saved.. i believe that jesus christ is coming again, whether in our life time or not, i do not know.. i believe that everyone on earth should follow these 3 commandments of christ:.
Well, what is the point of this?
If the bible is metaphorical or literal about the creation, this in no way impacts who we are as divine animals. If we evolved most of the way and then were given the divine "breath" into the "dust" of our ape shells, does it really change how we should treat each other today?
Men have NEVER known what is going on. What we need is faith and love and hope, not "certain" knowledge that changes from today to tomorrow.
from my youngest days, i remember being told that we should be careful because of the demons.
they are everywhere, just waiting to pounce on us.
we were told to stay away from windchimes since they "attract" the demons.
Still am. The "fallen angel" mythos is a fascinating cultural phenomenon among the JW's. I heard many good "demon" stories, and in fact, am putting some of my best into a collection - which I might post somewhere. If anybody has a good one, let me know at [email protected]. Most of them have three things in common:
1.) The basic assertion that Jehovah's Witnesses have the "truth," with attendant privileges of protection and risk of becoming the focus of demonic attention.
2.) Demons as evil gods, to which the "false" religions pay worship. Witch doctors, etc. all have powers beyond the ordinary because of the demons. Anything inexplicable, from UFO's to horoscopes, is attributed to demons attempting to distract the servants of Jah from their duties. However, these demons can never assume physical form, and only in rare stories do they actually cause physical harm.
3.) The presence of a possessed object causes harm, or the possessed person performs some act of prophecy, until the use of sanctioned action displaces the demonic forces.
Anyway, if anyone has a tale, mail me.
panama city zookeeper mauled by lion .
panama city, fla. - a 500-pound african lion mauled a zookeeper who had stepped into the animal's cage thursday to pose for a magazine photo.. george koll, 61, was attacked in the head and throat by the male lion.
I think it just reinforces my belief that many of our former brothers are good people - we all know this - and that they are capable of extreme bravery.
Do some of us really hate every person that is too enslaved to be our friend now?
I wonder if I would have had the courage to jump into that cage - lions are pretty vicious. Check out the lion attack footage (it's buried somewhere on this site www.consumptionjunction.com)
<p>i jsut read over some comments by someone named you know.
he made a convincing case that the wt is going to suffer judgement for what they have done.
i still believe in jehovah, but not in the wt, and this makes sense to me.
yeah, that's pretty much my point.
Individuals would be driven out, lost and confused and feeling like God has abandoned them - and maybe we could help them with the transition to a life outside the cult. Or if they are under some kind of mob or governmental persecution, maybe a courageous defense of some sort would be in order. It isn't like the innocent sheep are deserving of the coming plagues, just the organization as a whole, and maybe some of the leaders.
In addition, I agree with the idea that Christ came to offer a way of redemption, not judgement, and repentance out of love, not out of fear.
I think that the Witnesses started with the right concept - worlwide preaching work reaching out to folks of all nations - but it eventually fell into the hands of our Enemy and never got the complete picture. I think that they are especially culpable becasue they either assumed or were given Jehovah's name to bear and have caused it to become synonymous with harsh judgement, hypocrisy, and money-grubbing.
Edited by - czarofmischief on 17 October 2002 23:26:2
no teaching in the bible is clearer and more consistent than the one which holds women to be inferior to men.
below i show that it is taught that the woman was created from man, for man, that man--not woman--is the glory of god, and that women are not allowed to teach or control man because the woman, not the man, is the one who was deceived by the serpent.
" (1 corinthians 11:2-9) "for a man...is the image and glory of god: but the woman is the glory of the man.
For the dude who is denying the resurrection:
It is very easy to categorically deny eyewitness accounts - you can mess with anyone who has seen anything. So the accounts mean nothing on their own. The real proof, I have found, in the resurrection is that by praying to Jehovah God thru Jesus, I have developed a relationship with Him. Does not the Psalmist urge us to test God out and see that he is good? So it doesn't even matter if the resurrection really happened or not! Or whether Jehovah is a Trinity, a leader of a polytheistic Olympus, or a pot-smoking Rastafarian. The point is He will let you believe what you need to believe in order to serve him.
And to accuse him of killing the innocent? So what? Babies die every day. Good people die every day. A whole bunch of people in Iraq are going to die, and most of them don't "deserve" it. Get off your high horse - if God wants to kill any one of us, guess what? Not a damn thing we could do! I support invading Iraq, although I know that it will result in killing many babies. So what if God ordered a strike of similar proportions on Amalek?
The point is - God is the boss. If we have faith, he has promised to make it all right in the long run.
As for all the people who are leaping to the glorification of women - I think Paul was just harassed. I think the thorn in his flesh was some crazy woman!