Mexico's Vicente Fox
Mexico's President Fox is a regular in all of the European Union meetings.
I KNEW it!
Besides, does the Bible really point to "an" anti-christ?
Or a rapture?
this site helps you to narrow down antichrist candidates.
sorry valis, your name was not found. .
Mexico's Vicente Fox
Mexico's President Fox is a regular in all of the European Union meetings.
I KNEW it!
Besides, does the Bible really point to "an" anti-christ?
Or a rapture?
dear friends,
here is some intriguing info on the real history of the watchtower organization and the hidden agenda and role that they play in relation to the new world order.
i've pasted an excerpt here which i find especially interesting.
If they were in control, and benevolent, they would do a better job. If they were in control, and malevolent, the world would be a hideous place of unending torment.
More likely, they aren't in control; although they may have aspirations along those lines.
I do know that they have said that many of the early Greek myths were actually distorted memories of the materialized sons of God, the Nephilim, etc. And that might mean the Atlantis story was a memory of Noah's Flood. In fact, they use it as the Greek version of the Flood legend in their "Everyone tells it, it must be true" logic.
That's about the sum of it, I think.
Either way, it is heresy and blasphemy and you are all going to Hell!
i contend that we are both atheists, i just believe in one less god than you do.
when you understand why you dismiss all other possible gods, then you will know why i dismiss yours.
- stephen f. roberts.
Some things must be endured to be believed - Frank Cotton, Hellraiser (by Clive Barker)
if they made a movie about your life among the jehovah's witnesses, and you were the casting director for the movie and money was no object, who would you cast as the members of your congregation; your elders; their wives; the circuit overseer; yourself?
remember, this is a fantasy, so you can have anyone in your cast, alive or dead.. i think robert deniro could play a very good circuit overseer.. i always thought ted knight would make a good elder, especially the one i am thinking of who always put his foot in his mouth on stage.. i haven't thought of who should play me.. how about you?.
Me played by Doug Bradley in full Pinhead regalia - and it would be a musical revolving around being cast out of "Heaven" and my JC would be played by the three judges from American Idol.
how do you guys find the time to chat on this board all day?
gumby - you too? Wow, our Infernal Father pays out better than Goober's Witlesses ever did!
jw's at least *try* to have scriptural backing for all their little doctrines.
it may only be two obscure references to two cultures a thousand years apart celebrating a birthday, but at least they've got *something*.. have you ever known them to pony up any sort of biblical reference to justify the formation of a "judicial committee"?
i know they have their pet shunning scriptures, but that's after the committee meets and decides to axe you.
I get the understanding that there are two factions inside of Bethel, one more liberal than the other. Of course, in the early 80's, the hardliners, headed up by Schroeder and Jaracz, gained near absolute power by purging the liberal Ray Franz. Until then, you might very well get two opposite viewpoints in the WT. Poor Freddie was too old and powerless to stop them.
That's the general impression I get from CoC and observations by folks on this board.
hi all.. many of you have probably seen my posts on here before, but if you haven't let me reinterate my story in short for you.. i am currently dating a wonderful guy, but the problem is he has been considering becoming a jw.
he has studdied with them for about a year.
because of me has agreed to do some religion searching and figure out what he really believes.
(((CZAR)))I know you needed it then, and I know you don't so much need it now, but reading your story just moves me to tears. Bastards, I don't know how I could have ever let them tell me to "shun" somebody. To you and to anyone I ever shunned, I offer my deepest most heartfelt apology.
Well, a hug is always nice...
Remember, I shunned others in my own time. It's all good. I harbor no resentment towards anyone except those who formulated the policy to begin with.
hi all.. many of you have probably seen my posts on here before, but if you haven't let me reinterate my story in short for you.. i am currently dating a wonderful guy, but the problem is he has been considering becoming a jw.
he has studdied with them for about a year.
because of me has agreed to do some religion searching and figure out what he really believes.
It's real. I was disfellowshipped and the process of reinstatement was derailed by pompous, grandstanding elders refusing to either hand over jurisdiction to the congregation I was attending (for a year!) or to readmit me on their own. In fact, I wrote to them twice, trying to get them to meet with me and consider my application for reinstatement, and they never contacted me in return. The local elders had to contact them, and basically force them to meet with me. And then the elder body denied my reinstatement application anyway. They were horrible, stupid men, and it is indicative of the rot that is festering in that religion that they had so much power over me, my actions, my social life, and my future.
I just re-read that paragraph and realize I'd better put it all in chronological order for somebody who wasn't there, for clarity's sake and to EMPHASIZE THE POINT that Disfellowshipping is a real evil.
August 1998 - I move to Pitt Greensburg, PA, to finish my degree. I attend the Jeanette Congregation for over a year, auxiliary pioneering on occasion, and being offered certain privileges like microphone handling and counter work with the magazines.
November 1999 - Having never missed a meeting, or failed to comment or prepare for a study... I still run into spiritual "difficulties" with a young lady. My actions lead me to confess my guilty conscience (not even anything really bad, per se) to an elder I trusted. He puts together a judicial committee, and they meet with me. On their advice, I break off my relationship with the young lady. Her subsequent actions lead me to believe that breaking her heart was a bigger sin than anything I had done with her. In any case, I am privately reproved and denied the "privilege" of commenting at meetings. My study declines sharply at this point. What the hell is the point of underlining the paragraphs if I can't comment?
December 1999 - Drunk Glory Evening. Heh heh heh. However, my guilt for this event again led me to confess and seek help with my wayward libido. They meet with me, and decide to postpone decision until I return from winter break.
January 2000 - I have made changes. I was going to commute from home, so as to avoid the association that led me into so much trouble - a commute of 37 miles each way! These were the lengths I was prepared to go to in order to "demonstrate repentance". Stupid of me, really, in retrospect. January 19, 2000, the true New Millenium begins with my disfellowshipping. I finish out the term in a depressed, panicky haze. I try to attend meetings, but without a car (and nobody willing to risk contamination by picking me up) I put it on hold and focus on my studies. Oddly, my grades are the highest they've ever been.
May 2000 - I graduate and move home. I get an internship at the Pittsburgh Public Theater, working in the Education and Outreach department. My confused stance regarding issues as political neutrality, blood, etc. leads to ostracism at work. I am used to being rejected by the world, but what hurts more is the fact that my home congregation, the place I grew up, the place full of people I loved and thought loved me - won't even acknowledge me. I relentlessly attend meetings, study for them, staying in the back.
September 2000 - It being the custom, I am told, for elder bodies to reach out to those disfellowshipped and seek to help them towards reinstatement, I write a letter to the Jeanette congregation asking to meet with them. I never get a reply.
November 2000 - the local elder body, impressed with my attendance and motivated by genuine affection for me, ask me to write to Jeanette once again, seeking a reinstatement hearing. They tell me that it is traditional to let the disfellowshipping commitee handle reinstatements wherever possible. Since Jeanette is only 37 miles away, it seems that they should hear me out. They do not reply to my letter.
February 2001 - the local body contacts the Jeanette congregation and applies pressure to meet with me. We schedule a meeting. I leave work early, wear a suit, and carry my Bible. The Jeanette elders are wearing casual clothing and have to borrow my Bible in order to read me a scripture. There is no prayer offered. They deny my reinstatement. From this point on, my efforts are greatly reduced. I am too tired to keep going to meetings. It is interesting to note that the meetings actually become physically painful for me after this. It is an effect that recurs in many disfellowshipped ones. I interpret this as being God's Holy Spirit condemning me. (I later put quite a different interpretation on my physical rejection of the meetings).
After a summer in Oklahoma, I return and move in with my girlfriend, intermittently attending meetings, but always running into the physical agony that makes listening to the talks completely impossible.
I take a night shift job at a local hospital. Between baths and crises, I can surf the web. I land here. I learn the troof about the truth and find my spiritual center. From start to finish, my disfellowshipping had complete and utter control over me for about 2 and 1/2 years, during which at any point I would have returned had I been offered the opportunity. I was not.
Now that I no longer believe, I have no problems confronting JW's I meet, and roundly condemning anyone who says that they are God's chosen people (like e-watchman). They are not. They do not have the truth, and only a few evil people can make it incredibly difficult for honest hearted ones.