hello Aztec~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I am proud of you. Congratulations!!! Its a huge feat to undertake.
All the Best, OCW
...and i'm feeling pretty good right now.
i quit, cold turkey, this morning.
it's been almost 24 hours since my last cigarette.
hello Aztec~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I am proud of you. Congratulations!!! Its a huge feat to undertake.
All the Best, OCW
after reading so many experiences about how being a jw affected a person's life, i wonder how your life has turned out because you were at one time a witness.
Before joining the jw's, I came out of a dysfunctional family. Dealing with emotional and abuse issues. Along with parental neglect and abandonment.
So I fed right into the org. and married a man like my father. Like the family of orgin did'nt deal with feelings. I fit right in the org not dealing with feelings~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fortunately I've done extensive therapy. And continue to do so. It's about the journey not the destination~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I am happy to be where I am today!!!!!
i hated it with a passion!
who enjoyed it??.
i can possibly imagine someone who's home life was miserable, and it was an excuse to get out of the house.
I felt guilty at the time of going door to door and feeling like a hypocrit. And prayed at every door they would'nt be home. And if they were at the door they would'nt be interested . Did'nt offend me. Quite relieved!!!! I purposedly went door to door by myself.
I used the same sermon for 14 yrs. Can you believe that???~~~~~~~~~~ I refused to work with anyone at the doors!!!! No one said anything to me the way I was handling the whole situation. Maybe because I was this odd duck out of water to them Who knows??? A true dedicated person~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ huh??
It was one of many journeys in my life!!!
i took the quiz and i got:.
you come from an ancient civilization.
I come from the ocean.
Which is true for me. Being cancer and a crab makes alot of sense. I receive nuturing from water.
have you ever won anything in your life?
i didn't, but indirectly i did.
back in 1982 my mother won a brand new honda civic.
I won a 250.00 stratch off lottery ticket.
I won 10,000 nickels on 90 cents at the casino nickel machine.
$500.00 on a quarter machine. Now this was over a period of time.
what happened or was said, that made you decide, enough is enough, i am out of here ?????
The last straw having to go before the JC dealing with domestic violence and marital rapes. They wanted me to start dating my husband!(OMG) The responses for the sexual abuse is " You know how men are ? "
Emotionally blown out of the chair by their respnses. I said if I stay in the marriage I will be pushing daisies up somewhere. Dealing with psychotic behaviors is deadly marriage!! And very toxic!
I was pushed out and shortly DA'ed self. The greatest gift to give to myself~~~~~~
come sunday morning, my friend and i are going to make poster boards and use ezekial 34:10 about "bad shepards.
this is what the sovereign lord jehovah has said, here i am against the shepards, and i shall certainly ask back my sheep from their hand.
" ezekial 34:10
My personal campaign exposing abuse against with jw's . Started in 1983 when I went into treatment for alcoholism and my women sobriety group. I have shared my story and the treatment received by the org for close to 20 years now.
In the 1990's I was involve with 40 some women in Minneapolis doing a rape survivors video project to to share with different Rape and Domestic violence centers through out the U.S. in our healing processes.
There was a actress who told my story and she had a southern accent. Which I don't have living in Minnesota. Because of fear of my ex. and dealing with abuse allegations with my children at the time. What was ironic listening to me as if I was talking through her. She had the same speech mannerism. She had me down to a T.
Jw's were exposed in the treatment I experience with domestic violence by lack of suport from th JC's.
September 2002 I participated in the SilentLambs march to WT headquarters in Brooklyn, NY. To march for my daughters and testament that abuse exists in the org.
I wear the SL button as a testament( I can't say witness. Leaves a sour taste im my mouth.) When ask about the button I tell them about the campaign exposing the jw's regarding policies in handling with abuse.
Sent out SL flyiers to the kingdom halls in the Twin Cities and outside area's in Minnesota. Over memorial week-end. Will continue to spread the word.(pun intented!)
I've e-mailed various news media and letter to the editor.
I am commited to the cause for change. My friends call me the Warrior woman on a cause!!!
Just by my presence is my testamony to change. We all are!!!!
ok..i admit it, i've done a very bad thing.
i found this site about a week ago and have been reading like a mad-woman.
even posted to a couple of threads.
Welcome to the board Zeena
Looking forward to hearing from you more
last night we were coming home from a night of dancing,and came upon a really bad wreck, a young man, had flipped his jeep, several times and his car was on fire.
we must have just missed the wreck, because there were two cars there that saw it and they didnt know what to do......i told my hubby as we stopped to see if anyone had called 911 yet, and asked him to ask if anyone needed first aid.
i am not in the medical field but i know enough first aid to help until the emt arrived.
Hi Lyineyes:
Its amazing how one shifts gears in a time of need. Yup you two were there for a reason!! And nerves of steel at the time after the fact the nerves become unreveled.
I had a phone call at work. The woman told me her son witness and help with young kid on a bike hit by a car. a nasty wreck. She wanted to know if He survived or not. I told her I know its hard to witness and to have it flash before your mind many times. Sorry to say I could'nt give out information. That she could call the police department. But they could'nt give any info. I said the other possibility is to call the police chaplin. The son was having difficulties with it all. PTSD from a traumatic event. Its normal for those feelings.
I felt bad for her and not knowing the results.
I support you and Tex taking care of yourselves to talk about the feelings. That's what you did to bring it to this site. I won't get tired of listening. Okay?
there are many reasons why we choose a username.
on this forum, aside from some of the more obvious names associated with our avatars, what does your nickname/username mean or refer to?.
some are first names.
Hi Razorblade
Since I've been on chat discussion of oldcrowwoman. And the issues of old!
There is this curiosity with my name. My given name is Kathi and my natural name is OCW.
How it evolved with crows was 19 yrs ago in my recovery from alcohol. I was camping with a friend. We were sleeping 3 crows cawing beside the tent. Being irritated by their noise and hollered at them. Amazing they did listen to me. As if I have control!!!
Shortly after being back home, there were crows cawing outside of my apt. The weird part looking out the window there were the 3 crows. I thought they could'nt have followed me back to the cities?? I wondered what this all meant?
I studied animal energies, from Native American women and womens encylcolpedia. to me 3 crows means a emotional death. Not a physical death.
In the beginning of recovery being hit with losses of 39 yrs was very overwhelming. Learning to get in touch of my feelings. The 3 crows would show up when I needed to face a loss and to acknowledge it. At times I was'nt happy to see them.
Woman has to do with reclaiming myself.
The name OLD can come in many different interpetations. The OLD has to do with a old soul. I was older than my years as a child. And part of that had to do with abuses.I don't see it in relation with my physical self.
Crow energies is an omen for change. Crow signifies a knowledge of a higher order of right and wrong than indicated by the laws created in human culture. Crow energies speaks in a powerful voice when addressing issues that for me seem out of harmony, out of balance, out of whack or unjust. When they show up phyically reminds me to be more aware. I have the tendency to shut down emotionally.
There are many attributes of crows energies. As with all things are here to be aware and to teach. They are put here for a reason.
There are many stories about my encounter with crows over the years. But I would be hoging the thread here.