Hi lyineyes~~~~~~~~~~~
I was DA'ed before my daughters left home. In the meantime I asked both of them to wait to get baptized when they reached 18 or after. I said its a huge committment and it would be a huge impact on our lives.
The oldest was baptized 15 yrs old and the youngest 14yrs old. I felt heart sick I knew what the consequences I would be facing down the road.
The oldest graduated moved out. The relationship was severed. There are no words to describe the pain. It did'nt have to do with our personal relationship and knew it was'nt about me as a Mother. When She went thru the door I said the door is always open.
I had to do whatever where to keep myself together with my youngest. She had contact with my oldest. So she was put in the midddle of all this crap. She started to act out and her coming to accept that she was abused. She faded out of the org. She could'nt stand and watch me being in pain of the shunning treatments.
The oldest reconnected with me after 5 years of separation. She had gotten married in those 5 yrs. I was'nt invited. The youngest was her maid of honor. She had a child. I think she realized the mother and child connection.
Sent me a card asking if I want to have my grandson of the afternoon. Out of blue I said I would like to meet her and him at a cafe.
It was a emotional experience for the both of us. I never never held out hope of ever seeing her again. The relationship has grown over time. Now she is on the edge of it all. She says she's too lazy to go to meetings. I think there is more ot it.
My heart goes out to all of you. I don't understand how a org. can put wedges between families and friends. It makes no sense.
All the Best, OCW