Thanks for the replies... it got me laughing. At least I know I'm not the only one annoyed by it. Yes the lottery, or my favorite - Music Awards. You always get one that "Thanks the Lord".
I partially feel sorry for her. No not partially - fully. I, at one time in my life (its becoming a more foggy memory) wondered "what I was doing wrong" when I was pioneering, my husband (now ex) was an elder, we contributed $$$, answered diligently, looked for the shhhheeeeppp, didn't swear, smoke - well you get the picture - and I got a disease, he got fired, a death in the family all in a few months time. No "blessings" there. Guess I was going thru the "Job" syndrom then.
Now I'm a divorced, casual smoking, binge drinkin', swearing cougar and I'm happy, have a few dollars in the bank, friends galore and the freedom to think and speak (what I'M thinkin' not some churned out "quotes"). I feel very "BLESSED". lol
For me, its the guilt thing again. Also a way for this person to feel that the good in her life is do to her "god-fearing works, love, etc." whereas when bad happens, its basically that person's fault or something other's can avoid.
Ohhhhh - it still pisses me too, with the whole "turn down foolish questioning"... bastards. Don't question anything OR wait until God provides the answer. I'm sick of waiting and I'll ask all the stupid foolish non-answerable questions I GD feel like asking! (hmmm, abit more steam released) LOL