I told my wife quite simply that I can't deal with this religion being in my head anymore. It makes me want to kill myself. Every time I hear the words, "last days" "armageddon" "sense of urgency"and the weight of having to save people from a capricious God was just too much burden to bear. I told her I dont want to worship a god that will kill all these clueless people. I wanted to let her know, right from the beginning, that I was done with it all. She first threatened to leave, then kick me out. Suddenly she did an about face, started researching for herself what had made me feel as strongly and convinced as I did. She's more out now than I am. I guess it all depends how much your wife loves you verses the borg.if you are already being shunned by your family then I see no reason to not show all of your cards to your wife.
i know of some individuals who are full-blown, disassociated apostate, yet their still in wives remain by their side because of the authentic love that they have for each other.
Daniel Genser's story on JWsurvey is just awesome. It proves that if one's wife really loves her husband (or husband loves his wife), he/she will adapt and stick with their mate no matter what.