Two things I forgot to add about my experience with my wife and getting her out with me:
She had already seen some injustices within the congregation and i think that when i told her my true feelings those experiences that she had, helped to open her eyes to what I was saying. The other thing that really really helped was moving away from the congregation where she had all kinds of sentimental attachments to. I started the fade in a new hall. In the new cong, she had no friendships and it was much easier for her to see the messed up side of the cong. Had we stayed in the original congregation, I think she would have resisted me much more firmly, also she would have been more prone to the love bombing of her mother congregation.
I want to make it clear that when I told her that I was done,that she didnt have to leave with me. I said I'd support her if she wanted to continue. I even said I'd drop her off at the kingdomhall. Over and over I stressed that i loved her regardless of religion. Yet I made it clear that I was miserable and could no longer continue while holding on to my sanity.
At first she braved through it and tried to go to the meetings, but the rumors and questions that she had to continually deal with really irritated her. She noticed that people started to look at her funny and act unnatural around her. All this commotion finally gave her the strength to be honest with herself and start examining her religion.
To sum it up, timing is important, especially if something within the congregation is really bothering her.
Moving to a neutral location really helps, too.
Good luck FMF!
Also, JWdaughter: We love having you here. Your contributions and feelings are valuable and add insight to this forum. If people have a problem that you are Muslim, they can go fly a kite! I, for one, am glad there are all kinds of people on this forum.