JoinedPosts by Bonsai
In some ways yes. In other ways no. It's harder to be patient and have the endurance to deal with BS at work when you come to the realization that life is very very short. -
Does this fact in it`s own right , prove the Garden Of Eden story false to be no more than a fable ?
by smiddy inthinking about life in general reflecting on the abundance of life on this planet , it became obvious to me that every living thing , those flying in the heavens ,living on the earth , or existing in the oceans , is all possible for one reason , and one reason only.. every living thing exists at the expense of the death of some other living thing , life and death go hand in hand.. the same is true even in the microscopic world .. every living thing feeds off some other unfortunate living thing.that`s nature at its most basic observation , but true.. what the noachian flood story overlooks is the vast amount of living marine life that existed and flourished and not influenced or affected by what supposedly went on , on land.. 99.9 % of all living creatures if not 100% live by the death of some other living creature and the same would have to be true in the garden of eden if it was to have existed in the first place .. no thing can live if it does not devour some other living thing .
a fact of life .. apologists are welcome to support god , by suggesting miraculous interventions by god that have no scriptual basis.
i guess any nature video of the animal kingdom , marine life in the oceans , or videos of the bird life , as in nature series should make this clear .. smiddy.
I absolutely agree. Nature and the bible contradict each other. What would the Carrion beetle feed on if there were no dead carcasses? -
So How'd you like your Last Resting Place?
by snugglebunny inlike this perhaps?
it is pretty cool after all... .
(i took both of these pics and the difference was, well, obvious!).
Holy hell!
It's hot down here!
When has there ever been a time when there wasn't war or terror?
Yes, there is war and terror from time to time.
Yet, there is love, birth, family, friends and beautiful nature to remind us that life is worth living.
What do people expect god to do?
by punkofnice ini was watching the news about the french terrorist attacks.
not getting into that but i notice the media is churning it over a bit, now.
moving switly on; there were prayers for peace reported.. question: what do those praying for peace think that god will actually do about their prayers?.
Dear God,
You are so expert at doing nothing that we think you should continue your role in the universe. In fact,we'd like you to stay the hell out of human affairs. We'd also like you to take yourself and all your hordes of religious zealots- who do terrible things in your name(s)-and move to another dimension.
Question for believers, heaven or earth?
by Tornintwo injust trying to figure out what i believe in the wake of leaving the borg.
jesus message appeals, of course.
i just wanted to ask believers, christians, on this forum if you think the hope is heaven or earth.
I realize my comment was a bit cheeky, but for the majority of Christians on this planet hell is a very real thing that they believe and fear. We can't just cherry pick the good outcomes and forget about the bad ones.
That being said, although I am more atheistic than not, I wish their was a heavenly and earthly paradise for all. I'd wish it for you and for everyone else who can live peacefully with their fellow human brethren. Unfortunately, I don't see either as a reality to get my hopes up over.
Also I recall reading somewhere that "meek will inherit the earth" can be translated also as "land" as in Jerusalem. The scripture wasn't originally meant to mean a paradise earth.
JWs have more good points than bad
by lsw1961 in1) many who were on the destructive path have been transformed by their teachings (this includes me who was once vicious, and presumptuous and atheistic).
2) equal monthly pay to all members of the bethel community regardless of whether they are bc members or sweepers.
this is something that still remains as an unattainable dream for the world.
If you are so happy,
if you are so content,
why are you here?
Half your sentence structures don't make any sense.
Are you here to blow your trumpet? Are you here to show off your righteousness?
I suspect you are here just to run the gauntlet to see if your faith holds up.
I suspect you are counting your time.
It doesn't seem like you are interested in change. It seems like you are entirely satisfied with the status quo.
if you serve happily as an elder despite knowing of the injustices and abuse going on within this organization, then...
I'm at a loss for words...
Question for believers, heaven or earth?
by Tornintwo injust trying to figure out what i believe in the wake of leaving the borg.
jesus message appeals, of course.
i just wanted to ask believers, christians, on this forum if you think the hope is heaven or earth.
You forgot the third option for believers: HELL -
Are You Easily Offended? ðŸ˜
by minimus ini'm sick and tired of everyone claiming to be "offended".
if you are not politically correct, you will need to apologize for some perceived slight.. when i was an elder, i purposely avoided as much as i could, anybody that got easily offended.
I'm sick and tired of people who are sick and tired of those who are sick and tired of being sick and tired. -
JWs have more good points than bad
by lsw1961 in1) many who were on the destructive path have been transformed by their teachings (this includes me who was once vicious, and presumptuous and atheistic).
2) equal monthly pay to all members of the bethel community regardless of whether they are bc members or sweepers.
this is something that still remains as an unattainable dream for the world.
this is the reason why I adopted a different strategy—I support JW for their good, but secretly disapprove their failings, thus avoid the heart-break of losing my loved ones.Confrontation is not a good idea always. Not giving your heart to things you do not approve is a sweet rebellion with no possibility of ever being noticed/punished.
I totally understand that you have to keep up pretenses for your loved ones. I know other witnesses who are in the same unenviable position that you are in. If you can stomach the mental torture, then stay in and try to change things from the inside. Don't just secretly disapprove of their failings. Inaction from those still in like you will only prolong the injustice and pain that is being inflicted on your fellow brothers.
But be warned, sooner or later reality will catch up with you. You can't have your cake and eat it, too. It will get ripped out from your hands because the whole organization is trained top to bottom to spy on each other.