There are basic teachings sprinkled in that are attractive to any peace loving person who wants his family to be united in the same goal to accomplish something(such as living on a paradise earth with your family forever). A lot of their articles on drawing closer as a family have some practical value. I'm sure they quote mine professionals. Unfortunately, the organization doesn't take its own advice when dealing with those who no longer toe the line and conform to its dogmatic standards.
As long as affluent, fat, Western men run an international organization, as long as men who aren't in touch with reality run the show, there can be no real significant change or improvements from within.
I was reading on another thread your thoughts on the influence from "Western empire". I think this religion as well as most other Protestant religions are a relic of that Western empire. They can only see things from the Western view. I know for a fact many in Japan became witnesses because they loved the Nation behind the religion. JWism wasn't just a religion but an American ideal. It was softer than the traditional culture of showing no emotion (or tough love) to your children or spouse. All this talk of mildness, affection, warmth and family love was so appealing to Japanese women in a loveless marriage.
On a surface level, those things are perfectly good and should be focused on. Unfortunately, it was the strings attached to being a Witness, to being stuck in a captive organization that has robbed many of their happiness. It's less about the love and everything to do with conforming and service time nowadays.