JoinedPosts by Bonsai
thanks jah, for her win... say serena williams?
by sowhatnow in
a huffington post link to an article where serena williams 'secret weapon' is you know who..... interesting read .
Athletes who give thanks to god when they win do irritate me to the highest degree. It's just pure stupidity to believe that god isn't interested in curing diseases, helping the poor, or stabilizing the earth's crust, but he does have time to help you win your bullshit victory so you can make a lot more money than you already have. I love the NFL, but when they point to the sky I just want to put a scorpion in their jock strap. -
Are the Governing Body Members Mentally Ill?
by Oubliette indata-dog: i believe that many of them would actually be considered mentally ill, if they were ever tested.. .
great question and intriguing hypothesis.
lets take an armchair psychologists view and see what we shall see.
I think they are all honest hard working men who have special communication with Jehovah while they sleep. We should be in awe of these modern day apostles! Only seven of them! How rare and precious! I once had the chance to see one of them on a big screen TV at the assembly! I even took a picture of him on my smartphone! Stephen Lett is sooo good at gestures! Brother Morris is like a modern day Paul! He speaks with such frankness and openness. Brother Splane sounds so scholarly and sophisticated! I feel like they are all like personal grandpas to me. I just love the idea that they are delving deep into the spiritual things so that I don't have to!
To think that they are going to heaven to rule as kings over me while I'm down here being judged by them before armageddon and then tested again after armageddon fills me with such warmth. I feel so safe in knowing that Br. Morris, who is so kind hearted, will have a vote in whether I am found to be righteous or not. In my seven masters I trust! These gifts in men are like a colorful rainbow bridge to Jehovah! They even poop skittles or so I've been told!
Vacation Time! Going To A Regional?
by millie210 inthis is the first year i have not been at a summer assembly.. the friends here locally just got back from the regional in our area.. they mostly took their vacation time from work to attend.. while they were gone i had an epiphany...... why is it that the rank and file take their summer vacation time to attend an assembly (we have all heard this hammered in from the platform) whereas the governing body attend as part of their "work".. it cant be as simple as "well, they are giving talks" because there are many brothers that give talks from the rank and file also who have used up precious vacation hours and drug their entire family there plus give their parts.. or what about other brothers and sisters who volunteer and clean at the assembly.
on vacation.. so the pubs.
travel at their own expense, pay for their own rooms and food, and give parts and it is supposed to be viewed as their vacation.. the gb and c.o.s travel to the same assembly and stay in provided for accomadations, give a talk or two and they are "working".. what is that about?.
After the last few assemblies I'd be driving home and reviewing in my head what timely, refreshing things I'd learned that weekend: got to go out in service more, need to improve the quality of my service, apostates are dangerous! Need to simplify my life more, need to have more faith etc. What new things did I actually learn? That only the (k)GB are the FDS! Oh happifying! Halellujah!
My last RC was when I had a huge WTF moment. It dawned on me that I'm not learning shit even though the bible promised there would be seasons of refreshing and the light would be getting brighter and brighter. Nope. Just do more, simplify more and be happy! It was like plugging my battery into a charger only the charger was draining an already dying battery!
To be fair, visiting with people I normally didn't have a chance to see was nice. But what I had actually learned that had meaningful, stimulating substance from 2011-2014 was a total sum of zero.
If you were told today you would die next week, would you be happy and fine with that?
by EndofMysteries ini don't know how so many who seem to be certain this life is it after being jw's seem to happily accept it and be fine with it.
i am living and trying to live as if this is it.
i want there to be a future life/afterlife, something, but i see how fast life comes and goes and even if i'm living it to the fullest, there is no peace for me with the thought this may be it.
I feel like I'm living from week to week with no idea what the next week will bring anymore, so I guess nothing would really change. Perhaps a sense of peace would wash over me knowing that time is up and my ending has been decided. Every day is precious consciousness.
Has any apostate ever lied at a JC about being apostate?
by purrpurr ini watched/ listened to the brave and courageous souls on youtube who bravely recorded their jc's.
you really see a different and horrid side to the elders there.
it might sound whimpy but i don't think i would be able to stand strong like those guys did.
I refuse to be called or accept that I am an apostate. I know some here wear the title like a badge of honor or courage, but I find the label offensive, childish, mid-evil age and all around despicable. In order for you to be an apostate, they would first have to have truth on their side. They are the ones who have protected pedophiles, engaged in false prophecy, implemented harmful, Pharisaical policies etc.
If and when I ever have to go to a JC, I'll be sure to make their ears bleed before it's done and over with. If it comes to the point where you are being ushered into a JC meeting, in almost all instances, they have already lined up witnesses against you and the game is up. Make sure to confirm this, though. If they DONT have witnesses against you, and are just playing on a hunch, then it would be appropriate to withhold pertinent information from them. If they do have the 2,3 witnesses then there is no reason to lie my friend. Don't give the elders hard-ons by cowering before them.
Reliable source - new round of US Bethel layoffs coming soon
by sir82 inwas talking to an ex-bethelite who is still very well-connected to those in the ivory tower.. he says that there will soon be a(nother) large number of us bethelites who will be "reassigned to the field" as pioneers and special pioneers.. he did not give his source, but he is pretty reliable.
incidentally, he was "reassigned to the field" in the last big purge about 7 years ago.. i imagine those so reassigned would be pretty teed off.
let go just before the golden lakeshore palace was completed..
Young ones, if you want to stay at Bethel, go to college and get a valuable skill first. If you have that skill, Bethel will keep you on. If you don't have any special skills, they will send you packing in 2 to 5 years.
They might bray, piss and moan about the dangers of getting a college education, but secretly they want you to get one-especially in the legal field- so you can help protect their negligent asses.
Comparing JWs to Jews
by CalebInFloroda insome have asked how my views and convictions have changed over the past 15 years or so after leaving the watchtower behind to return to my familys roots and embrace judaism.
the best way to explain things is to allow both the religion of the watchtower and my life as a jew today to stand side-by-side for comparison.
while i cant guarantee this will help prove to others that the jehovahs witnesses are truly a crazy religious group, i am sure it will prove to most that jews probably are, and are quite aware of it.
The difference is Jews are kosher. JWs are just wannabe Jews.
Have you ever had a JW role model?
by nevaagain inthe jw hero thread motivated me to make this thread.
so when you were still in, did you have a role model which was also a jw?.
when i was young (pre school) my parents were friends with another young couple, which also happaned to live nearby.
I had a JW hero. Great elder, speaker, father and role-model. He stepped down as the COBE and became an atheist. Time changes us all. We are powerless to stop it. -
Do you have a JW hero?
by Island Man inwhen i say jw hero i mean a jw who courageously did what was right despite the indoctrination and peer pressure to conform to cultishness.
i have an unknown jw hero that i've never met but only heard of from an experience relayed to me about an incident at a jw funeral.. i was told that at a jw funeral internment, a non-jw put a wreath in the shape of a cross on the grave.
shortly thereafter a jw elder came up and removed the wreath.
Takeoffthecrownis my hero. He has taken his crown off in order to come on to this site and enjoy association and fellowship with us all! Welcome brother! -
July Broadcast Denies That JW Children Die Rather Than Have Medical Care
by BluesBrother inanthony morris 3rd delivered the broadcast this month and advised that lies are circulated that they let children die rather than have medical care .
he says this is so inaccurate as to be a boldfaced lie ...... further he says it is "up to the parents to determine what would be the best treatment for their children" .
now, does this mean that parents are really free to make a decision to accept blood for their minor child, if they so choose?
Am I alone here in thinking that this whole broadcast was dressed up and produced for the consumption of the civil authorities who are scrutinizing this organization to see if there is cause for punitive prosecution? This broadcast has the feel of whiny desperation. Too bad the average JW will lap it right up, though.