JoinedPosts by Bonsai
Introducing Myself
by Peony ini've finally got round to joining the site (after over 2 years lurking!
i was born into jws, pioneered for 10 years (met my husband at pioneer school).
had health issues that saw me catapulted away from 'the centre of the cong' and wow what a different place that was!
Looking forward to discussing lots of topics with you on the forum. Welcome! -
Why Me?
by John Aquila indo you ever wonder why out of all the witnesses, you are the one that woke up?
i wonder many times why me.
i know many men and women that are much, much better persons than me; either they are much smarter, more humble, kinder, more successful, or just better persons all around.
Circumstances also play a large role in not only awakening, but taking it a step further and separating oneself from the high control group. Living in a foreign country gave me the chance to look at things from an outside perspective. Having some free time (not much to do socially out here) gave me a chance to do research.
Knowing that the majority of my family would still have a relationship with me even if I left gave me the courage to pursue my questions and doubts and act on them.
Many are so busy on the organizational hampster wheel that they don't have time to reflect on what they truly feel. Others are impossibly entangled socially with their family and their employment all being in the witness social structure.
Let your name be spanktified
by oppostate inlol!
the subbing wt conductor just stumbled over the title of the wt study and said "let your name be spanktified.
let your name be spp... stank... sanctified".. all right, so everyone gets tongue tied at some point, if we don't use the words we read as part of our daily vocabulary.
Lots of Japanese people can't pronounce "spirit" so they end up saying "spit".
"Please pour your holy spit upon us so that we are guided by your spit in our daily life".
I'd start giggling during the prayer until my wife jabbed me in the side.
have you been moved by something you have read.
by Sabin ini found this book by carmel reilly, it`s called dear god.
childrens letters to god from around the world.
i promise you that if you are having a bad day this book what ever your believes will lift your spirits.
Where the Red Fern Grows was one of the most moving books that I ever read as an adolescent. Life takes from us the things we love, but it gives to us new things that we come to love. -
Why Me?
by John Aquila indo you ever wonder why out of all the witnesses, you are the one that woke up?
i wonder many times why me.
i know many men and women that are much, much better persons than me; either they are much smarter, more humble, kinder, more successful, or just better persons all around.
Good points Caleb. Survivor's guilt plays all kinds of roles in us waking up. I always questioned myself, as a witness, why I had "the truth" and was in line for survival when there were others on this planet who were much nicer, kinder, smarter and all around better people than I. Yet 98% of those people were in line to be destroyed at Armageddon because they couldn't accept our teachings of the bible.
That bothered me to my core. Why should I survive and rebuilt a paradise over the corpses of better people, people MORE deserving of life than I was? I could never understand how witnesses could be so content to believe that this incoming genocide from heaven was just,right and rational. To me, this world is like the modern day Nineveh. The majority of humans on the planet (or actually all of them) do not know their right hand from their left in regards to what is supposed to be the ultimate spiritual truth.
I dont know if you felt the same way as a witness John, but I did. I asked, why me? as a witness and why me even now.
The Org is terrified of apostates
by SecretSlaveClass ini knew apostasy was a serious concern for the org, but until i watched this video, i had no idea how afraid they actually were.
all this guy wants is to do is not turn in his fs hours and immediately they (elders) set about drilling him about who are what influenced his decision, as if he was incapable of making his own (which as the elders confirm, in the org is highly discouraged).
they are convinced he has been communicating with apostates or visiting apostate web sites.
Instruction of GIVING. Matthew 6:1-4....What we do, must be done from an inward principle, that we may be approved of God, not that we may be praised of men. In these verses we are cautioned against hypocrisy in giving alms, which would having nothing to do with reporting the field service.
You're right SimonSays. Giving alms is, at least, doing something. Going out in field service and also reporting your time is equal to giving nothing. It literally doesn't benefit people at all. JW's do nothing for anyone. Good point!
Mr. Geoffrey William Jackson = Humpty Dumpty
by kepler inwhen i use a word, humpty dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, it means just what i choose it to mean neither more nor less.. .
the question is, said alice, whether you can make words mean so many different things.. .
the question is, said humpty dumpty, which is to be master thats all.
8 A. So, your Honour, you will notice there is an asterisk
9 there on the term "rod", and you see the footnote.
11 Q. Yes.
12 A. "Discipline or punishment". So in the application of
13 this, the term "rod" is used as a symbol or a metaphor to
14 indicate the authority to give some punishment. For
15 example, in a modern‐day setting, my father could say to me
16 I don't go to the movies because I had broken some of the
17 rules of the home.
19 Q. So it's not about inflicting corporal punishment,
20 then?
21 A. It absolutely is not about inflicting corporal
22 punishment.
24 Q. It would have been when first written, wouldn't it?
25 A. How people applied it back then, at that time, of
26 course is open to question.
There is no way in hell that when Proverbs 13:34 was written, "rod" was metaphorical in nature. We are talking about a culture that actually stoned disobedient ones.Deuteronomy 21:18-21 ESV
“If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.
Would it be far fetched to believe that those who would willingly stone someone for their rebelliousness would not also unleash the rod on their children as well?
Nice try GJ.
Are There Good People Out There?
by LaurenM ineven though i'm no longer mentally a jw (i still technically am) i do recognize that there are some benefits to being raised one.
for example, the first (and only so far) wordly guy i was involved with had to smoke weed every day and got drunk all the time and that was his idea of fun.
i couldn't help but feel bad for him.
I agree to an extent. I am thankful to have met my loving wife through the religion. Ironically some of the qualities that we strive to find for a mate are the same qualities that caused her to leave the religion. It's good to find someone who is honest, open-minded, unassuming and for the most part, unconditional in their love and affection for their friends and family.
Most religions strive to teach the same basic set of morals. You can find good people regardless of background or religion, What they care about is a very telling factor. Do they have a substance abuse problem? Do they come from a generous family? These are all good things to research about the person.
Court seizes over one million Jehovah's Witnesses brochures brought into Russia
by StarTrekAngel in
It's amazing what a difference a year makes. Last year I would have been so angry with Russia and its overhanded tactics. Now I just feel apathy towards what they are doing. The Russian people have enough to deal with right now. They don't need the added guilt, fear and obligation dumped on them from some American sect. Also, they have their own KGB, they don't need to compete with the seven (k)GB in NY. -
Perfection? Ponder this...
by OverlappingGeneralizations inhello all- nice forum.i have been contemplating a fade for a while, and i have been reading various sites such as this one.
i have seen all kinds of things that have made me think.
but something came to mind lately, and i wanted to throw it out there-satan was cast down to the earth, and he is supposedly the cause of all imperfection.
I'd like to see a perfected version of Lett. Will he gesture less? Will his facial expressions normalize? Will god let him in to heaven with that pinky ring? How about our big brother Morris? Will that perpetual scowl disappear from his face? As my big brothers pave the way for my perfection over the 1,000 years, are they gonna help kick some ass when the beast is unleashed from the abyss? Or will they be a big no show like Loesch was when summoned to court last year?
I don't think moving to a new planet would help. Satan can still shoot beams of perfection busting particles from the surface of the earth to zap you of your immortality. Lets consider too that all these spirit creatures have had millions of years to plot and plan the fate of humanity. I would think that Satan knew beforehand which planets closets to the earth were the easiest and most likely to be colonized, so he set up some traps, temptations and perfection busting shooters on each of the planets near us.
Also, when man began to build civilization up and mass together, god got angry, stepped in and confused all with languages to divide and scatter the smartest and most capable people. What makes you think he would allow humans to colonize planets without stepping in and disrupting them?
Nice thread and welcome to the forum!