I'm an alien. I'm a legal alien. I'm an Englishman in New York.
For some reason this satirical thread made me think of that song.
hi, i believe that a lady is put on earth to satisfy the needs of her partner and respect his views in all matters.. i realize some here may consider that old fashioned and not based on sexual equality.. yet a lady and man are not created equal because the lady gives birth and the man must sire many children.
if you are a lady under 30 and keen to meet me, willing to cook and breed, then please message me here.
please do not contact me if you disagree with my views, we can agree to differ.
I'm an alien. I'm a legal alien. I'm an Englishman in New York.
For some reason this satirical thread made me think of that song.
i would like to ask a question freely to anyone, just to get a feel for those i eccounter in life and be able to meet with them through empathy.. those who spent time with this organization, did you ever feel any sense of wisdom coming from it at all?
when i mean wisdom i mean in a truly sensible manner not the illusion of it.. were there any teachings that would manifest in you respecting your self and your thoughts, as well as others, being able to detect reasonable behavior and detect teachings which promote moderate actions with others?
anything to harvest justfying thoughts are behaviors with others?
There are basic teachings sprinkled in that are attractive to any peace loving person who wants his family to be united in the same goal to accomplish something(such as living on a paradise earth with your family forever). A lot of their articles on drawing closer as a family have some practical value. I'm sure they quote mine professionals. Unfortunately, the organization doesn't take its own advice when dealing with those who no longer toe the line and conform to its dogmatic standards.
As long as affluent, fat, Western men run an international organization, as long as men who aren't in touch with reality run the show, there can be no real significant change or improvements from within.
I was reading on another thread your thoughts on the influence from "Western empire". I think this religion as well as most other Protestant religions are a relic of that Western empire. They can only see things from the Western view. I know for a fact many in Japan became witnesses because they loved the Nation behind the religion. JWism wasn't just a religion but an American ideal. It was softer than the traditional culture of showing no emotion (or tough love) to your children or spouse. All this talk of mildness, affection, warmth and family love was so appealing to Japanese women in a loveless marriage.
On a surface level, those things are perfectly good and should be focused on. Unfortunately, it was the strings attached to being a Witness, to being stuck in a captive organization that has robbed many of their happiness. It's less about the love and everything to do with conforming and service time nowadays.
years ago when i was "in" i loved the book study.
it was my favorite meeting by far.
mainly because it was a small group.
my husband is still asleep but he will get up in about an hour for work so i'm going to quickly tell you my inconclusive conclusion.
i don't know if i can believe in god anymore.
i have come to the simple conclusion that he is either dead or evil but he is definitely not loving.
I've burned the candle light deep into many a night pondering the same things and coming to mostly the same conclusions. I'm 99% sure that god doesn't exist. I'm 100% sure that the god character of the old testament was an (insert colorful adjective here).
Jesus was a fascinating person and I admire many of his qualities. But I have seen no proof or reasonable necessity to bow before him and deify him.
long story, short story.
grew up on a farm, went to bethel, married a sister and left bethel.
found ttatt after my cousin died refusing a blood transfusion.
part 2. my wife and i were at a point where we wanted to move closer to our daughter as she was about to have a child.. so we put our house up for sale, and after a few weeks we had a buyer.
as we previously had purchased a block of land in the town we had planned to live in, we needed to rent for about a year till our new house was built.
during that time only one witness family showed any kindness to us.
Looking forward to the rest!
i mean, i don't want to be miserable or anything, but what's the bloody point of it all?.
since i left the watchtower cult, i have come to realise that god cannot possibly exist...and if a god exists...god is indifferent to humankind as the least.. in 100 years time i'll be gone.
I ask myself this question alot too. WTH is the point? if there are no skittles at the end of the rainbow then why shouldn't I be miserable and malcontent?
But there really is a point. It's better to have lived than to have never existed at all. That's really what it comes down to.
So many of my ancestors (and somewhere down the line you and I share the same ancestors) have struggled against all odds to survive and reproduce so that we could be here now. If, somewhere along the line one of them gave up and died before passing on their genes, I would have never seen the beautiful smile of my daughter, I would have never met the love of my life, never seen the beauty of this planet. Never experienced the awesomeness of alcoholic beverages etc.
Life is incredibly rare and precious. Live it up within your means while you can!
the topic of circumcision has been brought up a few times recently.
then i wondered... .
how do women really view circumcision?
watchtower teaches that soon there will be a huge development that will be a sign for jehovah's witnesses!
5:3 the watchtower magazine, principle journal of jehovah's witnesses, writes.... however, just before that day of jehovah begins, world leaders will be saying “peace and security!” this may refer to one event or to a series of events.
After every great war there has been a cry of peace and security. It's happened over and over again throughout history.
But never mind all that. I'm sure it will come in your lifetime because lets face it, Christianity breeds the thinking that relevance begins and ends with you.
in the 18th century the calculations of archbishop james ussher regarding the age of the earth were still accepted without question.
according to ussher god made the earth at 6pm on the evening of saturday 22nd october 4004 b.c.. this naive certainty was to become a victim of the scottish enlightenment and the brilliant mind of james hutton.
having qualified as a medical doctor in 1749 hutton returned to the family farm in berwickshire not far from where i am typing this now.