The fact is that violence is actually in decline. Anybody want to return to the Dark Ages? I think not!
Professor Pinker explores ideas drawn from his book entitled The Better Angels of our Nature: Why Violence has Declined.
so my uber devoted mom called me this morning....wanted to encourage to go to the hall today.
she has called my df brother also to encourage him.
our deliverance is getting near, she says....and you need to get to the meeting today.
The fact is that violence is actually in decline. Anybody want to return to the Dark Ages? I think not!
Professor Pinker explores ideas drawn from his book entitled The Better Angels of our Nature: Why Violence has Declined.
that was the question to me tonight.
because of their beliefs they have a moral compass, a net work of friends and a support group.
they have what they believe is a loving god.
Clarity nailed it, writing with exquisite clarity.
This is a cult. The leaders are manipulative liars and hypocrites. If they--that is, your family--choose to remain in a dangerous, destructive cult, then I suppose that's their right (if they are adults).
I think a better question is this: Who are they to screw up your happiness?
End of story.
is this double talk or is it just me?
it's a comment in the sept 15, 2015 wt about higher education:.
11 today, we are blessed with much knowledge of jehovahs works of creation and the outworking of his purpose.
There are at least two things going on here:
1. The Governing Body is aware of the clear correlation of people attaining education and leaving the organization. They publicly assert that it is due to "Satan's corrupting influence." Whether they know or not that it is actually because these people learn to think critically and see what real academic writing is or not we can only speculate.
2. The Governing Body is jealous. They don't want anyone to have what they don't have, which in this case is an education. Every single one of them is an uneducated yahoo.
Let's review: It's a cult!
i was supposed to attend the meeting today, one of my once a month duties for the sake of my family and my fade.
i read the wt and i just can't stomach going.... what this wt does is again and again reiterate that only jws will survive the coming destruction and that they should be happy about this and raise ourselves
we cannot expect that many people will suddenly convert to true christianity.
... love for Jehovah and to support the anointed ...
It's important to notice how they constantly link "Jehovah" with themselves. This is a deliberate and very powerful tool of manipulation.
It subtly creates the illusion in the minds of "the believers" that obedience or disobedience to "the anointed" (Read: The Governing Body) is obedience or disobedience to Jehovah.
Let's review: It's a cult!
now after 21 years in professional psychology/humanities, i love talking to brothers that adopt a slow pace in speech, and low tone of voice when they deal with the rank and cold un-associated ones.
my mirroring their present state in personality seems to psych them out for a bit.
i then tap into my fast injection of logical sense, that throws them off.
HBTS: It's the lowering the head, crossing the arms across the chest, taking a breath, like they're really thinking hard about a reply ...
You forgot the stroking of the chin!
2005...three billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.
at least 80% of humanity lives on less.
than $10.00 a day.
ROH: Please at least quote Richard Dawkins when your using his words verbatim!
To whom are you directing your rant?
2005...three billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.
at least 80% of humanity lives on less.
than $10.00 a day.
There would have to be a god for him/her/it to give a proverbial "damn."
The evidence in favor of such a deity is conspicuously absent.
in order to understand what is happening you have to start from the beginning of our saga.
about nine years ago a elder with asperger's syndrome found out my family member almost came to blows with our next door neighbor who is so successful, he probably makes $2 million a year net-income with all his businesses and investments.
the co-owner of the property got angry because our neighbor did not like certain breeds of dogs, the fact was he was mauled by the breed elder bucket-head owned and elder bucket-head refused to fix the fence and so his dog would continually show up on my neighbors front door harassing his little dogs and growl.. elder asperger's heard my dad and his friend talking about uncle bucket-head's near blows even though they were whisphering at book study, his ears are good when it comes to seeking out sin and finding ways to bring brothers before the elders.
ROH, you're obviously in a bad situation. We feel for you, but your posts are almost impossible to read. Every sentence is a nearly incoherent rambling rant.
The way you write makes it too difficult to follow. Also, you are posting way to many details.
What do you hope to accomplish by posting here? Do you want sympathy? Advice? Just a place to rant?
Why don't you just leave this religion? Seek legal redress where possible and appropriate and just move on from the rest?
By the way, in case you don't know: JW elders have no authority over you unless you let them!
Let's review: It's a cult!
from reddit:.
now after 21 years in professional psychology/humanities, i love talking to brothers that adopt a slow pace in speech, and low tone of voice when they deal with the rank and cold un-associated ones.
my mirroring their present state in personality seems to psych them out for a bit.
i then tap into my fast injection of logical sense, that throws them off.
Isn't it just easier to not talk to them at all?
Or to put it positively: It is easier to simply not talk to elders.