TGND: Both are equally wrong legally despite anyone's spin on morals or ethics.
I, of course, completely disagree.
Have you never heard of civil disobedience?
As I posted on another thread in reference to the question about downloading copies of Shepherd the Flock of God or other WTBTS publications which are not intended for general public distribution:
Doing so is a copyright violation.
When I do that, I KNOW I am breaking a law. I am doing it deliberately and with full and complete comprehension of the possible consequences. For me it is an act of civil disobedience, albeit a relatively small one.
Considering all of the things that my involvement with this religion has done to bring irreparable damage to my life, my family relationships and those of countless other, I have absolutely no compunction at all in breaking this law in respect to them, but only to them.
Normally I like your posts, TGND, and generally agree with them, but you really missed the boat on this one.
Let's review: It's a cult!
TGND: Obliette, this post doesn't muddy the issue.
BTW, ironically enough, you left the "u" out of my name. It's Oubliette. Spelling counts.