how about the rule which is no where in the bible??
50 hours for auxilliary pioneering and 70 for full time pioneers? did you ever see jesus say to the apostles" have you put your time in"???
or make rules on how many hours they could do or when they could go to the loo or who they could walk beside sisters or not???unchaperoned geez talk about strain out the knatt. I remember at conventions them going on and on about dont go to the toilet unless its break time, like we can hold on if we need to go!!! sheesh.
i found that most areas of my life were controlled and like has been said they do your thinking for you, great mind control teqnique huh?
after you read crisis of concience you'll see just how man made they truly are, sheesh what an eye opener that is, im half way through it now and thats the thread thats coming through to me in reading that, its that man made all the rules as to how that org is run and there was a hell of alot of corner cutting and by passing and sheer slackness on the part of the people who were suppose to be in charge geez i have to laugh you know, they lay all that regimental rule keeping on us but when it comes to them they were the slackest of all * shakes head*
i agree with everything you all said
your friend