It's the same old canard...the missionaries and priest told the enslaved 3rd world workers living in utter poverty and oppression that their reward is in heaven! The Dalit class in India are told to work harder and wait til reincarnation. The Christians are told to carry their cross. All the while the elite religionists, industrialists and politicians get richer and more powerful. Religion is indeed a thought stopping opiate.
On the other hand, what if there was serious financial corruption and/or fraud or the appearance of which going down in the corporation that jws worship? Jesus was quick to denounce the money changers and unscrupulous profiteers. Jesus didn't wait for His daddy to change that. if people are supposed to walk in his footsteps then why not make a fuss. Start with the RBC and "relief" work scam.
So that might be an angle to interrupt the thought stopping crappola of "wait on daddy".
Just a thought