DJ Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray for them and for ourselves. I believe there is nothing more powerful than prayer. So Pray, pray, pray for them and ourselves. Not only is prayer so powerful but it will ease our anger too. I will pray for you too dj you pray for me GOD BLESS YOU in everyway my friend........
Posts by KGB
Vicious attacks by JW family
by KGB ini am hoping that by telling my story that i will be able to once and for all time release the stress built up inside of me from brutal attacks i have received from the my jw family.. in 1996 i moved to a town called redding, ca.
i moved there because my mother lived there with her husband.
my youngest half brother whom i loved well passed on from cancer at only 21. i felt that i needed to be closer to my mother so i closed my buisness which was a very profitable buisness and moved to redding.
So I quit smoking today..
by Aztec in...and i'm feeling pretty good right now.
i quit, cold turkey, this morning.
it's been almost 24 hours since my last cigarette.
Way to go girl I quit smoking 10 months ago cold turkey and I feel so good. thats one thing I will never do again... Keep it up you will be awarded soon by your efforts....
How often are you here on JWD?
by JH inhow many hours a week do you spend on this forum?
it does add up, when you calculate the hours.. .
i must spend about 15 hours a week here, how about you?
I am here almost everyday even though I dont post to them all the time I do find a lot of good reading here. Thank you everyone...GOD BLESS US EVERYONE..........
Vicious attacks by JW family
by KGB ini am hoping that by telling my story that i will be able to once and for all time release the stress built up inside of me from brutal attacks i have received from the my jw family.. in 1996 i moved to a town called redding, ca.
i moved there because my mother lived there with her husband.
my youngest half brother whom i loved well passed on from cancer at only 21. i felt that i needed to be closer to my mother so i closed my buisness which was a very profitable buisness and moved to redding.
You know I keep trying to find forgiveness in my heart for them because I know deep down inside or at least I think that this is not really the person or persons doing these things to me. I want to believe that the real person behind these evil doings are actually very loving souls. I try to make myself believe this as I know that I have seen good things from them also. Just days before I went through all that terror my mother and I and my brother were having a great relationship. They were listening to what I had to say about the falseness of their faith. I think that 20/20 really hit a sore spot as I believe it did so to a lot of the JW`s who seen it. Because what they did was turn the table on me in retaliation towards their church. They could not lash out at their followers as it would of caused them trouble in their kingdom hall so they took their anger out on me instead. Maybe, I don`t know for sure but it has caused me severe trama to my heart as well as my soul. I loved my mother so deeply even with her religion, I gave her respect for what she believed in even if what I was telling her was not doing any good I still loved her with all my heart. Now she says I am dead to her as well as 2 of my sisters as they stood up for me and they also payed the penalty. I can only hope and pray that Gods sheds his grace on them in hopes that someday before they die they will find the real truth in Jesus Christ so that we all can share in the gift that God promises us for excepting his son.
Thanks to all of you who replied to this thread, your words have helped and comforted me tremendously and I thank God for people like you who are compassionate and understanding for those gifts come from the spirit of our Lord and from the love we hold dear in our hearts. I thought my friend gumby who walked away from me would post to this thread but I guess maybe his shame in it all was more than he could handle. I pray for him too as I miss his friendship dearly and I forgive his doings towards me and no matter where I may be Gumby I will always love you like a Brother in the Lord and a Brother in the world. GOD BLESS US EVERYONE ..............@---<<---<--------PEACE
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-25-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you wont hear at the 5-25-03 wt study
april 15, 2003 page 12. wt quotes are in red or quotes "".
reviewer comments are in black or parentheses.
A lot of the young that was in the KH when I was attending either quit going or have been DF`d.
Vicious attacks by JW family
by KGB ini am hoping that by telling my story that i will be able to once and for all time release the stress built up inside of me from brutal attacks i have received from the my jw family.. in 1996 i moved to a town called redding, ca.
i moved there because my mother lived there with her husband.
my youngest half brother whom i loved well passed on from cancer at only 21. i felt that i needed to be closer to my mother so i closed my buisness which was a very profitable buisness and moved to redding.
Dj, Thanks for those supporting words, I really needed that. My heart truly is in the Lord and you know I too lately have been angry at everything and until now from your reply to my thread I realized where it was coming from. Well now maybe I can once again be at peace with myself and with others. I was really heart broken to see my friend whom I respected as a best friend and a brother in the Lord. You he was disfellowshipped from the JW`s but his wife is still active and the hurt he shared with me of being shunned and to my surprise he does just what they did to him, I guess maybe he felt he needed to do that to out of revenge from there act of shunning. He makes regular post here and I kind of keep in touch that way. Im sure he will read this and he will know who he is and I want my friend to know that he is still my friend and I can now feel the pain that he once felt ans as long as I live he is still one of my few best friends....Thanks for your support and thanks to the others also. I was hoping to find some release by writting this post and it has begun... Thanks everyone and GOD BLESS US EVERYONE
Vicious attacks by JW family
by KGB ini am hoping that by telling my story that i will be able to once and for all time release the stress built up inside of me from brutal attacks i have received from the my jw family.. in 1996 i moved to a town called redding, ca.
i moved there because my mother lived there with her husband.
my youngest half brother whom i loved well passed on from cancer at only 21. i felt that i needed to be closer to my mother so i closed my buisness which was a very profitable buisness and moved to redding.
I am hoping that by telling my story that I will be able to once and for all time release the stress built up inside of me from brutal attacks I have received from the my JW family.
In 1996 I moved to a town called Redding, Ca. I moved there because my mother lived there with her husband. My youngest half brother whom I loved well passed on from cancer at only 21. I felt that I needed to be closer to my mother so I closed my buisness which was a very profitable buisness and moved to Redding. I never told my mom why I really moved there because the last time I did that I was knocked down for it.
In January of 1997 I had an Anyuerism in the brain. Luckily I was saved through brain surgery and was left with only minor complications but felt the need to get closer to God as my life was almost lost in a second. So of course my mother being a JW and I knew some things about that faith but not nearly what I know now. She and her church people took advantage of me because of my illness and convinced me that there religion was the truth and that I need to be one of them so if another Anyuerism was to happen I would be saved. At that time I was living with my mom because of circumstances I lost my home. I had finally got to where I could live on my own again and I moved away from my moms home.
I had receieved a large Social Security back payment and with that money I purchased a computer and I got online. Previously to that I had asked God in Prayer to protect me from those who decieve and that if this religion was not the truth to please show me because I was only weeks away from being baptised. I said in my prayer that I would be better of dead than to be lied to from this religion. Well I got online and the first thing I did was a search of Jehovah`s Witnesses. Man what did I do ! I found out the real truth that they were indeed telling me lies and I was being deceived by them. So I quit going to the meetings completley and began to show my mom that this religion was false and I was showing her all these things that I was learning about them. Then I heard about 20/20 and I made sure they knew about the program, reminding them that it was to air and that they should watch it. I told my mom they will probably tell you not to watch it and my moms statement was "they are not going to tell me what I can watch or not watch, they are not my masters" And so I believe they seen the show. (that was good) I really didnt think they would.
Well it was all in that same time things were looking like maybe they were beginning to brain wash my younger brother into there realm of falseness and so I asked my brother in a chat one day "Are you studing to be a JW?" His reply to me was what does it matter if I am a JW a Seventh Day Adventist or a Devil worshipor and I answered back that they were all Cults and that he should really look close into them all so he would know for himself. The next thing I know my mom is screaming down my neck that I should not interfer with my brothers beliefs and that I should not interfer with her teaching him there religion. Well I am one person whom when he has somthing to say I say it weather it hurts you or not I will say it. So I began to tell her that her religion was a lie and that she was in a cult and that she had lied to me about there religion being the truth. I told her that the truth was in Jesus Christ and not the Watchtower association. Some time had passed and not much when I received a phone call from my sister that I was being investigated for molesting my niece when she was living with me for a short time. I soon found that my brother and my mother had all to do with it. I now live with the fact that I was investigated for child molesting on my record for the rest of my life. It was found to be not credible and the charges were dropped. Whew I thought that was the end of it . NO then I hear that I am being investigated that I was having an sexual affair with a 15 year old in Colorado, they decided that they were not going to stop messing with me. Well that one did not pan out to well as it was all lies to decieve the police into making my life miserable. Since that claim did not pan out for them they decided to go throughout the neighborhood and tell them that I was having cyber sex with minors on the internet. My brother had made up some text and printed it out making claims that I masterbated with a 14 year old girl who was really himself. I had a friend in the neighborhood who I thought was a true brother in the Lord Jesus but I soon found that not so as after they convinced him that I did this he will not speak to me anymore, Infact he is a member here who has made many post here. His wife is a JW and I think that she runs his life oh well thats there buisness. Now I have moved away from that town and state. I will no longer see my mother or my brother but I forgive them and I pray for them everyday in hopes that someday they will find true peace in themselves. And I can assure everyone I have never in any way had a sexual confrontation with any underage minor ever. My friends know me better than that and the rest of my family know me better than that.
I thought that writting this I would be able to find peace within myself too and I hope I do. I ask God to help me over come my anger and to heal the stress that I have had to live with. Im not sure if moving was the thing to do but I leave it in my Lords hands. And I leave this story to you all. I hope that none of you will ever have to go through this kind of terrorist attack. Thanks for hearing my cries.....GOD BLESS US EVERYONE !!
Being "Smart" will not prevent one from following the WTS
by onacruse inthis weekend, while katie and i were at the beach, we both spent a little time reading coc (no, it wasn't a study lol ...i can honestly say that i did not favor the disfellowshipping decision made by the [governing] body.
for when the vote came i conformed to the majority decision.
i felt dismayed when the body assigned me to prepare mateiral in support of the decision, yet i accepted the assignment and wrote it as was desired by the belief in the organization as god's only agency on earth caused me to do what i did at that time without particularly great qualms of conscience.. .
I had a lawyer tell me one time that the justice system feeds on the ignorance of the people. I think the JW`s feed on that same ignorance. They tried to get me in at a time when my life was at stake because of a health issue, unfortunantly for them I found them out just in time before I was baptized. I noticed in my experience that they were always in the poor areas of our town but only worked the richer areas once in a great while. So here in alike as the justice system we see the dubs working in the same, feeding off ignorance.......
Vicious attacks by JW`S?
by KGB inhas anyone or do you know anyone who has been attacked viciously by a witness because you told them that you thought there religion was a cult or other derogatory remarks against there faith?
Has anyone or do you know anyone who has been attacked viciously by a witness because you told them that you thought there religion was a cult or other derogatory remarks against there faith?
Before You Actually Stopped Meetings, How Many HATED Being There?
by minimus inwhen i listen to anything at the meetings, it is with a critical eye.
i really can't stand going, especially today.
did you feel that the meetings were grating and extremely irritating, just before you stopped going altogether?
I had a hard time staying awake. The meeting are so what you might say repetitive. Every meeting exactly like the last one, theres no fire or excitement in there discussions. Drab and boring. But then most all witnesses are drab and boring people because they are not allowed to experience excitement in there lives. Im not talking about worldly excitement but a spiritual one. Down with the dubs.....