Ummmmmmm so long ago I got wrinkles on them and theres dust building up them too DOH!
Posts by KGB
When was your last kiss?
by JH in.
when was the last time someone kissed you?.
i can't remember, it's been too long...
Mormon "Apostates"
by Kenneson inyes, the mormons have their ex-sites too.
one difference i note is that the lds church doesn't tell its members to avoid "apostate" sites, as does the w.t.
one church spokesperson stated: "beyond urging members to use wisdom and judgment in their use of the internet or any other medium of communication, we have made no comment on specific web sites.".
Oh but they are a cult
Mormon "Apostates"
by Kenneson inyes, the mormons have their ex-sites too.
one difference i note is that the lds church doesn't tell its members to avoid "apostate" sites, as does the w.t.
one church spokesperson stated: "beyond urging members to use wisdom and judgment in their use of the internet or any other medium of communication, we have made no comment on specific web sites.".
Okay, Okay, I could not handle being away from you stiffs. (LOL)
I`m just not going to argue with those of you who are cruel.
Now on to the Mormon thing, I am an ex mormon I was excommunicated for fornication when I was 19 . Went to the Bishop to get married to the girl I got pregnant. He offered to marry us and the next thing I knew I got a letter in the mail telling me I was to be removed for the fornication. I told them to kiss my ass. But not long ago I did a remodeling job for a person who was a Mormon, I told him I was ex Mormon. He still treated me like I was just any ol Joe so I asked him why that was. Because I expected him to treat me like crap Right? Nope he said that they do not practice shunning that they believed that by showing love to that person removed that it would bring them back. Talk about being stunned ! Whamo! Hell I figured that them being a cult they would be the same as the JW`s but no they do know the true meaning of loving thy neighbors...
My last post.
by KGB inthis is my final and very last post after this i will not return here as someone here made something clear to me.
my faith in god and jesus christ cannot and i will not tolerate others who do not believe to attempt to stumble me or change my mind at all.
my faith stands strong and true and none of you can do nothing to change it.. gods word say "do not cast your pearls before swine".
This is my final and very last post after this I will not return here as someone here made something clear to me. My faith in God and Jesus Christ cannot and I will not tolerate others who do not believe to attempt to stumble me or change my mind at all. My faith stands strong and true and none of you can do nothing to change it.
Gods word say "do not cast your pearls before swine"
That which tells me I am waisting my time in even coming to this board as it is full of non believers. To all those who are still believers in the Lord I strongly advise you too to leave this board. When we associate ourselves with those that I am speaking of we put ourselves in danger. If you are a believer than you not only believe in God but also the devil. The bible is very clear about staying away from those who act out in evil ways. So I suggest that you Christians put your faith in where it belongs and wipe the dust from your feet and leave this board.
I believe you are the creator of this board, I would be very thankful if you would remove me completely from this board and if you cannot then please tell me how its done so I can remove myself. I made a big mistake coming here as I thought this board was a place to help those coming out of the Jehovahs Witness religion. As I can see it is a place where The non believer can vent there anger towards those who still wish to believe. I will not and can not belong to a group of people who are hateful, cruel, and just plain selfish. I thought I was learning things here as well as teaching some things too but I found that I was merely fighting with the devil. OH yes my faith is very strong in Jesus and what I love and believe in no man can put it under me. Please tell me how to do this if you can't by sending me a message in my message box as I will not return here to read any future post. These people make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!
So as I close, to those who do love the Lord with all your hearts be very careful of what your doing here your putting yourselves in danger by playing with pigs. Like I said earlier do not cast your pearls before swine.
A question for those churchgoing ones...forgiveness
by ashitaka inthis is in reference to the comments that kgb made on the thread i started yesterday about the molester who was crushed underneath a car..
he talked of forgiveness of murderers, molesters, rapists, etc.
i know that many churchgoes feel the same way about this.. my question is, if god can forgive murderers, rapists, etc., then what about those who don't believe in god, who don't have 'faith'?
Now tell me why would God want to save a person who does not and will not except his existance. Am I supposed to know you if I never met you or never read any of your post here? That was just insane what you just said...
A question for those churchgoing ones...forgiveness
by ashitaka inthis is in reference to the comments that kgb made on the thread i started yesterday about the molester who was crushed underneath a car..
he talked of forgiveness of murderers, molesters, rapists, etc.
i know that many churchgoes feel the same way about this.. my question is, if god can forgive murderers, rapists, etc., then what about those who don't believe in god, who don't have 'faith'?
I think that some of you really got a conscience problem. I have never pushed my beliefs on any one here no more than any of you have pushed your beliefs here also. I guess stinky you think you got all the answer and all the rights and everyone who does believe in god should just shut up ? am I right in saying that ? I have just as much right to post my beliefs here as you do, and anything I have said here has come from the heart as well as from the words that give me hope and peace. I think that , that makes some of you jealous or something, you act upset that I can find peace in something other than yourselves. Well guess what your not gong to break me and your not going to get me angry because I just will not go there with you at all, if all I get here is bitterness everytime I make a post then I will not have anything to do with it. Simple as that. I didn't come here to argue or to put others down or to be put down so I say to some of you grow up and get a grip, because your stinkin up the place....
A question for those churchgoing ones...forgiveness
by ashitaka inthis is in reference to the comments that kgb made on the thread i started yesterday about the molester who was crushed underneath a car..
he talked of forgiveness of murderers, molesters, rapists, etc.
i know that many churchgoes feel the same way about this.. my question is, if god can forgive murderers, rapists, etc., then what about those who don't believe in god, who don't have 'faith'?
Very well said,,,
A question for those churchgoing ones...forgiveness
by ashitaka inthis is in reference to the comments that kgb made on the thread i started yesterday about the molester who was crushed underneath a car..
he talked of forgiveness of murderers, molesters, rapists, etc.
i know that many churchgoes feel the same way about this.. my question is, if god can forgive murderers, rapists, etc., then what about those who don't believe in god, who don't have 'faith'?
where are my words more cruel, I thought I was being kind and understanding. I believe in what the scriptures say, and yes if a person that does bad things all there life and just before they die except Christ then according to the bible they are saved. I don't know what else to tell you about that. You being someone who used to claim an accurate knowledge of the scriptures at one time should well know what the scriptures say. Just because you left the borg didn't mean you forgot all you learned from your studing the bible did it ? I guess if you think that when I say I will pray for the atheist is cruel then I guess to you it is cruel, sorry for that. I'm sorry if my cotinued belief in God bothers some of you but this is my right to choose to do so just as you have the right to choose against the Lord, so why is it that you atheist can't leave us believers alone in that. Why do you continuly try to tear us down for what we find peace in. If your peace is in not believing in God then so be it. That's your choice.
Yes I have said some pretty vicious words in some of the post here but at the same time I felt regret and posted an apology for it. It was my guilt as a Christian that made me feel bad, I sure don't see an atheist here saying sorry for all there hateful words. Maybe its because Gods gives us who believe in him humility and those who don't have the same values as Satan has. So it kind of fits for each of us don't you think ? The only difference is I will not die permanantly but the atheist will, thats sad !
Are you REALLY sure?
by Dawn inwhen i was one of jehovah's witnesses i was absolutely sure i had the truth.
so sure i would have been willing to sacrifice anything for my beliefs.
i worked hard at study, meetings, service - even aux.
Oh I am absolutely positive that I will never be deceived again as I have learned to put my faith in Gods word the bible and not from man or a church. I have learned tha church does not save us but only Jesus can. Whenever the pastor at church gives a lesson I listen then I go to my scriptures before I actually apply that lesson in other words "To make sure of all things"