I have noticed that a lot of you here quote references of history from scripture, so my question is this. If you say that the bible is not the true word of God then how can it even be a true word of History.
Posts by KGB
Biblical references ?
by KGB ini have noticed that a lot of you here quote references of history from scripture, so my question is this.
if you say that the bible is not the true word of god then how can it even be a true word of history.
To Those Who Believe That GOD Exists - Prove It!
by SpannerintheWorks inyou didn't come to that conclusion in an instant, did you?
you thought about it, deliberated and concluded: god exists!.
how did you get to that conclusion?.
I think it comes from when Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree and sinned for God said if you eat from this tree you will for surely die. His originall plan was for us to live in perfection without death at all but he was kind and gave us the freedom of choice between right and wrong just like you have the choice of right and wrong today. They unfotunantley choose wrong no thanks for Lucifer. So when sin happened they were kickied out of the Garden and the Garden destroyed. Sin is bad and with bad we get disasters, sickness and poverty. Have you ever thought that because man is so imperfect that with his imperfection life will follow suit. Imperfect man Imperfect life it all goes hand in hand.
I believe that if they had not sinned we all would still be living in a perfect world and the whole earth a garden. Thats not a JW belief either that is what I get as an understanding from scripture..
cross or stake???
by minstrel incan anyone advise me as to the historical facts regarding the method of execution by the romans.
i have seen a documentary on the tele that stated that lemon trees fitted with a cross beam were used for executions as they were numerous in palestine.. best wishes.
crucification was done by a cross beam attached to a tree, but the way I feel is who cares how he was crucified the point is that he died for us. And he suffered and very painful death. It was used as an embarrassment to their families and friends.
Were You Ever Put On Restrictions?
by minimus inas a jw, were you ever put on restrictions?
how did you feel when you were told that a certain "privilege" was being taken from you?
were you given any warning by the elders in charge that what you did merited a removal of some sort?
I was not put on restriction per say but I was held back from going out and knocking on doors because my hair was too long, when i went to get it cut all that needed to be cut was a simple 1/2 of hair. I thought that was a bunch of bull and was being used to control me. Of course now I know that thats exactly what it was...
To Those Who Believe That GOD Exists - Prove It!
by SpannerintheWorks inyou didn't come to that conclusion in an instant, did you?
you thought about it, deliberated and concluded: god exists!.
how did you get to that conclusion?.
This really blows me away,, Now take it easy on me fellas, but how can anyone look around them , look at the universe, all the beautiful trees and plants, flowers water, beautiful people, Everything around us and say that there is not a creating God ? No I just can't find any answers to not believe in God but I sure can find all the answers in believeing in him.
From my own experience when I am away from God my life is not happy, I am without inner peace with myself and with others. But when I put God into my life I find a feeling of goodness and happiness inside. So what is it then that does that to me if there is not a God.? It's funny also that we see in people two ways, one being a good person and the other being the bad person, does not the bible teach of good and evil or (bad)....I don't know folks but I feel I can find more reasons to believe in God than to not believe in God. -
Pacific Northwesterners! A little info please--we're moving out of Jersey
by ashitaka inhey,.
my wife and i have had it with this expensive gate to hell, and we're getting out of jersey.. so, how is it out there?
what state do you guys think is better as to employment, car insurance, taxes, schools, etc?
Big Tex,
your right summers are miserable there, humid as all get out. I lived in Austin in the late 70's to mid 80's
Should I Convert to Become a MORMON??
by Latte injust thought id share with you.
any tips on dealing with them would be greatly appreciated..thanks!
yesterday, i had two lovely young men at my door - they were mormons.
Hey man please do send them mormons over to my house. They were here the other day , funny thing.
I got them to admit to me that by believeing in Christ and his purpose fullfilled in scripture is all we need to be saved from death(second death) and they both replied yes I was right then I said well in that I guess I dont need to be a mormon then do I. He then went on about how they teach the true gospel and so I asked. "are you implying that I cannot understand the scriptures when I read them ? He said no ! Then I said then I guess I can get the true understanding of the scriptures by reading them right? He said yes but with out the book of Mormon you do not get the full truth from the scriptures so then I said oh your now adding to the bible and what does the last verse in the bible say ? He said anyone who adds or takes away from my words shall be destroyed. He then stood up with his partner and said" I guess we have nothing else to say here" and I told them that they were welcomed any time if they needed a cold drink to stop by I would oblige them.
They will probably never come to my door again
Pacific Northwesterners! A little info please--we're moving out of Jersey
by ashitaka inhey,.
my wife and i have had it with this expensive gate to hell, and we're getting out of jersey.. so, how is it out there?
what state do you guys think is better as to employment, car insurance, taxes, schools, etc?
Well I was born in Everett,Wash. I do not live there now but I do have many family members there. Most of whom worked at Boeing and all have lost there jobs. Most not knowing what to do for work because there is none. I am told that there are hundrends of applicants for every job. Houses at least one on every block for sale. Unless you got some kind of guarantee there I would take a look at something else where. Now don't take my word for it I am only going by what my family says. Oregon is not doing much better either I here as I have family there too. I will tell you where the growth is and the good money. In your mountain resort towns like Aspen, Colorado or Jackson, Wyoming but be prepared to pay big bucks to live there but you also make the big bucks. I did....I was pulling in a quater of a mill just being a house painting contractor...What I do when I get ready to make a move is go online to some places you might be interested in moving too and go to the chamber of commerce sites they will tell you everything from population to average wages, unemployment rate etc....
Would you be willing to admit it if you've been a hypocrite?
by onacruse infor the last 20 years of my association with the jws, i was, more or less, a hypocrite.
they taught things i didn't believe, but i went to the meetings and, by my presence there and by my "non-answers" i in essence supported something that i didn't believe.. it's a hard thing to say "i was a hypocrite.".
i was.. craig
I think there is a little hyprocrasy in all of us in one way or another. We are not perfect without fault even though we may say or believe in something of a sort but our human nature is to fault. So does that make us a hyprocrite? I don't know, imperfect ? Yes can I admit imperfection ? Yes.
I believe in God and Jesus but to be a Christian does not make me perfect, it was the sinners that Jesus went to. I continue to profess what I believe in but still I am imperfect and I stumble and sometimes fall flat on my face. Does that make me a Hyprocrite? No just human....
How old were you when you got Baptised?
by El Kabong ini was 13 at the time.
i wanted to get baptised before the end came in 1975. .
back then, 13 was borderline young for baptism, but from what i've been reading, some are now getting baptised as young as 9 or 10. .
I was baptised the first time when I was 14 into the Mormon church
The second time when i was 40 I felt that the baptisum at 14 was not legit because being inspired by false religion. But the second time was done in a Baptist church. The nice thing about it was that I told the pastor that I did not want to become a member from being baptised. I said I want this only to show I am willing to follow Gods laws. He did not have a problem with that and so he baptised me.