I would give it some serious thought before you do that. Because it is a permanant thing. I regreted ever getting mine and I now wish it was never there......
Posts by KGB
Jehovah's Witnesses Are Under Mind Control
by minimus inif you were to tell a witness that they were "brainwashed" or that they were "under mind control", they certainly would not rationally accept it.the reason is because witnesses cannot distinguish between mind control and "obeying the faithful and discreet slave".
it is only after a person stops exposing himself to the subtle mind controlling tactics of the watchtower that a person can see how thoroughly duped they are in their beliefs.
how might you be able to tell that you are no longer your own person, able to make your own decisions in your life?
You nailed that one right in the head..................
Anyone else from N.California here yet?
by jelly ini was starting to worry.
i dont post much but i usually check the site daily.
oh well, its nice to be here.. terry
I used to live in redding but recently moved. California has gotten to be a bad place to live any more and now your going to have a robot for a Governor LOL
Jehovah's Witnesses Are Under Mind Control
by minimus inif you were to tell a witness that they were "brainwashed" or that they were "under mind control", they certainly would not rationally accept it.the reason is because witnesses cannot distinguish between mind control and "obeying the faithful and discreet slave".
it is only after a person stops exposing himself to the subtle mind controlling tactics of the watchtower that a person can see how thoroughly duped they are in their beliefs.
how might you be able to tell that you are no longer your own person, able to make your own decisions in your life?
DOH ! Really ?
If ExJW's had a Theme Song....
by Frannie Banannie in.
would it go like this?......
they say the neon lights are bright on (the) broadway...... they say there's always music in the air...... but how ya gonna make some time..... when you ain't got but one thin dime.... and one thin dime won't even shine your shoes........ frannie b
You just leave this long haired country boy alone.........
Stay OR Slay
by RAYZORBLADE into anyone who clicks on this thread and cares to post upon it.
i have a few questions for you.
do you value this forum on its ability to keep newbies/recent posters to stick around, therefor: stay.
Yes I would and I have........................
Stay OR Slay
by RAYZORBLADE into anyone who clicks on this thread and cares to post upon it.
i have a few questions for you.
do you value this forum on its ability to keep newbies/recent posters to stick around, therefor: stay.
I totally agree with you, I have made apologies in person to some of those here and I have also made a couple of public apologies. So I am not anyone beyond saying I am sorry at all. Yes I do believe in forgiving and forgetting it is commanded me to do so. I am noone special here and none better than anyone else, I am just a man who went through real hell from the borg..and my borg family...If anyone wants to know they can go to my thread history and read them to know what I went through, maybe some should as they would know why I am sometimes to over offensive. I'm sorry but I have been severly hurt by JW's and by the ones that I could still love even though I would not be involved, boy was I wrong, yeah I have been stiffened by them and they have made me rough and it has become an everyday battle with myself and with others to break this shell they have caused me to build around myself. I don't know if anyone can understand what I am saying and maybe some cannot until they have walked in my shoes. I have seen things in my life that haunt me to this day, things that would make most people puke, I have done things in my life that are regretful, I have suffered some very tragic health issues and to be perfectly honest I am just a old broken down man both physically and emotionally. I take some very strong pain medications that cause my mind to drift but I leave it all to God and Christ to save me from the pits that I have endured inmylife...
Stay OR Slay
by RAYZORBLADE into anyone who clicks on this thread and cares to post upon it.
i have a few questions for you.
do you value this forum on its ability to keep newbies/recent posters to stick around, therefor: stay.
I don't know if anyone has noticed but you can sure tell when you have to go into the members listings just how many new people are coming to this board. There are new people coming here everyday but you don't see them posting here. The ones that like to pick are only a select few and you can tell who they are without even having to see bad and rude words in there post. I think it's just who they are probably will not ever change those few. But I honestly believe thatif it were not for those rude and crude few here that there would be a whole lot more posters. Not just ones that would come here to read but to also share. When I first came here I did not post at all I read and read for a long time before I actually made and post or started any threads. I remember saying to myself I sure hope I can handle this oh hell yeah I can handle it anyone gives me any crap I'll just give it back and not to mention another poster on this board is a very good friend of mine. We were involved in the JW's together and knocked on doors together. He was the one that brought me here so I did not want to disapoint my friend and came here.
Since then I have walked away a couple of times but it never seems to fail me that it's not long and I am back again. I had to really think about what and why I kept coming back but it's an inner feeling that cannot be explained. I guess some of it's because I feel sorry for the way that some have become since leaving the borg and the fact that there are some that desparately need others help. I have found a few good friends here and for the most part of it have enjoyed my time here. I know that my time here will be limited because eventually we all have to move on to bigger and better things but while I am here I would really like to get along with everyoneincluding those who seem not to get along with anyone. But in all I think it very important that those who come here that are new we should always be thinking about them as we all here pretty much have our ways set and have managed pretty well with ourselves from coming out of the borg and they have just begun there excursion away from the WTS.
I'm going to make a pact here ; for now on when someone trys to belittle me or call me names on my threads or post I am not going to return with my impugnant name calling either. I will simply ignor you because I do believe in judgement and I do not have to stand in judgement for you but only for me and I will not lower myself down to those who do such things level. I am a very friendly and out going guy who likes to get along with all people, I am not racist or judgemental of others and I have come a long hard walk from leaving the borg and I have endured pain like many of you have never endured from them. I have kept my faith in God and I am going to keep it, there is nothing out there that can make me stray away from that. All I ask in return is that you respect me for my beliefs the same that you want me to respect you for yours. Thanks, KGB
Teenyuck & Golf
by Guest 77 inteenyuck have you been following the unbelievable golf stories of late?
have you read about hillary lunke?
Golf is like sex you get to slap your balls around....LOL
Teenyuck & Golf
by Guest 77 inteenyuck have you been following the unbelievable golf stories of late?
have you read about hillary lunke?
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really like playing a good game of Golf......