Maybe it was the second death he was talking about. The death that really matters. This death does not matter to those who believe because we know that the penalty for sin is death but the permanant death is the one we should fear.
some of my comments (and that of others) on other threads have highlighted a basic differance between those of us who belieave jesus christ did exist, and those of us who recon he did not.
i belieave jesus as described in the gospells did not exist.
so i decided to start a thread that adresses this issue face on.
Maybe it was the second death he was talking about. The death that really matters. This death does not matter to those who believe because we know that the penalty for sin is death but the permanant death is the one we should fear.
i hate mondays!.
i also feel bad because i have been receiving subtle hints from my hubby that he may be leaving me.
we have been married for 24 years, have 4 beautiful, intelligent children (one is no longer with us), we have been though troubles, worries, the death of our darling claire, money problems - you name it - we've been there.. now - because i have different religious views to him, he doesn't think he can associate himself with me any longer.
I just got to know ? When you love someone and you marry them are we not supposed to love them unconditionally? Are we not supposed to stand by each other to our deaths ? Does not the scriptures teach this ? Does not the borg teach this ? I know they do so tell the man to pull his head out his ass and get a grip. He should be so lucky as to have a wife who slaved for the jerk all those years. What a jerk , you don`t need the guy anyways it sounds to me like the man does not support his wife anyways.....
it seems some are proud of their attitude ('tude) here.
whether it be because of being now out of the watchtower or because of feeling they have a new beginning, the 'tude can shine through.
whites might think that blacks show an attitude while gays might think that the heterosexual world has an attitude toward them.
Hell yes I got an attitude ! not afraid to let others know it either. My attitude goes like this. The Jw`s spent 2 years + trying to fill me with thier lies and deceit so I am going to dedicate the rest of my life filling them with the real truth and try to bring as many out as I possibly can. Those are tough words and its been a tough job so far but I know I have put a seed into every one of their minds and if in all my entire life if thats all I get out of it is a seed in a JW`s mind then I feel my attitude has won.
our niece, irene, who posts here as inky, sent me an email.
her 27 year old son is getting married in two weeks, and she posted a few days ago about how he didn't invite her to his wedding.. she told me i can post it as she doesn't want to read it again.. "dear mom.
i've needed to write this letter to you for some time now.
Do you know how many times I have shared that poem with others ? Too many to count but every time I pull it out of my files to share with someone I too get all teary eyed. I`m a man and not ashamed to cry in the least. My grandfather wrote that to for his mother who was my Greatgrand mother whom I had the opportunity to know and loved so much.
My mother who is a JW also has written me off but no matter what eveil she does towards me I will find forgiveness and love for her. I may not like or agree with what she believes inor how she treats others but she is my mom and she is my only mom and for that I give her honor.
I can only pray for inky and ask that God blesses her with love from others much stronger than they will afford to give her and I say shame shame to the boy who hates. I just don`t understand what part about Love that Jesus taught us they don`t understand........God Bless us Everyone....
our niece, irene, who posts here as inky, sent me an email.
her 27 year old son is getting married in two weeks, and she posted a few days ago about how he didn't invite her to his wedding.. she told me i can post it as she doesn't want to read it again.. "dear mom.
i've needed to write this letter to you for some time now.
That is so sad. Whatever happened to that commandment Honor thy mother and thy Father, did I miss something in that commandment? Did it really say Honor thy Mother and thy Father except or something. I have a poem I think you should give your son, It was written by my Grandfather in 1933. Here it is.
If you have a gray haired mother, in the old home far away.
sit down and write the letter, you put off day to day.
don`t wait until her tired feet, Reach heavens royal gate.
just let her know you think of her,
Before it is too late !
If you have a tender message, Or a loving word to say.
Don`t wait till you forget it, But whisper it today.
Who knows what bitter memories, May haunt you if you wait.
So make the loved one happy, Before it is too late !
We live but in the present, The future is unknown.
Tomarrow is a mystery, today is all our own.
The chance that future tenderness, May vanish while we wait.
So give life`s richest treasures, Before it is too late !
The tender word unspoken, The letter never sent.
The long forgotten message, the wrath of love unsent.
For these some hearts are breaking, For these some loved ones waits.
Oh---show them that you care for them, Before it is too late.
Written by Irvin M. Scott January 1933
These words are true words of love and if this gets to the son that wrote that letter to his mother, let me tell you son you really ought to think about what you are doing because your not only breaking one of Gods strongest commandments but your committing a hate of the worst kind....
can you see the watchtower saying, no more door to door preaching, lets say within the next ten years ?.
Well I don`t know as I have not yet seen one at my door in quite some time. Or in my neighborhood. Oh hell there is not even a kingdom hall in my town ...hahahahahahaha HORAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally I found some peace.
there are many reasons why we choose a username.
on this forum, aside from some of the more obvious names associated with our avatars, what does your nickname/username mean or refer to?.
some are first names.
Gee I wonder what KGB stands for ? DOH ! hmmmmmm could it be ??? well I`ll let you guess
isn`t it odd how when we posters here put a subject up here that goes against there false religion that those who are still in the cult show there true colors?
when we discuss how hateful they are or how silly their beliefs are they get all fired up and act just like i would picture the devil acting.
gee could it be that there is some truth behind what we are saying ?
Isn`t it odd how when we posters here put a subject up here that goes against there false religion that those who are still in the cult show there true colors? When we discuss how hateful they are or how silly their beliefs are they get all fired up and act just like I would picture the devil acting. I wonder why that is ? Gee could it be that there is some truth behind what we are saying ? I think so, I think very so.. Well I already know what most of you think about that but what the heck I think they should know that they are showing us just exactly what we are saying about them is true.....Don`t you ?
some of my comments (and that of others) on other threads have highlighted a basic differance between those of us who belieave jesus christ did exist, and those of us who recon he did not.
i belieave jesus as described in the gospells did not exist.
so i decided to start a thread that adresses this issue face on.
I don`t think a smart person could deny that his existance as there are archeaological finds that prove his existance.
what do you think it is?
It has to be the scare that we will all die the second death if we do not become one of them