Yes but what if you could hear the person screaming for there life while the car on fire could you stand there and listen to that? I could'nt, true you might not beable to save them or you might die yourself or get hurt, but did not Jesus say there is not a greater gift than the man who gives his life for his fellowman? Now thats not to say lets be foolish but I think that we would try to find any means possible to save that person. Because I would not want that nightmare to haunt me the rest of my life. I have been in and have witnessed some very gross things in my life that still haunt me today. Have you ever seen a person up close decapitated ? I have. Or there guts lying on the ground ? or a limb torn off or blown off? I have. I have seen brains splattered shall I go on? Believe me I think I would rather have a few burns on my arms than to have another nightmare...........
Posts by KGB
If you saw a serious car accident, would you...
by JH inif you saw a serious car accident, and people were trapped in the car, or unconscious in the wreck, would you try to get them out even if the car was on fire and could explode at any moment?.
coming back from quebec city today, i saw a car or truck in the ditch upside down and with lots of smoke coming out of the wreckage.
4 or 5 cars were stopped near by to look at the accident.
What turns you OFF?
by logansrun ina couple days ago minimus asked the question (anyone notice he's always asking questions?
me: snobbery, ignorance, flourescent lighting and hands that are shedding innocent blood.
Oh lets see ! Know it alls, liars, thiefs, & Jehovahs Witnesses
Was music better years ago than today?
by JH in.
so, was music better years ago, or is it better today?
Absolutley the 50`s, 60`s, 70`s & 80`s were great and I couldn't give a rats arse for todays music
What Are Your Plans for the 4th Of July???
by minimus inas americans, we have a day to celebrate our country's independence.
what will you do on the 4th??
Im staying home and catching up on some desperately needed home repairs......Then maybe go see the fireworks display in my town...
If you saw a serious car accident, would you...
by JH inif you saw a serious car accident, and people were trapped in the car, or unconscious in the wreck, would you try to get them out even if the car was on fire and could explode at any moment?.
coming back from quebec city today, i saw a car or truck in the ditch upside down and with lots of smoke coming out of the wreckage.
4 or 5 cars were stopped near by to look at the accident.
Nope, were all dead people anyways
If you saw a serious car accident, would you...
by JH inif you saw a serious car accident, and people were trapped in the car, or unconscious in the wreck, would you try to get them out even if the car was on fire and could explode at any moment?.
coming back from quebec city today, i saw a car or truck in the ditch upside down and with lots of smoke coming out of the wreckage.
4 or 5 cars were stopped near by to look at the accident.
Absolutley, without a doubt, no matter what.
What's your favorite drink?
by logansrun ingod, i've been in a "fluff" mood lately!
so, what's your favorite alcoholic beverage?
mine: raspberry stoli cosmopolitan.
I'm with rocketman on this one a Pepsi or Coke preferably Pepsi on ice. Yep crushed ice is best...
Did Any Of You Ever Believe In The Explanations Of JW Prophecy?
by minimus inas a born and raised jw, i was taught that not only did we have the truth but we also had the keys to understanding of bible prophecy.
i was able to explain the gentile times timetable, the reason for 1914,etc.
but there came a time when i really came to appreciate that i had no real foundation for these "truths".
Nothing personal but did'nt we all have to believe that in order to be one of them? I know personally that I had to believe in everything about what they told me or I could not get baptized.
Remember the Procter & Gamble scare?
by riz indo any of you remember when it was announced that procter and gamble's logo was satanic?
everyone i knew did a thorough search of all p&g cleaning products in their homes, furiously scraping off the offending logo by any means necessary, or even throwing the product away just in case the moon and stars somehow reappeared after being removed.. i ran across the logo and i had a good chuckle.
i thought back to how we were terrified of just about everything; even the most benign cleaning products.
Oh boy I remember my mom telling that I should remove all such products in my house because it was opening the door to satan to come in. Well I don`t know if any of you ever realized but they will not even have any type of Christian object in they're home's.
I remember my mom getting a magazine in the mail one time that had Christian knick knack's for the house in it. She said that the magazine was full of garbage in it. I asked her why was that as it was all nice stuff with loving and friendly sayings on them. Her remark ? It's all Christian saying's ! I said to her well I thought you claimed to be a Christian ? She said I am a Jehovahs Witness. Talk about being slapped in the face. I asked so your not a Christian ? she would not answer me anymore to that subject.
Mormon "Apostates"
by Kenneson inyes, the mormons have their ex-sites too.
one difference i note is that the lds church doesn't tell its members to avoid "apostate" sites, as does the w.t.
one church spokesperson stated: "beyond urging members to use wisdom and judgment in their use of the internet or any other medium of communication, we have made no comment on specific web sites.".
10 warning signs of a unsafe gruop or leader. 1,2,5,9,10
10 warning signs regarding people involved with a potentially unsafe group or leader. 1,2,3,4,5,6,9
And there is much much more that proves they are a cult. They take away the true purpose of Jesus and the bible. They use there own books before they use the bible for basic teaching and understanding. And most of there doctrine is not in the bible but in the "Book of Mormon" & The Doctrine and Covenants"