None them things are nasty
Posts by KGB
How many Hot Dogs can you eat?
by JH inthis dude ate 44 hot dogs!!
the nathan's famous hot dog eating contest which has gone on yearly since 1916 in new york's coney island on the july 4 holiday ended this year with takeru kobayashi (of nagano, japan) making his 3rd win in a row.
although the 44 1/2 hot dogs this 25 year old man managed to gulf down is quite a feat, it was a huge disappointment to him since it didn't beat his last record of 51 1/2 hot dogs eaten last year in 2002.. ed "cookie" jarvis of long island broke the american record, taking second place with 30 and a half hot dogs.
You took the words right out of my mouth. I was going to reply to Hamas with those exact words. Life is good when you make it good. And to be perfectly honest I love it and am thankful I'm in it today...
If You Could Run This Board For A Day , What Would You Do Differently?
by minimus ini would ask for donations to help this place run without costs to the owner.....and you?
I understand that htere has to be some control here as I have seen it sometimes get way out of hand. I personally do not recall anything being locked I am merely going by what I have heard others say. To be perfectly honest I enjoy being here and I dont want to be dismantled.
If You Could Run This Board For A Day , What Would You Do Differently?
by minimus ini would ask for donations to help this place run without costs to the owner.....and you?
The question was " what would I do differently if I run this post for a day"
I simply answered in what I would of done, If my answer bothers you then I am sorry but in this country where I live it is our constitutional right to speak what we want when we want, if it is not that way where you live then I am sorry about that.
Maybe if you did not like the answer to this post you should of locked it.........
Theres no reason for you to get angry about it, it was simply just a thought to the post. I have never been locked and I dont have any ill feeling towards it or at least not yet. And I certainly don`t have any nasty words to say to you either, at least not yet. LOL Just chill dude noone is harming you and if you don`t like our answers ? well oh well sometimes we dont like what you have to say either but you dont see us locking you out or calling you names either.
If You Could Run This Board For A Day , What Would You Do Differently?
by minimus ini would ask for donations to help this place run without costs to the owner.....and you?
I`m with Hamas I would give everyone the right to say what they want without locking they're threads.
Pacific NW Apostafest on August 2...who is planning to attend?
by Princess ini've had several emails and quite a list so far.
i'd like an idea of how many are planning to come but you can surprise me too!
no one will be turned away as long as everyone behaves.. for those of you who miss lb, he will be here with his lovely wife.
I would love to come, depends on the time and the place, I might go see some family there as I am a born and bred Everett Native....
If you could have dinner with any historical person...(top 3 choices)
by Ron1968 in.
if you could have dinner with any athlete, scientist, president, artist, or religious figure what would be your top 3 choices?.
Well I will not pick any biblical figures as I know that I will sit at the dinner table with them all some day.
So I pick....General George meade (my great, great, great Grandfather)
Anne Frank because she is an inspiration to me
Joan of Arc because she was one tough bitch, I like a woman with guts.....
LANDMARK DECISION - Vicki Boer vs Watchtower Society
by Uzzah inas most are aware, vicki boer has been long awaiting a decision to be handed down in a case she started against the society in canada.. the decision was handed down today.
as with any 55 page decision, it will take some time for the legal experts to hash it over and decipher what was said.
but, in a nutshell..... vicki won.
I just hope that there will be more of those abused in the borg getting atleast the same. It is a victory no matter what the amount of the winnings as the borg has much more money than we do. The saying usually goes the more money you have the beeter the chance of winning in a court case. So this was good, very good. I hope now that more will stand up to the borg and fight for what was lost them by the borg and there followers.
Well here I go again
by KGB inokay, okay some said i would come back and they were right.
this is now my second apology.
after i left i was angry and frustrated because i don't like the ol` arguement thing.
Oklahoma Man Gets Life 4 Spitting on Cop????
by ISP inoklahoma man gets life in.
prison for spitting on cop .
yep I agree ASH !