Boy I bet Im much older and wiser than you. If you cannot answer to my thread with a halfway polite response then stay the hell away from it. Or are you just born to be a jerk?
Posts by KGB
Biblical references ?
by KGB ini have noticed that a lot of you here quote references of history from scripture, so my question is this.
if you say that the bible is not the true word of god then how can it even be a true word of history.
Biblical references ?
by KGB ini have noticed that a lot of you here quote references of history from scripture, so my question is this.
if you say that the bible is not the true word of god then how can it even be a true word of history.
no thoughts aey ? hmmmmmmmm
To Those Who Believe That GOD Exists - Prove It!
by SpannerintheWorks inyou didn't come to that conclusion in an instant, did you?
you thought about it, deliberated and concluded: god exists!.
how did you get to that conclusion?.
I thought that sushi was raw fish?
To Those Who Believe That GOD Exists - Prove It!
by SpannerintheWorks inyou didn't come to that conclusion in an instant, did you?
you thought about it, deliberated and concluded: god exists!.
how did you get to that conclusion?.
People blame God for a lot of things that man actually cause. Saying if there was a God then why are there earthquakes and etc. So then I guess we should blame God for creating the car, which makes polution,which causes people to get cancer. Is this Gods fault? I hardly doubt it. Like I said earlier, Mans imperfections has caused most disasters and atrocities. We are destroying this earth and when we destroy it it destroys us. Just like the ozone layers burning up, hell I can say I dont remember worring about skin cancer when I was a kid but you sure as hell got to worry about it now. Get my drift ?
What gift would you buy the President...
by Brummie ingraham norton just announced that saudi ariabian embassador brought president bush a 600.000 oil painting.. japan gave him a rare ceremonial arrow.
tony blair gave him....a toiletry bag.. a true brit huh.. i'd get him one of these:.
I'd give him a one way ticket to Iceland
Question for those who still occasionally attend meetings
by unique1 indo you do things just to piss the brothers off when you go to a meeting?
like just to be rebellious i always wear a skirt above the knee and cross my legs to make it even shorter, because i enjoy the disapproving looks.
i even wore pants to the meeting when i was feeling extra sassy.
It's because none of still go to them evil meetings, Nothing personal....
If it were backwards
by Jourles ini often wonder how most iraqis feel about the presence of troops in their homeland destroying statues, searching through their homes, making sure the oil stays flowing over other basic necessities, etc.
some iraqis may love the usa for doing what they did.
but there are probably many iraqis that hate us even more than ever.
You must not be watching the news. Just this mourning on CNN they reported that the Iraqies are beginning to question the US purpose and means of being there and for starting war. They are not very happy with us being there as life was going pretty well for them before we came and destroyed it. Hell they had electricity before we came there, they were allowed to go out in the cities at night before we got there, etc etc. CNN says that the Iraqi people are beginning to build up new forces to fight against us, hell why not all we did was make there lives more miserable.
To Those Who Believe That GOD Exists - Prove It!
by SpannerintheWorks inyou didn't come to that conclusion in an instant, did you?
you thought about it, deliberated and concluded: god exists!.
how did you get to that conclusion?.
Be careful you dont get worms from eating the raw fish, seen a program on discovery on people who get worms, someone on the show got it from eating raw fish. It was pretty graphic when he was saying about when he went to the bathroom to poop and this elongated object came out of his anus and when he tried to pull it out it would not come out. He went to the Doc to find he had worms....Ewwwwwwwwwwww
Check your IQ in less than 13 minutes
by JH inthanks to quinah and nathan natas of another forum, here is the link to check your iq.
it says i have an iq of 139 .
I did an online IQ it came back to me a 144
What was he doing?
by Ariell infor those of you who believe in god, and i know this may sound like a silly question, but what was he doing before he created jesus, the first thing he ever made.
we're talking an eternity here.
zillions upon zillions of years.
Heres something to think about. If we were the onoly ones then how did the dinosaurs get here and where are they now. Should'nt they still be here, does anyone honestly think that man made them extinct ?