Yes, and you should never drink and drive.
You might hit a bump and spill your drink.
i read this on watchtower.orgautomobile accidents.
are you safe?.
Yes, and you should never drink and drive.
You might hit a bump and spill your drink.
i see 2 sisters today inj the fs .. so stop and start working them, they are so happy i know much about the wt.
i went into some thing about selling mag's etc.
and all of a sudden they went wild on how at the hall the co or somebody was asking for thousands of $'s for an assembly .
Wow! Sounds like a reverse Service Meeting experience!
so i think mine would be a commodo dragon, eat, sleep and kick everyone's disease to harm me just man, witch everbody has to worry about.. so what animal matches your personality?
A dipf**k platypus.
i've been meaning to post about this situation but kept putting it off.
now that it's the weekend and i've got the week behind me and i'm a little more relaxed i'm going to go ahead and lay it on y'all if you don't mind.
but if they want to make tech pay then they need to become tech's and do the work.
You mentioned "black tire guys", but frankly I don't think I've ever seen a tire that wasn't black.........
for a very formal wedding...i am 47 and 5'1", small chested....
Hi Beryl,
DJ's comments are spot on. (DJ I like your style!)
The choice is between No. 5 or No. 9. If you want to make it easy though, the choice is No. 5 without a doubt.
Ultimately though it would be nice to see you take a twirl in both since the fit is pretty important. :)
which is worse?
william shatner talking "lucy in the sky with diamonds" or linda mccartney singing "hey jude" but singing it "hey dude"?
Praise be unto precious cheeses.
ok...i have dabbled in a few forums over the many years i had access to the internet.
at one time i frequented one for quite some time, then it disappeared.
i tried other forums, and most of the time, i felt stiffled, aggitatted, annoyed or bored to tears.
Simon, whom shall we go away to?
Seriously, I didn't know that any other forums existed. What are they?
i have not seen any posts by beck melbourne lately.
i pm'd her about two weeks ago, with no response yet.
does anyone know if she's okay?
I too have been wondering about her and was going to start a thread of inquiry. I was away from the forum for a while and upon my return, immediately noticed her absence.
Prisca, please tell Beck hi from 'ol Syrup.
sooner or later it happens to all of us.the time comes for us to draw our last breath and pass from this life into the next.over the years history has recorded some fascinating "famous last words" are a few.. "i've never felt better".douglas fairbanks,sr.,actor.. "iam about to----or i am going to-----die;either expression is correct".dominique bouhours,french grammarian.. "don't let it end like this.tell them i said something.
"pancho villa,mexican revolutionary.. "all my possessions for a moment of time!
"elizabeth 1,queen of england.. "everybody has got to die,but i have always believed an exception would be made in my what?
I've always said I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers.
ok, folks, this yet another of those "what do you think of american ******?".
i thought i'd take a peek at the issue of sentimentality.
as you know, us brits are a stiff-upper lip emotionally constipated bunch .
Wait a second! I thought it was multiple choice. A or B. Didn't realize it was a sliding scale. In that case....x